Photon Beam Commissioning Discussion Sep 3, 2014

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Revision as of 13:52, 3 September 2014 by Elton (Talk | contribs) (Agenda)

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  • Time: 4 pm EST
  • Connecting: detailed instructions are here
  • Conference id: 536076821


Action Items

  • Estimate rates and ranges of parameters needed for the photon beam tuning (Todd for accelerator; Elton, Hovanes, Eugene, Alexandre for Hall D)
    • Need rates for profiler, start counter, ps
  • Richard will provide a "sacrificial" board with 30 SiPMs to register neutron damage during initial electron beam tune.
  • Hovanes is preparing photomultipliers that can be used to measure beam loss along the beamline.
  • Complete the tagger layout with the expected configuration for the fall running, including all shielding. (Tim, Chuck, Elton)
  • Circulate the updated version of ICD (Elton)


  1. Announcements
  2. Accelerator and Hall D Interface Document - update
    1. page 5 yellow highlight: Do we want these references [2...7] or should we update them to more relevant information? See Mike's note in the text.
    2. As suggested, I have added Appendix B with the table, prepared by Alexandre and presented at the ERR
    3. I have left the comments by Mike with a "?" so that the item can be checked
    4. The figures still must be updated to current versions. Please send me an appropriate file if you have it.
    5. Appendix A has been updated with the parameters suggested by Richard, although this probably deserves further discussion. Note that the list of parameters (in "green markup by Mike") on the bottom of p 18 were left simply for reference and discussion. After agreement on final numbers, only the values in the tables will remain in the document.
  3. Update on Photon Commissioning (Alexandre)
  4. Beam Simulations
  5. RadCon update
  6. Other business

