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February 2011 Collaboration Meeting

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Full Title: February 2011 Collaboration Meeting
Event Dates: 02 Feb 2011 to 04 Feb 2011
Event Location: Jefferson Lab
External URL: February 2011 Collaboration Meeting
Date & TimeSessionSession Information LocationTopic(s)Moderator(s)
02 Feb 2011, 08:30Session Ia - Opening SessionChair: R. JonesCEBAF Center F326None
02 Feb 2011, 09:45Session Ib - EngineeringChair: P. EugenioCEBAF Center F326None
02 Feb 2011, 10:45 Coffee Break CEBAF Center F326   
02 Feb 2011, 11:15Session Ib - Engineering (continued)Chair: P. EugenioCEBAF Center F326None
02 Feb 2011, 11:45Session Ic - TrackingChair: A. SomovCEBAF Center F326None
02 Feb 2011, 12:45 Lunch Some fun place   
02 Feb 2011, 13:45Hall D TourHall D Experimental HallNone
02 Feb 2011, 14:30Session Ic - Tracking (continued)Chair: A. SomovCEBAF Center F326None
02 Feb 2011, 15:00Session IIa - Offline ReconstructionChair: D. LawrenceCEBAF Center F326None
02 Feb 2011, 16:30 Coffee Break CEBAF Center F326   
02 Feb 2011, 17:00Session IIb - TOF and PIDChair: B. ZihlmanCEBAF Center F326None
02 Feb 2011, 18:00 Adjourn CEBAF Center F326   
02 Feb 2011, 19:00 Collaboration Dinner A happening joint   
03 Feb 2011, 08:30Session IIIa - Beamline/TaggerChair: M. ShepherdCEBAF Center F326None
03 Feb 2011, 10:30 Coffee CEBAF Center F326   
03 Feb 2011, 11:00Session IIIb - Trigger/Electronics/DAQChair: G. LolosCEBAF Center F326None
03 Feb 2011, 13:00 Lunch   
03 Feb 2011, 14:30Session IVa - CalorimetryChair: S. TaylorCEBAF Center F326None
03 Feb 2011, 16:15 Coffee CEBAF Center F326   
03 Feb 2011, 16:30Session Va - PhysicsChair: M. ItoCEBAF Center F326None
03 Feb 2011, 18:45Collaboration Board MeetingChair: Z. PapandreouCEBAF Center F326None
03 Feb 2011, 19:45AdjournNone
04 Feb 2011, 09:00Session IVb - Other PhysicsChair: C. MeyerCEBAF Center F326None
04 Feb 2011, 10:30 Coffee CEBAF Center F326   
04 Feb 2011, 11:00Session Vb - Business MeetingChair: G. LolosCEBAF Center F326None
04 Feb 2011, 12:30AdjournNone

Other documents for this event

GlueX-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
1667-v2 GlueX Business Meeting February 2011 Curtis A. Meyer Executive Reports
04 Feb 2011
1682-v1 Start Counter Update Werner U. Boeglin Start Counter
02 Feb 2011
1674-v2 Tracking Issues David Lawrence et al. Tracking
01 Feb 2011
1666-v1 GlueX Collabration Meeting Curtis A. Meyer Executive Reports
31 Jan 2011

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