July 13, 2015

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Revision as of 09:08, 13 July 2015 by Somov (Talk | contribs)

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  • Specifications for fadc250 firmware
  • Trigger path
- Energy transfer
Fix Nsb to 5
- Hit-bit pattern
Trigger threshold - no pedestal subtraction for both energy and hit-bit (firmware version 90E)
  • Read out path (scintillator sub-detectors)
  • Pedestals
- Report the the sum of N samples ( N = 4, 8, 16) computed at the beginning of the readout window
- Number of samples N - programmable
- Energy range 0 - 255

  • FCAL MIPs efficiency
- Track radius
- FCAL energy
  • Adjusting pedestals during the run (pedestal stability check)
  • Implementing trigger scalers (gtp, ssp, )
- add scalers to the data stream
  • Hardware/trigger performance during the beam test
- Reproduce trigger thresholds with recorded data (features with FCAL ST algorithm)
additional checks in read out lists
- Non-uniform occupancies with TOF trigger
- use PlayBack for comprehensive system checks.
High-rate performance checking