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GlueX Experiment Document 1027-v1

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Integrated tests of a high speed VXS switch card and a 250Msps Flash-ADC

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R. Chris Cuevas
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R. Chris Cuevas
Document Created:
21 Apr 2008, 08:31
Contents Revised:
21 Apr 2008, 08:31
Metadata Revised:
21 Apr 2008, 08:31
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High trigger rate experiments proposed for the 12 GeV upgrade at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility create a need for new high speed digital systems for energy summing. Signals from particle physics detectors will be captured with the Jefferson Lab (FADC) module, which collects and processes data from 16 charged particle sensors with 10 or 12 bit resolution at 250MHz sample rate.
Up to sixteen FADC modules transfer energy information to a central energy summing module for each readout crate. The Energy Sum module and FADC modules have been designed using the VITA-41 VME64 switched serial (VXS) standard. The VITA-41 standard defines payload and switch slot module functions, and offers an elegant engineered solution for Multi-Gigabit serial transmission on a standard VITA-41 backplane. The Jefferson Lab Energy Sum module receives data serially at a rate of up to 6 Giga-bits per second from the FADC modules.
Both FADC and Energy Sum modules have been designed and assembled and this paper describes the integrated tests using both high speed modules in unison.
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