Recoil proton reconstruction

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gamma p -> p eta decays

  • Recoil proton kinematics

P eta kin.png

  1. Proton polar angle versus proton momentum for generated events (top left)
  2. Momentum distributions for generated and reconstructed protons as a function of the p generated momentum (top right)
  3. Polar angle of reconstructed protons as a function of the proton generated momentum (middle left)
  4. Chisq/Ndof for reconstructed protons (middle right)
  5. Ndof distribution (bottom left)
  6. Ndof versus proton momentum (bottom right)

  • Proton momentum residuals

P eta presid no cut.png No cuts P eta presid chi10.png Chisq/Ndof < 10

  • Proton momentum resolution and reconstruction bias

P eta mom res.png

  • Polar angle residuals

P eta theta resid.png

  • Polar angle resolution

P eta theta res.png

  • Proton reconstruction efficiency

P eta rec eff.png

  • Eta missing mass distribution

P eta mis mas.png

  1. Distributions were computed for different momentum ranges of

generated protons. Reconstructed proton tracks were required to satisfy chi2/ndof < 10. The top left plot represents all reconstructed protons.

gamma p -> p pi0 decays

  • Recoil proton kinematics

P pi kin.png

  1. Proton polar angle versus proton momentum for generated events (top left)
  2. Momentum distributions for generated and reconstructed protons as a function of the p generated momentum (top right)
  3. Polar angle of reconstructed protons as a function of the proton generated momentum (middle left)
  4. Chisq/Ndof for reconstructed protons (middle right)
  5. Ndof distribution (bottom left)
  6. Ndof versus proton momentum (bottom right)
  • Proton momentum and polar angle resolutions

P pi mom res.png Momentum resolution

  1. Mean value of the residuals < p_rec - p_gen > as a function of p_gen(top)
  2. dp/p (bottom). The distribution was fit to the function p/sq

P pi theta res.png Polar angle resolution