Feb 9, 2017 Calorimeter
From GlueXWiki
Video Conferencing Information
Meeting Time: 10:00 a.m.
- To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1] https://bluejeans.com/907185247.
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Participant Direct Lines
- JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084 (usual room)
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460
- Phone in the Regina Video-conference Suite is 306-585-4204
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
Action Items
Will and Sean: investigate strange time outputs for BCAL times (cutoff of negative times in TDC, large offsets in ADC) in the Geant/mcsmear. -
Elton: check on new pedestal information in data stream. -
Marc: Check on "LED noise" on four ADC/TDC channels.
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Collaboration Meeting
- Please focus the talks on performance, calibration status and Monte Carlo agreement with data.
- Action Items
- Run preparations
- FCAL update
- BCAL update
- Calibrations
- Comparing Spring 2016 and Fall 2016 point calibrations - George
- Shifted channels - George
- CCDB updates - Sean
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- NIM articles
- Any other business
Attendees: Elton, Adesh, Jon (JLab); George (Athens); Will (CMU); Ahmed, Tegan, Andrei, Zisis (UofR)
- Announcements
- Collaboration Meeting
- Please focus the talks on performance, calibration status and Monte Carlo agreement with data.
- Jon and Elton will give the updates
- Action Items
- Completed
- Run preparations
- See discussion at Run Coordinator meetings.
- Updates in the pedestal file has eliminated "hot" channel in the BCAL FADC See Log Entry 3456973
- Fcal has a dozen problem bases. Probably half are failed bases. Next opening is Tuesday an bases will be swapped out as needed. One hot channel has been masked in the trigger.
- There are about 50 spare bases. About 0.7 bases have failed per day since last November. Chris is repairing about 10 bases/week.
- FCAL update
- Recent file has been checked for pi0 peak. Mass is at correct value and width is about 7.5 MeV. More detailed calibrations will be made once skim files are available.
- BCAL update
- Calibrations
- The pi0 peak width has been found to be consistently wide since last fall. Mark noted that the z coordinate in BCAL was poorly calibrated. This has been further investigated by George and Sean
- Comparing Spring 2016 and Fall 2016 point calibrations - George
- Shifted channels - George
- Revisiting z_point calibration. Shows that there has been a significant shift of the offset (p0 parameter) for about a third of the channels from about 210 down to 185.
- Preliminary numbers from a single run are available. Sean: Suggest to upload these values with a restricted run range for the fall so they will not affect the 2017 data. Sean and George will coordinate offline on how best to to this.
- Once a good set of 2016 constants are obtained, they will be checked against 2017 files.
- Sean: Is it important to use TGraph instead of TH2? This will save space.
- CCDB updates - Sean
- Added preliminary values for the 2017 run (run numbers > 30000).
- Ran a quick check on the pi0 monitoring plots. Global z coordinate is much better aligned now.
- Preliminary values have been entered and show a large improvement in the pi0 width. Down from 15-20 MeV -> 10 MeV.
- Sean hopes to submit jobs to obtain the skim files this afternoon. This will include preliminary calibrations for 2017.
- Sean will talk to Mark about new attenuation length and up/down gain values.
- Will is poised to start the gain matching procedure once the skim files are available.
- Log Entry 3456920 - Elton comparison of previous calibration to preliminary values from George.
- Constants show the two-peaked structure described by George. The two values are distributed uniformly across the calorimeter with no clear pattern.
- It is still a mystery why timing has changed dramatically for a large number of channels.
- We believe that all timing uses the FADCs only, but should be checked that TDCs are not confusing the issue. George is only using FADC times. Sean plotted the z coordinates coming from the BCAL plugin.
- The FADC channels for both upstream and downstream go into the same FADC, so it is strange that timing could be shifted between them.
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- NIM articles
- BCAL (Zisis)
- Added sections on construction, LED system, Michel electron calibration.
- Latex draft given to George Lolos for feedback,
- Will upload to git after updates from George.
- FCAL (Matt and Adesh)
- Preliminary outline is available. Plan is to have a paper separate from BCAL.
- BCAL (Zisis)
- Any other business