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GlueX-doc-# Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
3345-v2 General Properties Of Three-body Decays Curtis A. Meyer Partial Wave Analysis
GlueX Physics
04 Feb 2021
3076-v6 A review of beam asymmetry measurements in ρ photoproduction experiments Curtis A. Meyer GlueX Experiment
GlueX Physics
Photon Beam
23 Apr 2019
3571-v1 Angular correlations in deep exclusive photo-production of lepton pairs and tools for data analysis Marie BOER General Theory
Monte Carlo
GlueX Physics
General Content
20 Mar 2018
262-v2 The Choice of Analyzer and Isospin Considerations for {\tt gamp} Keyfiles Joachim Kuhn et al. Angular Distributions
06 Aug 2004
35-v4 Parity Relations in the Reflectivity Basis Paul M. Eugenio et al. Parity Relations
Angular Distributions
15 Jul 2004
181-v3 General Properties of Dalitz Plots Curtis A. Meyer PWA
08 Jul 2004
174-v1 SPIN FORMALISMS Suh-Urk Chung PWA
07 Jul 2004
29-v1 Angular Distributions for the PWA Study Curtis A. Meyer Angular Distributions
08 Jun 2000
Number of documents found: 8

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