August 10, 2016 Calibration

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Revision as of 17:37, 9 August 2016 by Sdobbs (Talk | contribs) (Calibrations for Second Production Run)

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GlueX Calibration Meeting
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
11:00 am, EST
JLab: CEBAF Center, F326

Communication Information

Remote Connection

You can connect using BlueJeans using the meeting number 630 804 895 .       (Click "Expand" to the right for more details -->):

  1. Make sure you have created a BlueJeans account via your JLab CUE account using this link:

  2. Meeting ID: 630804895
    • (you may need to type this in, depending how you connect)

  3. If connecting via Web Browser: click this link (no passcode is needed):

  4. If connecting via iOS or Android App:
    • Use your JLab e-mail address to log in and then enter the meeting ID given above to join the meeting

  5. If connecting via Phone: Dial one of the following numbers and then enter the meeting ID above and hit "#" or "##"

  6. If connecting via Polycom unit:
    • Dial or
    • Enter meeting ID above
    • Use *4 to unmute


Talks can be deposited in the directory /group/halld/www/halldweb/html/talks/2016 on the JLab CUE. This directory is accessible from the web at .

Calibration Tasks

  1. Spring 2016 Recon Checklist
  2. Mcsmear updates - mcsmear 20160323
  3. Data Validation
  4. GlueX Detector Performance Document

Calibrations for Second Production Run

  • Updated error matrices (all)
  • Fix handling of individually-read-out TAGM columns (Alex B.)
  • Tagger hit merging (Nathan/Alex B.)
  • Updates to FCAL non-linearity (Adesh)
  • Recalibrate gains for early runs ~<10600 (Adesh)
  • Add timing information to FCAL clustering/inner ring calibrations (Adesh/Matt S.)
  • BCAL TDC calibrations (Andrei)
  • BCAL energy non-linearity correction (Will M.)
  • FDC wire timing & reconstruction (Lubomir/Simon/Alex A.)
  • FDC per-channel calibrations (Alex A./Mike S./?)
  • TOF ADC energy and timing calibrations (Beni)
  • TOF alignment (Beni/Simon)
  • General timing realignment (Sean)


  1. Announcements
    • ROOT 6 transition - test your script!
  2. Automated Calibrations
    • Tests planned before October run
    • Timing Calibrations
    • ADC gains?
    • Drift time-to-distance?
    • Anything else?
  3. Calibration Plans for Second Production Run
    • Deadline: August 31?
  4. Next Monitoring Run
  5. Calibration Updates
  6. Simulations
    • sim1.1 for data/simulation matching studies (Sean/Mark I.)
  7. AOB