RunPeriod-2023-01 Validation

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  • First day check out: 120169 (raw), 120170
  • First CDC HV scan: 120171-120175
  • More production after ST/BCAL baseline recalibration, new TAGM voltages, bad TAGH crate: 120207-120222
  • More production, new TAGM settings: 120237, 120238, 120243, 120244, 120245, 120246
    • CDC HV scan: 120240, 120241, 120242 (250 nA); 120247, 120248, 120249, 120250 (350 nA)
  • Production with missing TOF ADC: 120266, 120267, 120268, 120271, 120274, 120275
    • checkout: 120264 (raw mode), 120265
  • Radiator scan: 120277 - 120285

Maybe go to full physics production after this?

Physics Production Runs

  • Starting at: 120286
0 (PARA) 120313, 102318, 102319, 120328, 120329, 120348, 120365, 120366, 120367, 120368, 120393, 120395, 120404, 120405, 120406, 120407, 120416, 120417, 120418, 120419, 120445, 120446, 120459, 120460, 120461, 120522, 120523 , 120525, 120526, 120527, 120528, 120529, 120530, 120531, 120548, 120549, 120550, 120551, 120552, 120576, 120577, 120578, 120638, 120639, 120656, 120658, 120680, 120681, 120682, 120683, 120684, 120685, 120699, 120700, 120701, 120718, 120719, 120720, 120721, 120730, 120731, 120733, 120735, 120747, 120749, 120762, 120763, 120776, 120777, 120791, 120792, 120793, 120811, 120812, 120831, 120832, 120833, 120843, 120844, 120845, 120846, 120855, 120856, 120891, 120892, 120893, 120925, 120926, 120927, 120928, 120954, 120955, 120956, 120995, 120996, 121020, 121021, 121049, 121050, 121065, 121066, 121067, 121081, 121082, 121093, 121094, 121095, 121096, 121120, 121121, 121126, 121127, 121138, 121140, 121161, 121162, 121164, 121179, 121181, 121199, 121200
90 (PERP) 120314, 102320, 102321, 120350, 120351, 120352, 120369, 120370, 120371, 120396, 120397, 120408, 120409, 120410, 120420, 120421, 120436, 120448, 120449, 120462, 120465, 120467, 120532, 120533, 120534, 120535, 120553, 120557, 120560, 120561, 120579, 120602, 120604, 120605, 120641, 120642, 120659, 120660, 120661, 120662, 120686, 120702, 120703, 120704, 120705, 120722, 120723, 120737, 120739, 120750, 120751, 120752, 120766, 120767, 120778, 120779, 120780, 120781, 120794, 120795, 120797, 120835, 120836, 120848, 120849, 120857, 120879, 120880, 120881, 120882, 120884, 120894, 120910, 120930, 120931, 120934, 120935, 120957, 120958, 120988, 120998, 120999, 121000, 121026, 121027, 121028, 121051, 121052, 121068, 121069, 121083, 121084, 121097, 121098, 121128, 121129, 121141, 121142, 121165, 121167, 121168, 121169, 121170, 121182, 121183, 121184, 121201, 121202
45 (PERP) 120315, 102325, 102326, 120355, 120356, 120359, 120360, 120388, 120389, 120390, 120391, 120400, 120401, 120402, 120413, 120414, 120439, 120440, 120441, 120456, 120481, 120482, 120484, 120485, 120486, 120487, 120540, 120541, 120542, 120544, 120567, 120568, 120570, 120571, 120572, 120609, 120631, 120632, 120633, 120647, 120648, 120649, 120651, 120669, 120670, 120671, 120672, 120673, 120674, 120676, 120690, 120691, 120692, 120695, 120696, 120713, 120714, 120715, 120727, 120728, 120743, 120744, 120756, 120757, 120758, 120760, 120771, 120772, 120787, 120788, 120803, 120804, 120820, 120821, 120828, 120839, 120840, 120852, 120853, 120887, 120888, 120889, 120914, 120916, 120917, 120922, 120923, 120924, 120938, 120939, 120991, 120992, 120993, 121005, 121006, 121034, 121035, 121062, 121063, 121073, 121076, 121077, 121078, 121090, 121091, 121101, 121102, 121117, 121118, 121119, 121132, 121133, 121134, 121145, 121146, 121157, 121174, 121176, 121187, 121189, 121196, 121197, 121206, 121207
135 (PARA) 120316, 102322, 102323, 120353, 120354, 120372, 120386, 120387, 120398, 120399, 120411, 120412, 120437, 120438, 120451, 120453, 120454, 120455, 120472, 120473, 120476, 120477, 120478, 120479, 120536, 120537, 120538, 120539, 120562, 120563, 120564, 120565, 120606, 120607, 120643, 120644, 120645, 120646, 120663, 120664, 120666, 120667, 120668, 120687, 120688, 120707, 120709, 120711, 120712, 120724, 120725, 120726, 120740, 120741, 120742, 120753, 120754, 120768, 120769, 120782, 120784, 120786, 120798, 120799, 120801, 120802, 120815, 120816, 120817, 120819, 120837, 120838, 120850, 120851, 120885, 120886, 120912, 120913, 120936, 120937, 120989, 120990, 121002, 121004, 121029, 121030, 121031, 121053, 121054, 121055, 121060, 121061, 121070, 121072, 121086, 121088, 121089, 121099, 121100, 121130, 121131, 121143, 121144, 121171, 121172, 121185, 121186, 121203, 121204
AMO 120286, 120287, 120288, 120289, 120294, 120297, 120298, 120299, 120302, 120304, 120305, 120306, 120307, 120308, 120309, 120310, 120317, 120327, 120362, 120363, 120364, 120392, 120403, 120415, 120442, 120443, 120444, 120458, 120488, 120504, 120545, 120547, 120573, 120635, 120636, 120637, 120652, 120653, 120654, 120677, 120678, 120679, 120697, 120716, 120729, 120745, 120761, 120773, 120774, 120790, 120805, 120806, 120808, 120810, 120829, 120842, 120854, 120890, 120915, 120952, 120953, 120994, 121007, 121019, 121043, 121064, 121079, 121080, 121092, 121120, 121135, 121136, 121137, 121159, 121178, 121198
  • Ending at: 121207

Run Lists


  • Good Runs just not in RCDB- 121134 (45 PERP), 121136 (AMO), 121137 (AMO), 121138 (0 PARA), 121159 (AMO), 121162 (0 PARA), 121165 (90 PERP), 121167 (90 PERP), 121170 (90 PERP), 121176 (45 PERP)
  • Junk run- 120358, 120373, 120559, 120650, 120657, 120706, 121044, 121085, 121158, 121166, 121188, 121195
  • logbook entries are mostly missing, but 120290-3 look like junk?
  • Bad RF (TAGH, but let's toss it): 120634
  • CDC pressure alarm- 120290, 120291, 120292
  • FCAL Lockup- 120293
  • Low live time- 120295, 120296
  • Trigger Study- 120468, 120469, 120470
  • Gionometer Test- 120827
  • TAGM Study- From 120895 through 120909 and 120933
  • TAGH Study- 121008, 121009
  • Beam Intensity tests- 120492, 120493, 120494, 120496, 120582, 120589, 120590, 120592, 120593, 120595, 120597, 120598, 120599, 120600, 121024, 121025, 121036, 121037, 121038, 121040, 121041, 121042
  • PS magnet tests- 120507, 120508, 120511, 120512, 120515, 120516, 120517, 120764
  • Raw Run- 120847
  • Bad BCAL FADC data - 121157, 121159