Coil Test Weekly Meeting 28-Jan-2011

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Solenoid Coil Test Weekly Meeting

Location and Time

  • Fri 28-Jan-2011 9:30 am ARC 428

Note no meeting next week due to collaboration meeting


  • Update on installation progress
  • Coil taps and Dataforth system - Elliott
    • voltage attenuators, dividers, NI device protection
    • input impedance and overcurrent protection resistor size
  • Danfysik slow dump, offset voltage, ground fault detection - Mark, Cody
  • Quench detector - Elliott
  • Should we test the magnet and quench detector at low Danfysik current?
  • A-B licenses, software, computers - Josh
  • HMI logging, database, computers - Yi
  • EPICS status - Hovanes
  • To-do list for the next coil
  • Coil 3 strategy
  • Coil 2 repair status
  • Status of abstract submission and paper - George
  • Preparing for moving into the hall