From GlueXWiki
Revision as of 07:31, 21 August 2023 by Zisis (Talk | contribs) (→Mini BCAL beam test for EIC/EPIC R&D)
- S. Adhikari et al. [GlueX Collaboration], "The GlueX Beamline and Detector", Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. A987, 164807 (2021), NIMA, [ArXiv:2005.14272], [GlueX-Doc 4294][Citations].
- T.D. Beattie et al., "Construction and performance of the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter for the GlueX experiment", Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. A896, 24-42 (2018), [NIM A], [GlueX DocDB].
- HDBCAL Log Book
- Complete list of GlueX Technical Publications can be found at Instrumentation Publications
- BCAL Key Documents
Hardware and Construction
- See Chapter 3.4 of the Hall D / GlueX Technical Construction Report
- Details of the fabrication, quality assurance and historical data can be found at BCAL Construction
- Visual browser for electronic channel assignments
- Labeling of SiPM arrays
BCAL Online Information
- Monitoring plots
- LED system and monitoring
- BCAL hadronic efficiencies
- Reconstruction efficiency using Costhe Method
- Efficiency - TBA
Mini BCAL beam test for EIC/EPIC R&D
- Baby BCAL at JLab for general information (March 2023 beam test and August 2023 cosmics test)
- Baby BCAL at JLab Photos (March 2023)