Shift Guidelines for Shift Leader

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Revision as of 16:31, 13 December 2022 by Njarvis (Talk | contribs) (When to Prestart the DAQ)

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See also

Beam tuning

  1. Make sure the collimator is in blocking position.
  2. Verify that amorphous radiator is RETRACTED and that the goniometer is in BLANK or RETRACTED positions.

Run info logging

  1. Keep a list of the runs at the end of the shift summary log entry, eg
    • Please include the following: run number, start & stop times, beam current, Pb target / no target, radiator & orientation, daq configuration, daq event rate, daq livetime, number of events, production/test/junk/any_other_comment (e.g.
  2. Make sure that the DAQ "RUN" field is set to PHYSICS_PRIMEX for production runs, and EXPERT for test runs.
  3. Keep the runs to 2h real-time at most. Calibrations drifts are noticeable after about 2h.
  4. Write run info into the DAQ run comments box at the start of the run and save it.
  5. Make sure that the paper list of runs is kept up to date.


  1. Remind the shift worker: Half-way through each run, post the rootspy monitoring histograms to the logbook and reset them. Post the new plots at the end of the run.
  2. Remind the shift worker: Make a screenshot of the GlueX overview CSS logentry mid-shift, see screenshot tool for making E-log entries.
  3. Remind the shift worker: Complete the shift checklist.
  4. Watch the beam monitoring strip charts, currently using beam_instability_monitoring configuration, & post to the logbook at the end of the shift
  5. Watch the PS and PSC coincidence scalers. They have a habit of freezing. How to revive the PS scalers

Time to call expert

  1. Expert or RC should be called after at most 10-15 min of attempting to solve a problem.

Changing radiators

  1. Request accelerator insert the dumplette before any radiator changes. See "Move radiator ".
  2. Each time the amorphous radiator is inserted, make a new AMO reference with beam on. See "Setting Amorphous Reference."
  3. Each time the diamond radiator is inserted or its orientation changed, use the nudge buttons to obtain the desired coherent edge fit value, save the new configurations as instructed in "Adjusting the peak positions" and make a screenshot log entry of the Co-BREM EPICS GUI, see screenshot tool for making E-log entries.

When to Prestart the DAQ

  1. PRESTART the DAQ when you expect to hit GO very soon afterwards. The EPICS values are written into RCDB as part of the Prestart script, they are used for data analysis and calibration and also setting the CDC HV, so they need to be relevant to the data being taken (beam on, correct current, radiator in place, temperature and pressure when the run starts).


  1. When acknowledging alarms for the solenoid, mechanical and DIRC, acknowledge them at the lowest level of the tree. This is to avoid sending 'OK' messages to the on-call phones for all the branches of the tree which were not alarming.
  2. Make separate logbook entries for worrying alarms & contact experts as needed. The alarm's drop-down menu has an option to show guidance, this is often useful.

Beam Time Accounting

The following link gives extensive general information on filling out the Beam Time Accounting (BTA) Beam-Time Accounting (BTA) Guidelines

MCC busy times

  • Please avoid 8:00-8:15am, 4:00-4:15pm, and 12:00-12:15am when making non-emergency requests for beam delivery modifications. (from page 8 of this)
  • Accelerator shift changes are nominally 7:30-8:30 am, 3:30-4:30pm, and 11:30pm-12:30am.


We keep a list of requests for opportunistic access on the whiteboard. We also have to keep a list of who is actually in the hall during accesses.

Half-wave Plate (HWP) in Injector

The polarization of the electron beam is reversed by inserting (or withdrawing) a half-wave plate (HPW) in the injector. Other halls will call to inform us when the HPW position changes, so that we can also keep track of the electron polarization. [Note: the linear polarization of our photon beam does not depend on the electron beam polarization.] If we are informed of a HPW change, stop the current run, make a separate log entry indicating new position of HWP (in/out), and start a new run.

VNC Server

Remote shift workers access the counting room via a VNC session. You are responsible for having the VNC server up and running. Find instructions for starting the server here. To view the desktop in the counting room, enter the command

vncviewer -shared localhost:33

into a terminal on the gluon03 workstation to start the VNC client.

If you ever need to kill a vncserver use the command:

vncserver -kill :XX

where XX is the port number. You need to be logged into gluon03 as hdops, of course.

And then you restart the server with the command:

vncserver -geometry 1600x1080 :XX -bs

where again XX is the port number.


Be sure that the Zoom meeting (ID:1601759979 and passcode:641259 or this link is connected on the PC at the far right of the work stations (hdguest1). The webcam connects by default, but you must set the microphone to "Chat 50 Analog Mono" under the settings menu of the Zoom window. This will use the small microphone labelled "ClearOne" which should be between gluon03 and gluon04.