Controls Meeting 14-Jun-2012
From GlueXWiki
- Announcements
- We'll move quickly over or skip all the usual items, then switch to Sarin's followup Danfysik tutorial
- Minutes from previous meeting 31-May-2012
- CNU summer student projects - Elliott
- Liebert UPS control, SNMP, AFECS/EPICS, etc.
- Barcode scanner - Hovanes, Elliott
- Controls hardware requests - Josh
- Plan to use CompactLogix
- Do we need Dataforth modules?
- EPICS - Hovanes, Vanik
- alarm system, goniometer, UConn boards, other power supplies, etc.
- Counting house installation - Hovanes, Mark
- Solenoid_Controls_Redesign - Mark, Josh, Scot, Elliott
- FastTrack, FMEA, UPS power to Danfysik, SOE, QD, overcurrent protection, ground fault detector, etc.
- JInventory database - Elliott
- new columns, cable database
- Test stand - Hovanes, Josh
- PLC programming and PXI system - Josh, Dave
- Elogs and databases - Elliott
- Midas elog
- Operator elog
- Mantis task tracker
- Experiment Control Supervisor - Elliott
- Danfysik Tutorial by Sarin
9:30 AM Thurs 14-Jun-2012 CC L207
Next Meeting
9:30am Thurs 28-Jun-2012 CC L207
Present: Elliott W, Dave B, Vanik K, Giles B, Josh B, Mark S, Scot S, Sarin P, Cody D.
We went over the agenda very briefly to leave time for Sarin's second tutorial on Danfysik power supplies. Some highlights:
- Scot likely will wire the new CompatcLogix channels to terminal blocks for better organization.
- We don't think Dataforth isolators are needed for the new channels.
- Vanik is working on the motion control driver, adding new functions, developing gui's, etc.
- Nerses will return soon to work on the HV and LV systems.
- RDC is connected to the UPS, Giles is finalizing plans for power in the rack room.
- Our techs (Mark B, etc.) will do the wiring, Paul Powers will inspect.
At this point Sarin took over.