Run Coordination Meetings:Fall2019 Run
- 1 Fall 2019/Spring 2020 GlueX Run
- 2 Meeting General Agenda
- 3 Connect Information
- 4 Beam and Hall configuration
- 5 General Information
- 6 Runplan
- 7 Hall D situation room (current run plan)
- 8 Runplan time charts
- 9 Accelerator status
- 10 Hot Checkout
- 11 Readiness for Fall 2019/Spring 2020 run
- 12 Live Camera Feeds from the Four Counting Houses
Fall 2019/Spring 2020 GlueX Run
Run Statistics Google Spreadsheet.
Meeting General Agenda
Run Planning Meeting Notes, Dec 5-Dec 11, 2019
Run Planning Meeting Notes, Dec 12-Dec 20, 2019
Run Planning Meeting Notes, Jan 16-Jan 22, 2020
Run Planning Meeting Notes, Jan 23-Jan 29, 2020
Run Planning Meeting Notes, Jan 30-Feb 05, 2020
Run Planning Meeting Notes, Feb 06-Feb 12, 2020
Run Planning Meeting Notes, Feb 13-Feb 19, 2020
Run Planning Meeting Notes, Feb 20-Feb 26, 2020
Run Planning Meeting Notes, Feb 27-Mar 05, 2020
Run Planning Meeting Notes, Mar 04-Mar 11, 2020
Run Planning Meeting Notes, Mar 12-Mar 18, 2020
Run Planning Meeting Notes, Mar 19-Mar 25, 2020
Connect Information
To connect from the outside by phone please do the following
1.) To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1]
2.) To join via Polycom room system go to the IP Address: ( and enter the meeting ID: 660743227.
3.) To join via phone, use one of the following numbers and the Conference ID: 660743227.
4.) The moderator code is 8394
Dial Either +1 408 740 7256 or +1 888 240 2560 for US or Canada
Specific instructions for connecting from JLab's Hall D conference room:
- Turn polycon on if necessary (do it before turning the computer on)
- With the polycon, place a call at
- Press # to enable the polycom keypad, then enter the meeting id: 660743227 and #
- You may have to unmute the microphone: #*4
- Turn the computer on if needed
Beam and Hall configuration
- Beam energy expected:
- 11.408 GeV (i.e. about 200 MeV less than value for Spring 2019)
- Solenoid:
- 1350A
- CW Beam:
- 250 MHz frequency.
- Range: 1 nA-2100 nA. (High current required for short Tagger Accidental study)
- Chopper slit: shared with Hall C, then use A slit when Hall A is done (03/26/2020).
- Standard current and radiators
DIRC commissioning:- ~120/300 nA on a 4.1·10-4 R.L. radiator (50 μm diamond). (RSAD limit 500nA on 58 μm diamond))
- ~140/360 nA on a 33.7·10-5 R.L. AL radiator (30 µm Al). (RSAD limit 600nA on 30 µm Al radiator))
- GlueX Production:
- ~300 nA on a 4.1·10-4 R.L. radiator (50 μm diamond). (RSAD limit 500nA on 58 μm diamond))
- ~360 nA on a 33.7·10-5 R.L. AL radiator (30 µm Al). (RSAD limit 600nA on 30 µm Al radiator))
High luminosity DAQ tests: 400-600 nA on a 40 μm Al radiator- Tagger Accidental study 125-2100 nA on 40 μm Al radiator
- Goniometer radiators: DIRC commissioning starts on 40 μm Al radiator. Then it uses production diamond.
- Diamond JD70-103 (50 μm - 4.1·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - new crystal - good rocking curve
- Diamond JD70-105 (47 μm - 3.9·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - Used for the second part of GlueX's Fall 2018 run. Good performance.
- Diamond JD70-106 (50 μm - 4.1·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - new crystal - good rocking curve
- Diamond JD70-107 (55 μm - 4.6·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - new crystal - good rocking curve
- Diamond JD70-109 (50 μm - 4.1·10-4 R.L., 7×7 mm²) - new crystal - good rocking curve
- Amorphous 40 μm Al radiator (44.9·10-5 R.L.)
- V-wire (for TAC run).
- Amorphous
- 1.64 µm Al (1.86·10-5 R.L., see study)
- 10 µm Al (11.2·10-5 R.L.)
- 30 µm Al (33.7·10-5 R.L.)
- Tagger quadrupole on (-4.2 A).
- Collimator hole: Both 5 mm diameter and 3.4 mm diameter. Default running: 5.0 mm.
- Targets:
- LH2 target: cryogenic target
- PS converter: 75 μm
- Absolute luminosity calibration:
- TAC partially cured for and installed. Divider problem fixed.
- ComCal installed and can be used instead of TAC.
- Miscellaneous:
- Tracking device (2 Transition Radiation Detector(TRD, one wire-based, 1 GEM-based)+3 GEM)
In front of lower DIRC box during DIRC commissioning.- Will be placed at three different locations during DIRC commissioning. Access necessary to move them to new position. (Solenoid field does not need to be ramped down.) 3h is necessary to move GEM/TRD from one location to the next (ideally done during beam study/RF recovery).
- Will be moved in the Pair Spect. area during Spring run.
- Pair Spect. area: FCal Pb-W cristal testing/Hall C scintillator glass testing
- EIC aerogel test? If ready. Will be behind the GEM/TRD
- Fiber test for profiler prototype (Regina)?
- Tracking device (2 Transition Radiation Detector(TRD, one wire-based, 1 GEM-based)+3 GEM)
General Information
This document describes the run plan for the Hall D Fall 2019-Spring 2020 run.
- Schedule for the run:
- Nov. 18th - 24th: Electron beam restoration.
- Nov. 25th - Dec. 19th: 2 PAC-weeks for DIRC Commissioning (Solenoid at nominal field. LH2 target))
- Dec. 20th -Jan. 2nd: Xmas break.
- Jan. 3rd - 9th: Electron beam restoration. (Same condition as Fall ⇒ It is not unreasonable to imagine it to be faster). This was the case for the Fall17-Spring18 run where the Xmas break was also very short.)
- Counting room will be staffed (Standby).
- If time allows, the GEM/TRD will be moved to PS location (lower priority than GlueX production if we have an early start).
- Jan. 10th -May 6th: GlueX high luminosity production.
- Nominally, every Mondays: 12h of beam study. Every Tuesdays, if necessary: 8h of RF recovery.
- Accelerator overall plan and priorities:
- Deliver physics beam to 4 halls. (Hall A stop early, on March. 26th. Halls B and or C will always be at 5th pass (except for 2×2 days for Hall C), so Hall D beam will always be RF-separated.)
- Hall D plan
- Experiment: GlueX E12-06-102 Production
Straight track run:- At the very beginning of the Fall run.
- Done for each of the 3 positions of GEM/TRD
- Overall, one night of good data.
- ⇒ overall about one calendar day: 14h of data (assumes 60% efficiency) + 4h for moving GEM/TRD + 8h solenoid ramp-up.
- DIRC commissioning page (+TRD/GEM).
- DAQ:
- new CODA 4h at higher intensity than standard.
- cDAQ 4h at higher intensity than standard.
- Data consistency check (parasitic).
- Trigger tests:
- FCal-BCal-ST trigger test/preparation for hifi current DAQ test: 1 shift
- High intensity (i.e. nominal for this run) trigger needs tuning at each increase of the beam current until nominal high intensity is reached.
- HV scans for TOF's new counters.
- Tagging accidentals beam tests (Richard Jones, Beni,Todd Satogata, Mike McCaugh) 2×shifts + tests during beam studies.
- Mott area study by CEBAF staff. Done during beam studies. Hall D may be open.
- High rate tagging test: 1 shift: 3h of data taking at 100% efficiency+overhead.
- To be done twice.
Once at the start of Fall, onceduring Summer run. First iteration: to be done after straight track runs when the solenoid is ramping-up.- 8 rate scans from 3kHz to 50kHz PS rates.
- Beam current 125 to 2100 nA</font> on 40m Al. amorphous radiator.
- PS trigger only.
- Target status: Empty per RadCon group request, GlueX detector off, 5mm collimator, switch off all of TAGH.
- 10M events for each run or more if rate is high: a run should not be less that 10 min.
- Can be followed by empty target run, since the target will be emptied for the test.
- To be done twice.
- ComCal test: anode current studies with special trigger (raw mode): 4h invasive.
- Pair. Spec. test area:
- Right arm (facing downstream): FCal Pb-W cristal quality and detector checks. Fully parasitic
- Left arm:
- EIC/Hall C aerogel tests. To be done before the glass-scintillator test below.
Fall 2019: Test of Hall C 3×3 block glass-scintillator prototype. Fully parasitic - Spring 2020: TRD/GEM will be present after removal from in front of DIRC. Aerogel may be present. Fully parasitic
- CPP trigger tests: 1 shift + 2 shifts of installation/removal.
End of Fall or beginning of January.- Invasive.
- Installation/removal should be coordinated with beam study and RF recovery, to save a shift or two.
- Test fast raster beam envelope measurement with larger x-rastering (Todd Satogata/ Mike McCaugh/Richard Jones) Invasive but done during beam studies
- Beamline, TAC platform: Fiber test for profiler prototype (Regina)? Fiber thickness info required in the RSAD
- Expected Staffing and responsibilities:
- The Run Coordinator oversees the run:
Nov 18th-Nov 24th: 7 days: Alexandre Deur (accelerator restoration) - Nov 24th-Dec 4th, 11 days: Alexandre Deur
- Dec 4th-Dec 11th, 7 days: Naomi Jarvis
- Dec 11th-Dec. 18th, 10 days: Wenliang Li
- Dec 18th-Dec. 20th, 3 days: Alexandre Deur
- Jan 3rd-Jan 9th: 7 days: Alexandre Deur (accelerator restoration)
- Jan 9th-Jan 15th, 7 days: Alexandre Deur
- Jan 15th-Jan 22nd, 7 days: Jonathan Zarling
- Jan 22nd-Jan 29th, 7 days: Alexander Austregesilo
- Jan 29th-Feb 5th, 7 days: Alexander Ostrovidov
- Feb 5th-Feb 12th, 7 days: Daniel Lersch
- Feb 12th-Feb 19th, 7 days: Richard Jones
- Feb 19th-Feb 26th, 7 days: Colin Gleason
- Feb 26th-March 4th, 7 days: Wenliang Li
- March 4th-March 11th, 7 days: Justin Stevens
- March 11th-March 18th, 7 days: Richard Jones
- March 18th-March 25th, 7 days: Mark Dalton
- March 25th-Apr 1st, 7 days: A. Deur
- Apr 1st-Apr 8th, 7 days: TBD
- Apr 8th-Apr 15th, 7 days: TBD
- Apr 15th-Apr 22nd, 7 days: TBD
- Apr 22nd-Apr 29th, 7 days: TBD
- Apr 29th-May 6th, 7 days: TBD
- The Physics Division Liaison (PDL) and Hall D Work Coordinator/Safety Warden (M. Stevens) verify that the proper safety rules are followed. PDL is:
- PDL: Benedikt Zihlmann, Deputy PDL: Lubomir Penchev
- The analysis coordinator (Alexander Austregesilo) oversees the off-line diagnostic of the different systems and analysis of the data.
- Shifts: 2 persons per shift.
- The Run Coordinator oversees the run:
- Coordination Activities:
- The RC will attend the MCC meetings at 7:45am and 8:00am and the weekly MCC meeting (Wednesday, 1:30pm). The PDL will attend the weekly MCC meeting.
- Daily run meetings broadcasted on Bluejeans will occur at 8:45am in the counting house conference room. The Run Coordinator will be responsible for organizing and chairing the meeting.
- Useful links:
- Accelerator schedule
- Link to Richard Jones program to plot the beam profile at the collimator.
- Links to previous runplans
- Links to beam parameters/radiation level monitoring:
- Last 8-hours plots showing 1-minute, 10-minute, and hourly averages
- Same but Last 24-hours
- Same but Last 72-hours
- Week, month, and quarter (3 months) plots also exist, with similar web addresses.
- A map of the radiation monitors
- Verify electron beam quality and establish photon beam (assume 1 day).
- Ion Chambers trip threshold must be set using Al. radiators
- Tune electron beam with radiator retracted
- Radiator (amorphous and diamond) must be retracted. Collimator should be in blocking position.
- Typical levels are (for radiator retracted, collimator fully blocking, electron beam current 50 nA)
- RAD102_P1 ~ 10 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, between tagger and dump)
- RAD102_P2 < 0.1 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, on the ground below the goniometer).
- RAD102_P3 ~ 0.3 mrem/hr (tagger area, neutrons, near electronics racks)
- RAD508_P1 < 0.1 mrad/hr (collimator cave, gammas).
- RAD508_P2 ~ 0. mrad/hr (Hall. Neutrons).
- Typical levels are (for radiator retracted, collimator fully blocking, electron beam current 50 nA)
- Radiator (amorphous and diamond) must be retracted. Collimator should be in blocking position.
- Establish good photon beam
- Make sure tagger quadrupole is on and at -4.2 A. (It can be turned on only once the Hall is in power/beam permit.)
- Insert 2*10-5 RL radiator. Call MCC and ask to mask the FSD and turn off beam each time a radiator is moved
- Typical levels are (for 2×10-5 radiator, electron beam current 50 nA)
- RAD102_P1= 35 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, between tagger and dump)
- RAD102_P2= < 0.5 mrad/hr (tagger area, gammas, on the ground below the goniometer)
- RAD102_P3= ~2 mrem/hr (tagger area, neutrons, near electronics racks)
- RAD508_P1= ~10 mrad/hr (collimator cave, gammas).
- RAD508_P2 < ~ 0. mrad/hr (Hall. Neutrons).
- Typical levels are (for 2×10-5 radiator, electron beam current 50 nA)
- Insert 2*10-5 RL radiator. Call MCC and ask to mask the FSD and turn off beam each time a radiator is moved
- Verify beam position and envelope (Hovanes).
- Ask MCC to set beam position on 5C11b to x=-0.5 mm and y=+1.0 mm.
- Ask MCC for 5C11 and 5C11B HARP. Then do our radiator HARP scan, see instruction. If it looks good, proceed to next step. Otherwise, inform MCC.
- Insert profiler (no need for masking FSD when an object is inserted in the photon line), run with 10×10-4 radiator and 50 nA. Beam on the profiler should be at x=0.0±0.5cm; y=0.0±0.5cm. If not, inform MCC.
- Radiation level study (1h):
- Run 5 min without radiator (Call MCC and ask to mask the FSD each time the radiator is moved). Beam current: 50nA. Repeat at 100 nA and 200 nA
- Run 5 min with the 10-4 radiator (Call MCC). Beam current: 50nA. Repeat at 100 nA and 200 nA
- Run 3 min with the 3*10-4 radiator (Call MCC). Beam current: 50nA. Repeat at 100 nA and 200 nA
- Photon flux optimization and Active Collimator calibration. (20 + 20 mins). Call Hovanes.
- re-Insert the 10-4 radiator (Call MCC). Use about 100 nA beam current. This will provide the Act. Col. nominal positions for its high gain values.
- Determine maximum photon beam transmission by doing 2D scans using the collimator x/y motions (Hovanes. 1h)
- Repeat procedure with 2*10-5 radiator (Call MCC) and 50 nA beam current. This will provide the Act. Col. nominal positions for its low gain values.
- Record on the white board what is the beam position on 5C11b and Active Collimator for optimal photon transmission, both for low and high Act. Col. gain.
- Until Hovanes determines to optimal 5C11b and Active Collimator position, keep profiler in and beam locked (MCC's duty) on the nominal 5C11b and x=0,y=0 profiler position. Once Active Collimator nominal beam position is known, retract profiler and lock the beam (MCC) on the active collimator.
- Detector and beamline checkout.
- Reestablish L1 trigger Alex. Somov. 2h).
- Reestablish DAQ (Sergei, 2h).
TRD DAQ integration (Sergei, 4h). (Fall run)- PS detector threshold scan. (A. Somov, 1h) Can be done early if necessary: nominal beam quality not mandatory. (Fall run)
- Microscope yield study (row-by-row scan). (Richard Jones/Jim McIntyre, 1h) Can be done early if necessary: nominal beam quality not mandatory.
- Call Richard Jones (860-377-5224) 20 min before the start of this task. Call Alex Somov to set-up the PS trigger.
- Insert 5mm collimator.
- Procedure to follow
- Any type of beam quality will do.
- 10-4 radiator, 10-3 convertor, 80 nA beam current. (Fall run)
- General detector calibration (Sean Dobbs. (703-887-1776) 1h). Use 2×10-5 Al. radiator. Beam current 200nA (Solenoid magnet is off)
- Run 15 min (solid time) in Long Mode (Mode 10)
- Run 15 min (solid time) in Production Mode (Mode 9).
Straight track trigger configuration (A. Somov, 4h) (Fall run)- Straight track runs with different GEM/TRD positions (Justin, Lubomir, A. Somov, Tim 20h) (Fall run)
- Start with first position (beam left position), take 5h of data. 2×10-5 Al. radiator. Beam current 200nA (Solenoid magnet is off)
- Request controlled access. Move (Tim et al.) GEM/TRD to beam right position (2h)
- Take 5h of data 2×10-5 Al. radiator. Beam current 200nA (Solenoid magnet is off)
- Request controlled access. Move (Tim et al.) GEM/TRD to beam center position position and update trigger configuration (2h)
- Take 5h of data 2×10-5 Al. radiator. Beam current 200nA (Solenoid magnet is off)
- Empty
target (0.5h) (Fall run)
- Ramp-up solenoid (Beni, Tim 8h) and meanwhile, perform tagger accidental measurement (Richard Jones (860-377-5224), 8h) (Fall run)
- 125 nA <I< 2.1 μA. PS trigger only. detailed tagger accidental measurement plan
- Fill
target (0.5h) (Fall run)
- CDC and TOF HV scans (Naomi, Beni, 6h). Use 4.5×10-4 Al. radiator (on goni). Beam current 140nA (Fall run)
- Start DIRC commissioning with solenoid B-field on and with 4.5×10-4 Al. radiator (on goni). 140 nA. (Fall run)
- 47 μm diamond (JD70-105) alignement. (4 polarization configuration) (Hovanes. 16h). (Fall run)
- Continue DIRC commissioning on Al. or diamond radiator (Fall run)
- DIRC commissioning page (Fall run)
- Standard configuration: 47 μm diamond, 120-300 nA, 5 mm hole, TPol on (for TPol syst. studies. Not necessary for DIRC) 75 μm TPol convertor. 2h runs and no more, as it may be hard to correct for calibration drifts. Cycle over 5 sets of runs: 0o, then 90o, then 45o, then 135o, then amorphous runs.
- Amorphous runs: 4.5×10-4 Al. radiator (on goni). 140-360 nA
- Log in run information in the shift summary (make a run list). For each production run, log useful comments on DAQ comment window, see [2]
- Tagger quadrupole on
- Harp scan (30 min): Everyday.
- Empty target runs (2h: 1- h to empty/fill back the target, 1h running). Standard production current. After RF recovery.
- Dark current run for ST (and microscope). Long mode 10 min run. At least every fortnight. Beam must be off. Done by Beni on opportunistic basis.
- CPP pre-test (David L., 1h). Fall 2019
- Needs to be done with polarized photon beam.
- One "TAC" run if we have enough time (Hovanes, A. Somov 8h) Fall 2019
- a few nA, thinest Al. radiator and ComCal.
- To be coordinated with MCC.
- Measure bleedthrough. If acceptable, (~nA or less), proceed with TAC-ComCal run. If not. Consider switching to Hall B slit or running on bleedthrough.
- Gluex data production (Spring 2020)
- Standard configuration: 47 μm diamond. Choose and maintain the coherent edge to its chosen location. 120-300 nA, 5 mm hole, TPol on 75 μm TPol convertor. 2h runs and no more, as it may be hard to correct for calibration drifts. Cycle over 5 sets of runs: 0o, then 90o, then 45o, then 135o, then amorphous runs.
- Amorphous runs: 4.5×10-4 Al. radiator (on goni). 140-360 nA
- Log in run information in the shift summary (make a run list). For each production run, log useful comments on DAQ comment window, see [3]
- Tagger quadrupole on
- Harp scans once a day: 15 min.
- Dark current run for ST (and BCal and microscope): every fortnight, row mode, sparcification off, no beam (done e.g. during beam study or RF recovery). Beni
- If commissioning and analysis were successful, once a day (?), a beam envelope measurement by rastering on Act. Col. ??min
- Empty target run every 3 week (2h: 1- h to empty/fill back the target, 1h running). Standard production current.
- Standard configuration: 47 μm diamond. Choose and maintain the coherent edge to its chosen location. 120-300 nA, 5 mm hole, TPol on 75 μm TPol convertor. 2h runs and no more, as it may be hard to correct for calibration drifts. Cycle over 5 sets of runs: 0o, then 90o, then 45o, then 135o, then amorphous runs.
- Three "TAC" runs (Hovanes, A. Somov 8h)
- Long mode 10 min run. Once a week (20 min).
- Amorphous run. Every set of 4 diam. orientation runs. 1h Standard production current. Time to switch from pol. to unpol.: 10min. time to switch from unpol. to pol.: 30min.
- FCal-BCal-ST trigger test and preparation for high current DAQ tests (A. Somov, 8h) Fall 2019
- Tagger accidental measurement (Richard Jones (860-377-5224), 8h)
- 125 nA <I< 2.1 μA. PS trigger only. detailed tagger accidental measurement plan
- ComCal anode current study (A. Somov, 4h)
High current DAQ test (Sergei, 4h). 400-600 nA on a 4.5×10-4 Al radiator (on goni). Fall 2019- High current cDAQ test (Sergei, 4h). 400-600 nA on a 4.5×10-4 Al radiator (on goni). Fall 2019
- CPP trigger test (14h)
- Installation (invasive): 6h. Hall openned.
- CPP trigger test (8h). Several access in the Hall to change geometries.
- CPP removal (non-invasive, 8h): once the beam is terminated for the Fall 2019 run (Thursday Dec. 19th, 6am).
Hall D situation room (current run plan)
Hall D counting room white board
Runplan time charts
Fall 2019 time charts: (commented out for clarity)
Spring 2020 time charts:
Spring 2020 commissioning/run time chart. Week 1: Jan.8-14 2020.
The horizontal scale is the time during which beam is available (in other words, it would be the real time with 100% of beam efficiency).
The task time estimates given on the plot have 100% contingency.
Run time chart. Week 2: Jan.15-21 2020.
Run time chart. Week 3: Jan.22-28 2020.
Run time chart. Week 4: Jan.29-Feb.4 2020.
Run time chart. Week 5: Feb.5-11 2020.
Run time chart. Week 6: Feb.12-18 2020.
Run time chart. Week 7: Feb.19-25 2020.
Run time chart. Week 8: Feb.26-Mar.3 2020.
Run time chart. Week 9: Mar.4-10 2020.
Run time chart. Week 10: Mar.11-17 2020.
Run time chart. Week 11: Mar.18-24 2020.
Run time chart. Week 12: Mar.25-Mar 31 2020.
Run time chart. Week 13: Apr.1-7 2020.
Run time chart. Week 14: Apr.8-14 2020.
Run time chart. Week 15: Apr.15-21 2020.
Run time chart. Week 16: Apr.22-28 2020.
Run time chart. Week 17: Apr.29-May 6 2020.
Accelerator status
- Link to accelerator short term schedule
- Bluejeans code for the daily MCC meetings and Wednesday 1:30 meeting: 569476853
Hot Checkout
To be completed by Thurs. Nov. 22nd.
- Hot Check OUT Status 100% ready ; 0% checked ; 0% not ready
Readiness for Fall 2019/Spring 2020 run
(This section is commented out for clarity)
Live Camera Feeds from the Four Counting Houses
- These feeds SHOULD be open and visible at all times from one of the monitors in each of the counting houses.
- Management cautions AGAINST opening them from other locations or offsite, out of concern for available bandwidth.