We performed a study of the 3x3 PWO calorimeter prototype using a secondary beam of electrons produced by the Hall D Pair Spectrometer. PWO crystals from two vendors SICCAS and CRYTUR were tested. These studies complement our previous measurements during the spring run of 2018, when the calorimeter prototype was instrumented with a built in divider and amplifier designed at Jefferson Lab []. The large gain of the amplifier (about a factor of 25) required to operate Hamamatsu R4125-01 PMTs at small high voltages (about 700 V) and, therefore, resulted in the degradation of the energy resolution. In the current test, the readout electronics was modified by bypassing the amplifier, which allowed us to increase the operational HV. The energy resolution for 4.7 GeV electrons was measured to be about 1.5 % for both SICCAS and CRYTUR crystals. The light yield for SICCAS crystals was found to be larger by about 6%.