The GlueX experiment is a photoproduction experiment in Hall D at Jefferson Lab that is being commissioned for use with the new 12 GeV accelerator. The purpose of the experiment is to search for Hybrid mesons, which are mesons with quark and gluon degrees of freedom. The barrel calorimeter of GlueX is instrumented with 4000 large-area (1.2 x1.2 cm2) silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs). These photon sensors have properties similar to vacuum photomultipliers, but are unaffected by high magnetic fields. In our experiment they operate in magnetic fields exceeding 1T. After extensive tests with a variety of sensors, we chose the S12045(X) custom SiPM arrays manufactured by Hamamatsu Corporation, also known as multi-pixel photon counters (MPPCs). We will give an overview of this new technology as well as the experience gained during two commissioning periods with beam.