RunPeriod-2023-01 Validation
From GlueXWiki
2020 Run
- First day check out: 120169 (raw), 120170
- First CDC HV scan: 120171-120175
- More production after ST/BCAL baseline recalibration, new TAGM voltages, bad TAGH crate: 120207-120222
- More production, new TAGM settings: 120237, 120238, 120243, 120244, 120245, 120246
- CDC HV scan: 120240, 120241, 120242 (250 nA); 120247, 120248, 120249, 120250 (350 nA)
- Production with missing TOF ADC: 120266, 120267, 120268, 120271, 120274, 120275
- checkout: 120264 (raw mode), 120265
- Radiator scan: 120277 - 120285
Maybe go to full physics production after this?
Physics Production Runs
- Starting at: 120286
- Ending at: 121207
Run Lists
- logbook entries are mostly missing, but 120290-3 look like junk?
- Bad RF (TAGH, but let's toss it): 120634