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File list
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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
12:21, 28 April 2009 Electrical top 07.jpg (file) 40 KB   1
12:21, 28 April 2009 Electrical top 06.jpg (file) 46 KB   1
12:20, 28 April 2009 Electrical top 04.jpg (file) 62 KB   1
10:04, 24 April 2009 Plate mount 08.jpg (file) 368 KB Stringing Jig 1
10:03, 24 April 2009 Plate mount 07.jpg (file) 483 KB Stringing Jig 1
10:03, 24 April 2009 Plate mount 06.jpg (file) 429 KB Stringing Jig 1
10:03, 24 April 2009 Plate mount 05.jpg (file) 471 KB Stringing Jig 1
10:02, 24 April 2009 Plate mount 04.jpg (file) 103 KB Stringing Jig 1
10:02, 24 April 2009 Plate mount 03.jpg (file) 68 KB Stringing Jig 1
10:01, 24 April 2009 Plate mount 02.jpg (file) 410 KB Stringing Jig System 1
10:00, 24 April 2009 Plate mount 01.jpg (file) 51 KB Stringing Jig Plate 1
20:08, 22 April 2009 Electrical top 02.jpg (file) 529 KB   1
20:07, 22 April 2009 Electrical top 01.jpg (file) 529 KB   1
20:07, 22 April 2009 Electrical side 03.jpg (file) 502 KB   1
20:07, 22 April 2009 Electrical side 02.jpg (file) 522 KB   1
20:03, 22 April 2009 Electrical side 01.jpg (file) 512 KB   1
19:59, 22 April 2009 Electrical old top 01.jpg (file) 393 KB Photo of the long-wire hook-up scheme for the CDC. 1
12:36, 30 March 2009 CDCTranslatorPCB.pdf (file) 81 KB Fernando Barbosa sketch for CDC connection scheme. 1
09:14, 10 March 2009 Gluex detector 3d.jpg (file) 66 KB Image of the GlueX detector. 1
12:57, 29 September 2008 Cdc daw view 01.jpg (file) 76 KB   1
12:56, 29 September 2008 Cdc side view 01.jpg (file) 73 KB   1
12:23, 29 September 2008 Gary maching.jpg (file) 264 KB   1
12:14, 29 September 2008 Maching02.jpg (file) 167 KB   1
12:14, 29 September 2008 Machining01.jpg (file) 93 KB   1
12:05, 29 September 2008 Picture good 3.jpg (file) 52 KB   1
12:04, 29 September 2008 Good photo 2.jpg (file) 31 KB   1
12:04, 29 September 2008 Good photo.jpg (file) 35 KB   1
15:50, 13 November 2007 GARFIELD-XTPLOT.PS (file) 33 KB GARFIELD caluclations showing the drift time as a function of the distance from the wire in a strawtube. 1
15:49, 13 November 2007 GARFIELD FIELDLINES.PS (file) 62 KB The output from GARFILED showing the field lines in a strawtube for the gas mixture being used in the prototype studies. 1
15:48, 13 November 2007 CDC upstream endplate.jpg (file) 1.1 MB A photograph of the upstream endplate of the CDC with the electronics mounted on the outside of the gas plenum. 1
15:47, 13 November 2007 CDC prototype setup.jpg (file) 1,002 KB A photograph of the CDC with the electronics mounted on the outside of the gas plenum. 1
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