BCAL Reconstruction Meeting 2014-05-29

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Video Conferencing Information

Meeting Time: 11:15 a.m. EDT

  1. To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1] https://bluejeans.com/907185247.
  2. To join via Polycom room system go to the IP Address: (bjn.vc) and enter the meeting ID: 907185247.
  3. To join via phone, use one of the following numbers and the Conference ID: 907185247.
    • US or Canada: +1 408 740 7256 or
    • US or Canada: +1 888 240 2560
  4. Upon connection all microphones are automatically muted. To unmute your mike on a Polycom or equivalent unit, enter *4. Unmuting on a computer is trivial as there is a microphone button than can be clicked.
  5. More information on connecting to bluejeans is available.

Participant Direct Lines

  • JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460 (usual room)
  • JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
  • Phone in the Regina Video-conference Suite is 306-585-4204


  1. BCAL Reconstruction Issues
  2. BCAL Reconstruction Algorithms
  3. Will's reconstructed energy info

Action Items

  1. Introduce FPGA timing algorithm to derive hit times from fADC
  2. "Curvature effect": incorporate Andrei's and Irina's parametrization of this effect into the KLOE and IU codes and establish that this closes the gap in cluster handling between the two codes. (Andrei/Irina)
  3. Start developing BDT variables for cluster handling in the BCAL Reconstruction. (Tegan)
  4. Constants in code should be transferred to database; list of parameters for ccdb storage.


  1. Announcements
  2. Action Items
  3. Assign tasks (see BCAL Reconstruction Meeting 2014-05-06)
  4. Updates
  5. Any other business


Attendees: David, Mark (JLab), Will (CMU), Tegan, Andrei, Zisis (Regina)

  1. Announcements: none
  2. Action Items:
    1. JANA: no progress. It handles things up to the application of the calibration constants. Now we can use data.
    2. Constants in code: time-walk corrections are possibly not in their final form. Once we finalize this it would make sense to move the constants into the ccdb. Ditto for the energy correction factor. Also, gains are not in the code. Mark and David commented on DBCALHit and DBCALTDCHit factory objects. HDDM assumes that pedestals and gains have been applied to the data in EVIO. We need lower level objects such as DBCALDigiHit factory that exists right now, however, with hard coded numbers. We should use it with the BCAL data that we are gathering now (cosmics). Also, the 3rd word in the flash will contain the pedestal info, on an event by event basis. Some thinking is needed in how to handle the pedestals if not available in the stream or outside some predefined range (ie. have default values).
    3. Engineering runs: nobody will read actual data format for these runs. Everyone will be reading full waveform samples. The FPGA will provide pulse integral, pulse time and pulse pedestal info. For the CDC there is no equivalent firmware in the 125 to do what the 250 can do. FDC has no plans. FCAL? BCAL will be the trailblazer in this.
  3. Assign tasks: Tegan will slowly tackle MCSMEAR (code, formalisms, constants). Will is happy to act as a 'consultant' and provide help.
  4. Updates: none at present
  5. Any other business
    1. EventViewer: It needs a lot of work. Code is very complex and not well documented. There 2 CNU and 2 Regina students (at Regina) that could work on it, provided Mark/David can make it more modular and provide some standard to do the coding. Examples of modules would be 'BCAL zoom-in', TOF, Tagger, Pair Spectrometer, START, data visualization. Mark/David will report on this at a later date.