The GlueX project aims to elucidate the confinement property of quantum chromodynamics. Silicon PhotoMultipliers (SiPMs) will be the readout for the GlueX Barrel Calorimeter (BCAL), a key subsystem of the detector designed for the GlueX project. The important and most desired characteristic of SiPMs is their immunity to magnetic fields, since the BCAL is placed immediately in a 2.2 T solenoid. Other advantages compared to conventional PMTs is that they operate using low bias volt- age (< 100 V ), have higher photon detection efficiency, lower cost, and are more compact and robust. SiPMs offer much promise to revolutionize light detection in particle, but also medical and space physics, among other.
Hamamatsu, a Japanese photonics company, will manufacture the SiPMs for the BCAL. These photosensors are arrays of 16 − 3 × 3 mm2 SiPMs. In this thesis, discusses the test carried out for one 2010 Hamamatsu unit and ten 2011 (years of manufacture) first article Hamamatsu SiPM units. The tests are the first fiber-based tests for the SiPMs. The two major tests are the photon detection efficiency (PDE) and the gain uniformity of their cells and sub-cells. Depending on the method of measurement, the extracted PDE fell in the range of 15-30%, while the cells exhibited gain uniformity mostly within 10%. The result of this thesis will be directly used by the GlueX collaboration towards quality control of the 4000 units ordered for the BCAL.