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April 14, 2016 Drift Chamber meeting


  1. Instructions for Bluejeans meeting connection
  2. Meeting ID: 290664653
  3. To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1] https://bluejeans.com/290664653.


  1. Detector updates
  2. Electronics (Fernando, Chris, Nick)
  3. NIM Papers
  4. fADC125 meeting (Naomi, Cody, Beni)
  5. Other


Participants: Curtis, Naomi, Mike (CMU) Eugene, Fernando, Beni, Luke, Simon, Nick, Chris, Vlad, Sergey, Amanda (detector group), Tyler (detector group), Pablo (detector group), and Lubomir (JLab).

Detector updates

- CDC has been successfully fixed after the "near-miss" event. The card that Nick suspected for noise was tested with a scope and was OK. Fernando: "the electronics saved the day" (i.e. the detector).

- Vlad reported on the FDC gain calibration. He did this before, but now the cathode resolution was improved and he uses now higher statistics (~1M hits per chamber). In the attached plots we see the distribution of the gain coefficients is getting narrower with each iteration - 4 in total. Some channels tend not to be calibrated producing tails in the distributions. Vlad will also work on parallelizing the calculations: separate job for each chamber.

- Lubomir proposed


- Naomi is still looking at the differences between firmware and emulated output using the long mode (8) cosmic runs.

  • Run 11016 2 CDC fadcs were playing up: roc25 slot 9, even ch 36-40 and roc28 slot 16, even ch 36-40 - there were small errors in 4/5 of hits.

FDC fadcs are ok

  • run 11017 Both CDC & FDC ok. (trigger holdoff increased to 30us)
  • run 11075 CDC fadcs playing up, roc25 slot 9 even ch 36-40 and roc28 slot 16 even ch 36-40
               FDC roc62 slot 17 even ch 36-42 show same behaviour
  • noticed that info in BOR config data read from fadcs is corrupt for these 3 boards, ch 36-41.

read problem w chip?

if it was a write problem, the discrepancies would be larger. (emulator uses read back values & has larger diffs). diffs are ~ 1 in time and 5-7 in (scaled down) integral.