July 5, 2011 SiPM Electrical and Cooling

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Revision as of 17:15, 21 June 2012 by Elton (Talk | contribs) (Action Items from previous meetings)

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Action Items from previous meetings

  1. Develop front and back views of jumper sheets. (Jack)
  2. Check into AC units based on Peltier coolers for SiPM production tests (Fernando)
  3. Design tooling/procedure for making the patterns for wrapping from tedlar (Jim)
  4. Review Fcal LED and controller monitoring boards (Fernando)

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Action Items
  3. Schedule, reporting, and manpower (Elton)
  4. Beam test experience (Elton)
  5. SiPM production testing (everyone)
  6. Mechanical assembly (Scot)
  7. Mechanical (Jim)
  8. Mechanical drawings (Chuck)
  9. Temperature compensation (Jack)
  10. Preamp-summing (Chris)
  11. Light guide gluing setup

