Run Coordination Meetings:Fall2019 Run
Fall 2019/Spring 2020 GlueX Run
Meeting General Agenda
Connect Information
To connect from the outside by phone please do the following
1.) To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1]
2.) To join via Polycom room system go to the IP Address: ( and enter the meeting ID: 660743227.
3.) To join via phone, use one of the following numbers and the Conference ID: 660743227.
4.) The moderator code is 8394
Dial Either +1 408 740 7256 or +1 888 240 2560 for US or Canada
Specific instructions for connecting from JLab's Hall D conference room:
- Turn polycon on if necessary (do it before turning the computer on)
- With the polycon, place a call at
- Press # to enable the polycom keypad, then enter the meeting id: 660743227 and #
- You may have to unmute the microphone: #*4
- Turn the computer on if needed
Beam and Hall configuration
- Beam energy expected:
- 11.6 GeV (Tentative. It may be 11.5 GeV, i.e. about 100 MeV less than value for Spring 2019)
- Solenoid:
- 1350A
- CW Beam:
- 250 MHz frequency.
- Range: 1 nA-2100 nA. (High current required for short Tagger Accidental study)
- Chopper slit: shared with Hall C.
- Standard current and radiators
- DIRC commissioning:
- ~120/300 nA on a 4.1·10-4 R.L. radiator (50 μm diamond). (RSAD limit 500nA on 58 μm diamond))
- ~140/360 nA on a 33.7·10-5 R.L. AL radiator (30 µm Al). (RSAD limit 600nA on 30 µm Al radiator))
- GlueX Production:
- ~300 nA on a 4.1·10-4 R.L. radiator (50 μm diamond). (RSAD limit 500nA on 58 μm diamond))
- ~360 nA on a 33.7·10-5 R.L. AL radiator (30 µm Al). (RSAD limit 600nA on 30 µm Al radiator))
- High luminosity DAQ tests: 400-600 nA on a 40 μm µm Al radiator
- Tagger Accidental study 125-2100 nA on 40 μm µm Al radiator
- DIRC commissioning:
- Position Slow Lock on or FFB on (FFB doesn't operate below 50nA).
- Radiators:
- Goniometer radiators: DIRC commissioning starts on 40 μm Al radiator. Then it uses production diamond.
- Diamond JD70-103 (50 μm - 4.1·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - new crystal - good rocking curve
- Diamond JD70-105 (47 μm - 3.9·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - Used for the second part of GlueX's Fall 2018 run. Good performance.
- Diamond JD70-106 (50 μm - 4.1·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - new crystal - good rocking curve
- Diamond JD70-107 (55 μm - 4.6·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - new crystal - good rocking curve
- Diamond JD70-109 (50 μm - 4.1·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - new crystal - good rocking curve
- Amorphous 40 μm Al radiator (44.9·10-5 R.L.)
- V-wire (for TAC run).
- Amorphous
- 1.64 µm Al (1.86·10-5 R.L., see study)</font>
- 10 µm Al (11.2·10-5 R.L.)
- 30 µm Al (33.7·10-5 R.L.)
- Goniometer radiators: DIRC commissioning starts on 40 μm Al radiator. Then it uses production diamond.
- Tagger quadrupole on (-4.2 A).
- Collimator hole: Both 5 mm diameter and 3.4 mm diameter. Default running: 5.0 mm.
- Targets:
- LH2 target: cryogenic target
- PS converter: 75 μm
- Absolute luminosity calibration:
- TAC partially cured for and installed but has divider problem.
- ComCal installed and can be used instead of TAC.
- Miscellaneous:
- Tracking device (2 Transition Radiation Detector(TRD, one wire-based, 1 GEM-based)+3 GEM) in front of lower DIRC box during DIRC commissioning.
- Will be placed at three different locations during DIRC commissioning. Access necessary to move them to new position. (Solenoid field does not need to be ramped down.) 3h is necessary to move GEM/TRD from one location to the next (ideally done during beam study/RF recovery).
- Will be moved in the Pair Spect. area during Spring run.
- Pair Spect. area: FCal Pb-W cristal testing/Hall C scintillator glass testing
- EIC aerogel test? If ready. Will be behind the GEM/TRD
- Fiber test for profiler prototype (Regina)?
- Tracking device (2 Transition Radiation Detector(TRD, one wire-based, 1 GEM-based)+3 GEM) in front of lower DIRC box during DIRC commissioning.
General Information
This document describes the run plan for the Hall D Fall 2019-Spring 2020 run.
- Schedule for the run:
- Nov. 18th - 24th: Electron beam restoration.
- Nov. 25th - Dec. 19th: 2 PAC-weeks for DIRC Commissioning (Solenoid at nominal field. LH2 target))
- Dec. 20th -Jan. 2nd: Xmas break.
- Jan. 3rd - 9th: Electron beam restoration. (Same condition as Fall ⇒ It is not unreasonable to imagine it to be faster). This was the case for the Fall17-Spring18 run where the Xmas break was also very short.)
- Counting room will be staffed (Standby).
- If time allows, the GEM/TRD will be moved to PS location (lower priority than GlueX production if we have an early start).
- Jan. 10th -May 6th: GlueX high luminosity production.
- Nominally, every Mondays: 12h of beam study. Every Tuesdays, if necessary: 8h of RF recovery.
- Accelerator overall plan and priorities:
- Deliver physics beam to 4 halls. (Hall A stop early, on March. 23rd. Halls B and or C will always be at 5th pass (except for 2×2 days for Hall C), so Hall D beam will always be RF-separated.)
- Hall D plan
- Experiment: GlueX E12-06-102 Production
- Straight track run:
- At the very beginning of the Fall run.
- Done for each of the 3 positions of GEM/TRD
- Overall, one night of good data.
- ⇒ overall about one calendar day: 14h of data (assumes 60% efficiency) + 4h for moving GEM/TRD + 8h solenoid ramp-up.
- DIRC commissioning page (+TRD/GEM).
- DAQ:
- new CODA 4h at higher intensity than standard.
- cDAQ 4h at higher intensity than standard.
- Data consistency check (parasitic).
- Trigger tests:
- FCal-BCal-ST trigger test/preparation for hifi current DAQ test: 1 shift
- High intensity (i.e. nominal for this run) trigger needs tuning at each increase of the beam current until nominal high intensity is reached.
- HV scans for TOF's new counters.
- Tagging accidentals beam tests (Richard Jones, Beni,Todd Satogata, Mike McCaugh) 2×shifts + tests during beam studies.
- Mott area study by CEBAF staff. Done during beam studies. Hall D may be open.
- High rate tagging test: 1 shift: 3h of data taking at 100% efficiency+overhead.
- To be done twice. Once at the start of Fall, once during Summer run.
- First iteration: to be done after straight track runs when the solenoid is ramping-up.
- 8 rate scans from 3kHz to 50kHz PS rates.
- Beam current 125 to 2100 nA</font> on 40m Al. amorphous radiator.
- PS trigger only.
- Target status: Empty per RadCon group request, GlueX detector off, 5mm collimator, switch off all of TAGH.
- 10M events for each run or more if rate is high: a run should not be less that 10 min.
- Can be followed by empty target run, since the target will be emptied for the test.
- ComCal test: anode current studies with special trigger (raw mode): 4h invasive.
- Pair. Spec. test area:
- Right arm (facing downstream): FCal Pb-W cristal quality and detector checks. Fully parasitic
- Left arm:
- EIC/Hall C aerogel tests. To be done before the glass-scintillator test below.
- Fall 2019: Test of Hall C 3×3 block glass-scintillator prototype. Fully parasitic
- Spring 2020: TRD/GEM will be present after removal from in front of DIRC. Aerogel may be present. Fully parasitic
- CPP trigger tests: 1 shift + 2 shifts of installation/removal.
- End of Fall or beginning of January.
- Invasive.
- Installation/removal should be coordinated with beam study and RF recovery, to save a shift or two.
- Test fast raster beam envelope measurement with larger x-rastering (Todd Satogata/ Mike McCaugh/Richard Jones) Invasive but done during beam studies
- Beamline, TAC platform: Fiber test for profiler prototype (Regina)? Fiber thickness info required in the RSAD
- Expected Staffing and responsibilities:
- The Run Coordinator oversees the run:
- Nov 18th-Nov 24th: 7 days: Alexandre Deur (accelerator restoration)
- Nov 24th-Dec 4th, 11 days: Alexandre Deur
- Dec 4th-Dec 11th, 7 days: Naomi Jarvis
- Dec 11th-Dec. 20th, 10 days: Wenliang Li
- Jan 3rd-Jan 9th: 7 days: Alexandre Deur (accelerator restoration)
- Jan 9th-Jan 15th, 7 days: Alexandre Deur
- Jan 15th-Jan 22nd, 7 days: Jonathan Zarling
- Jan 22nd-Jan 29th, 7 days: Alexander Austregesilo
- Jan 29th-Feb 5th, 7 days: Alexander Ostrovidov
- Feb 5th-Feb 12th, 7 days: Daniel Lersch
- Feb 12th-Feb 19th, 7 days: Richard Jones
- Feb 19th-Feb 26th, 7 days: Colin Gleason
- Feb 26th-March 4th, 7 days: TBD )
- March 4th-March 11th, 7 days: TBD )
- March 11th-March 18th, 7 days: Richard Jones
- March 18th-March 25th, 7 days: Mark Dalton
- The Run Coordinator oversees the run:
- March 25th-Apr 1st, 7 days: TBD )
- Apr 1st-Apr 8th, 7 days: TBD )
- Apr 8th-Apr 15th, 7 days: Naomi Jarvis
- Apr 15th-Apr 22nd, 7 days: TBD )
- Apr 22nd-Apr 29th, 7 days: TBD )
- Apr 29th=May 6th, 7 days: TBD )
- The Physics Division Liaison (PDL) and Hall D Work Coordinator/Safety Warden (M. Stevens) verify that the proper safety rules are followed. PDL is:
- PDL: Benedikt Zihlmann, Deputy PDL: Lubomir Penchev
- The analysis coordinator (Alexander Austregesilo) oversees the off-line diagnostic of the different systems and analysis of the data.
- Shifts: 2 persons per shift.
- Coordination Activities:
- The RC will attend the MCC meetings at 7:45am and 8:00am and the weekly MCC meeting (Wednesday, 1:30pm). The PDL will attend the weekly MCC meeting.
- Daily run meetings broadcasted on Bluejeans will occur at 8:45am in the counting house conference room. The Run Coordinator will be responsible for organizing and chairing the meeting.
- Useful links:
- Accelerator schedule
- Link to Richard Jones program to plot the beam profile at the collimator.
- Links to previous runplans
- Links to beam parameters/radiation level monitoring:
- Last 8-hours plots showing 1-minute, 10-minute, and hourly averages
- Same but Last 24-hours
- Same but Last 72-hours
- Week, month, and quarter (3 months) plots also exist, with similar web addresses.
- A map of the radiation monitors
Hall D situation room (current run plan)
Hall D counting room white board
Runplan time charts
Fall 2019 time chart:
Spring 2019 commissioning/run time chart. Week 1.
The horizontal scale is the time during which beam is available (in other words, it would be the real time with 100% of beam efficiency).
The task time estimates given on the plot have 100% contingency.
Run time chart. Week 2.
Run time chart. Week 3.
Run time chart. Week 4.
Accelerator status
Hot Checkout
To be completed by Thurs. Nov. 22nd.
- Hot Check OUT Status 33% ready ; 4% checked ; 63% not ready
Readiness for Fall 2019/Spring 2020 run
- Solenoid (Eugene/Beni): Ready
Ramped it to 800A.- Doing the HCO. To be completed on Nov. 7th.
- Surveys (Tim/Mark/Scott)
Goniometer fiducialization and survey (Oct 18). Done.Target/SC survey (Oct 28)- ComCal final alignment (Nov 20)
- TAC/Profiler Survey, if possible (Nov 20)
TRD/Gem Fiducialization (Nov 8) and Survey (Nov 12)DIRC North Final Survey (Nov 13)- DIRC South Final Survey (Nov 20)
- FCAL/TOF/ComCal final Survey (Nov 20)
- </strike>agger Hodoscope Survey: Oct. 31th </strike>
Collimator Motion
- DAQ (Sergei).
- Ran the DAQ with cosmics and found a few issues. They are fixed and the DAQ looks fine now.
- Tested CDAQ as well and a problem was found and fixed.
- Trigger (Alex S.).
Cosmic trigger tested and appears fine.FCal LED trigger is fine too.New firmware being installed on FCAL and BCal crates.- Further checks ongoing.
- PS trigger has now a separate trigger type.
Problem found for 5 FCal Boards. They have been replaced.
- Beam line
Diamond status (Tim/Hovanes).- Diamonds are ready.
- Tagger hodoscope (A. Somov).
- Checked and ready for HCO
- One counter was broken recently. It is fixed now.
- Tagger microscope (Richard Jones/Beni).
- Temperature readout to be added to EPICS in order to enable temperature alarms.
Goniometer (Hovanes).- Tested during survey. Everything was fine.
- Could not boot the controller.
- To be installed behind ComCal.
- Need to put the halo monitors near the target, once the area become less busy (Nov. 18-23rd).
- Suspicious channel. Not a critical problem. Looking at it with Fernando.
- Ready for HCO
Necessary for DIRC commissioning.- To be done this week.
Involves Fernando, A. Somov and Sergei.- Calorimeter and aerogel detectors to be tested in PS area need to be integrated as well. However, they are not part of the main goal of this run.
- Tested early Oct. when M. Dugger was on site. It looks fine and operational.
- Installed and surveyed.
- HCO to be completed on Nov. 21st.
New divider installed. TAC signals look fine now.- TAC is now installed and ready to be surveyed.
Added DIRC and TOF new channels.
- Checked, appart for the TOF signal: one cable need to be reconnected.
- They are all in place. Signals from tagger vault look fine. No signal from the hall. John Jefferson looking into it.
- ST (Mark Ito/Beni): Ready
Up and running. HCO done.
FDC (Lubomir).- Defective low voltages have been replaced. FDC look fine now.
- A protective mesh has been installed
- Few more checks to be done for gas. HCO done.
- Tests completed and the CDC ready. Now the target can be moved in.
- Taking cosmic in raw mode. This revealed a few suspicious channels. We will live with that.
- 2 preamps replaced.
- Drift times are longer with new alcohol. See Naomi's report.
- Not clear that this is a problem: it will be studied with CDC HV scan at the start of the run.
- A few options are possible to bring back the drift time to about former values.
- HCO done
- Gas chromatograph is now installed for the CDC. It can be remotely switch to looked at the FDC and TRD instead.
- HCO done
- Was turned on. Some of the low voltages did not come up but this is fixed now.
- Taking cosmic data. Things look fine so far.
- New firmware installed.
- Chiller was installed.
- HCO done.
- 15 basis left to be replaced. Will be done by thanksgiving.
- Collin will replace 3 bases and check 30 spares.
5 broken boards were replaced.
- Installed. Will be surveyed on 20th.
- Due to the TOF upgrade, all the frames were removed. TOF is now re-cabled but still needs to be checked.
TOF was surveyed and showed offsets.- HV translation table done. Spreadsheet updated.
Readout: the detectors are cabled and successfully read in pulser mode. One PMT was bad but has now been fixed.Mirror boxes: got the borosilicate glass that insulates the mirrors from the water.- North box ready. It has a small water leak but we will live with it.
- South box is ready. It also has a small water leak with which will live.
- The boxes are installed and filled with water. The bars are darkened. Everything is now ready to be checked.
- ready
- RCDB will start Fall2019/Spring 2020 runs at 70,000.
- All documents are ready in time. Certificate to run has been signed.
- Task lists and OPS to be written for the stand-alone tests in the PS area. None needed for the Regina profiler fiber test.
- System experts should start looking for their phone and charger.
- System experts should have found their on-call phones by now and should start charging them.
- The hall will be temporarily closed on Monday 25th between 2 and about 4pm for power supply certification.