
Showing runs: 73377 - 80207. 200 runs per page. Total runs: 24825
Start time
Run config
Run type
2021-08-27 20:56:51 0:02:24 1003 bcal_nothresh_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL SiPM darkrate study, bias V=1.4, 5c, Q3 UP LEDs ON
2021-08-27 20:36:12 0:03:02 1003 bcal_nothresh_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL SiPM darkrate study, bias V=1.2, 5c Q3 UP LEDs ON
2021-08-27 20:18:32 0:02:32 1003 bcal_nothresh_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL SiPM darkrate study, bias V=1.0, 5c Q3 UP LEDs ON
2021-08-27 20:06:31 0:02:22 1003 bcal_nothresh_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL SiPM darkrate study, bias V=0.8, 5c Q3 UP LEDs ON
2021-08-27 19:46:32 0:03:07 1003 bcal_nothresh_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL SiPM darkrate study, bias V=0.6, 5c Q3 UP LEDs ON
2021-08-27 19:35:20 0:03:02 1003 bcal_nothresh_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL SiPM darkrate study, bias V=0.4, 5c Q3 UP LEDs ON
2021-08-27 19:20:21 0:02:56 1003 bcal_nothresh_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL SiPM darkrate study, bias V=0.2, 5c Q3 UP LEDs ON
2021-08-27 19:02:55 0:04:08 1003 bcal_nothresh_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL SiPM darkrate study, bias V=0.0, 5c Q3 UP LEDs ON
2021-08-27 00:09:31 10:07:26 26325874 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-26 23:01:21 0:03:11 1003 bcal_nothresh_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL SiPM dark rate study, 5c, Bias V=0 , Q3 UP LEDs on
2021-08-26 22:02:43 0:45:39 23770 bcal_nothresh_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL LED test run
2021-08-26 21:24:00 0:15:27 254810 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-26 21:02:31 0:12:35 221062 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-26 20:54:53 0:01:23 20656 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-26 20:47:57 0:05:34 32331 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-26 20:28:36 0:17:39 310001 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-26 20:23:18 0:01:22 12199 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-26 20:18:53 0:01:21 9279 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-26 20:11:09 0:01:22 12234 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-26 19:57:31 0:10:04 176515 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-26 18:59:12 0:03:13 2 bcal_nothresh_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2021-08-26 18:40:42 0:09:26 2 bcal_nothresh_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2021-08-26 16:15:51 0:27:28 1179631 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12 cosmic
2021-08-26 15:10:32 0:05:31 529 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-26 13:53:31 0:03:12 627 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12TOF12
2021-08-26 13:46:22 0:03:05 549 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12TOF12
2021-08-26 12:53:51 0:08:10 390928 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-26 11:57:30 0:10:52 499226 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-26 11:09:50 0:16:30 755870 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-26 10:29:02 0:27:08 1333999 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12 cosmic run omitting TAGM1 and TAGM2 with new jitter attenuator box for TOF crate
2021-08-26 10:19:03 0:03:06 114428 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12 new jitter attenuator box for RF into CAEN TDC
2021-08-26 07:55:07 2:00:02 5908336 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12 Cosmic run Production mode exluding TAGM1 and TAGM2 crates.
2021-08-26 06:58:37 0:50:42 14522655 RAW_ALL_NOSPARS hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12 NOSPARS configuration to read raw ST detector data unsparsified external pulser rate set to 5kHz.
2021-08-25 20:48:35 0:10:25 63871 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan; 1500V; blue LED 100Hz continuous 15V; hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 20:34:13 0:13:08 77260 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan; 1550V; blue LED 100Hz continuous 15V; hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 20:22:13 0:10:33 61355 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan; 1600V; blue LED 100Hz continuous 15V; hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 20:10:27 0:10:22 62694 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1650V; blue LED 100Hz continuous 15V; hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 19:58:27 0:10:14 61986 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan; 1700V; blue LED 100Hz continuous 15V; hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 19:45:58 0:11:06 63624 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan; 1750V; blue LED 100Hz continuous 15V; hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 19:34:11 0:10:24 62467 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan; 1800V; blue LED 100Hz continuous 15V; hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 19:22:05 0:11:07 63618 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan; 1800V; blue LED 100Hz continuous 10V; hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 19:10:03 0:10:25 61950 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan; 1750V; blue LED 100Hz continuous 10V; hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 18:58:22 0:10:17 61083 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan;1700V;blue led 100Hz continuous 10V;hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 18:46:31 0:10:15 60796 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan; 1650V; blue LED 100Hz continuous 10V; hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 18:34:39 0:10:20 60942 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan; 1600V; blue LED 100Hz continuous 10V; hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 18:22:42 0:10:29 61712 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan; 1550V; blue LED 100Hz continuous 10V; hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 18:10:54 0:10:22 60831 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan; 1500V; blue LED 10V 100Hz continuous; hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-25 18:00:17 0:04:22 25894 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg
2021-08-25 17:22:16 0:25:26 1 DIRC_LED_tof10 hd_all.tsg_dirc
None -1
2021-08-25 16:35:59 0:05:06 3163 DIRC_pulser hd_all.tsg_dirc
2021-08-25 15:10:16 0:06:16 16408 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_cosmic1
2021-08-25 15:02:07 0:03:10 105999 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tof.tsg taking data to test RF in TOF crate after cable from prescaler output to first connector box was replaced.
2021-08-25 10:51:19 0:04:05 112122 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tof.tsg RF Signal back in tof slot 8 channel 31 but switched the source at the output of the prescaler to the FDC port.
2021-08-25 10:34:42 0:06:24 206210 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tof.tsg reading tof with RF signal switched from 8/31 to 7/31 (slot/channel)
2021-08-24 21:36:08 8:37:44 6940554 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_cosmic5
2021-08-24 21:18:53 0:05:25 224481 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_cosmic1 cosmic run prod. mode CDC and FDC readout with BCAL
2021-08-24 20:21:51 0:29:30 1128857 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic1 cosmic run with new baseline calibration for rocfdc3
2021-08-24 15:36:51 0:10:25 62487 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1800V, blue LED pulser 100Hz continuous, hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-24 15:24:10 0:10:22 61820 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1750V, blue LED pulser 100Hz continuous, hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-24 15:08:42 0:10:19 61223 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1700V, blue LED pulser 100Hz continuous, hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-24 14:56:02 0:10:30 62121 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1650V, blue LED pulser 100Hz continuous, hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-24 14:43:09 0:10:20 61260 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1600V, blue LED pulser 100Hz continuous, hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-24 14:30:23 0:11:06 62274 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1550V, blue LED pulser 100Hz continuous, hd_fcal/fcal_led_m10
2021-08-24 14:17:10 0:10:29 61540 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1500V, blue LED pulsar 100Hz continuous, hd_fcal/fcal_led_10
2021-08-24 09:21:13 0:41:40 724 FCAL_test hd_all.tsg.FCAL FCAL pulser but doesn't appear to trigger properly
2021-08-24 08:43:33 0:01:24 2 pulser_ti hd_tof.ti_fadc
2021-08-23 16:47:10 13:51:19 15106 FCAL_test hd_all.tsg.FCAL
2021-08-23 15:02:21 1:32:07 3205646 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic1
2021-08-22 17:15:32 21:05:16 43450547 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic1
2021-08-21 20:17:12 20:52:34 42385217 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic1 stop due to error reading ROCCDC2
2021-08-21 17:45:12 2:27:23 5028472 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-20 22:32:44 19:08:43 39252771 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-20 20:39:14 1:49:04 2827889 BCAL_cosmic_raw_pedtst hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12 cosmic test with new TOF ADC
2021-08-20 17:58:51 0:24:25 420441 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal CCAL LED and Alpha Src run, 1300 V, Bias 27 V
2021-08-20 17:21:41 0:01:06 17838 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-20 16:43:59 0:00:24 3315 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-20 15:47:48 0:01:02 13934 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-20 12:15:40 2:43:45 1965806 CCAL_10 hd_all.tsg_ccal CCAL LED and alpha triggers (bits 5 and 6)
2021-08-19 19:23:13 0:01:03 2244 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-19 18:52:31 0:01:11 22420 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-19 18:40:48 0:01:20 14502 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-19 18:15:57 0:01:05 9373 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-19 18:03:31 0:00:28 7081 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-19 17:39:31 0:08:19 183074 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-19 10:30:00 2:07:20 3243641 BCAL_cosmic_raw_pedtst hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-19 08:42:21 1:43:59 2665669 BCAL_cosmic_raw_pedtst hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-19 08:20:51 0:16:15 340697 BCAL_cosmic_raw_pedtst hd_all.tsg_cosmic1
2021-08-19 08:09:44 0:00:52 3 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2021-08-18 19:03:46 0:06:00 137886 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-18 18:59:16 0:00:47 14649 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal CCAL LED raw mode, LED bias = 27 V
2021-08-18 18:37:10 0:01:44 37233 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-18 17:15:24 0:01:30 29493 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-18 14:45:29 2:20:14 3588288 BCAL_cosmic_raw_pedtst hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-18 14:31:27 0:01:40 537 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-18 13:54:27 0:03:44 577 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-18 13:43:42 0:00:34 9 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-18 13:35:17 0:00:37 10 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-18 13:31:04 0:00:50 13 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-18 13:24:56 0:00:00 3 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-18 13:16:41 0:02:45 44 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-17 18:54:56 0:00:32 5463 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-17 18:09:56 0:05:24 26145 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-17 18:01:09 0:04:45 74 CCAL_10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2021-08-17 16:55:00 1:02:25 1721139 CCAL_10 hd_all.tsg_ccal CCAL test with LED
2021-08-17 16:04:51 0:42:35 800380 BCAL_cosmic_raw_pedtst hd_all.tsg_cosmic1
2021-08-17 02:40:22 11:47:02 14009708 BCAL_cosmic_raw_pedtst hd_all.tsg_cosmic1
2021-08-16 23:52:31 2:43:43 2374120 BCAL_cosmic_raw_pedtst hd_all.tsg_cosmic1
2021-08-16 20:37:44 0:01:52 545 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12 ped calib
2021-08-16 19:59:23 0:05:12 622 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tof.tsg
2021-08-16 18:09:03 0:10:30 643 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL occupancy run Downstream 18c
2021-08-16 17:57:08 0:09:26 643 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL occupancy run upstream 18c
2021-08-16 15:12:01 0:01:36 43837 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-08-16 15:04:35 0:01:27 2156474 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-16 14:45:24 0:09:07 3668755 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-16 14:22:57 0:00:58 142710 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tof.tsg
2021-08-16 14:00:45 0:02:15 23 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-16 13:36:39 0:07:15 114 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2021-08-13 16:11:48 0:09:24 31194630 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_nTagm1
2021-08-13 15:46:43 0:00:49 444 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_nTagm1
2021-08-13 15:29:59 0:02:07 17 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_nTagm1
2021-08-13 14:56:07 0:01:08 323 DIRC_pulser hd_all.tsg_dirc
2021-08-11 16:19:50 21:00:56 16573087 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic1
2021-08-11 11:21:59 3:56:21 4681341 BCAL_cosmic_raw_pedtst hd_all.tsg_cosmic1
2021-08-11 00:27:14 0:09:06 643 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL occupancy run Upstream 18c
2021-08-10 17:02:05 1:02:48 2080129 BCAL_cosmic_raw_pedtst hd_all.tsg_cosmic1 pedestals test
2021-08-10 16:03:19 0:05:15 606 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_cosmic1
2021-08-10 02:34:56 12:01:49 13612531 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic1 BCAL CDC FDC ; 200 Hz
2021-08-09 20:30:32 5:57:53 3120557 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic1
2021-08-09 18:24:27 0:10:21 61841 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1800 V, blue light, hd_fcal, fcal_led_m10
2021-08-09 18:11:41 0:10:36 63303 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1750 V, blue light, hd_fcal, fcal_led_m10
2021-08-09 17:58:41 0:10:41 63462 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1700 V, blue light, hd_fcal, fcal_led_m10
2021-08-09 17:43:05 0:10:59 65331 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1650 V, blue light, hd_fcal.tsg, fcal_led_m10.conf
2021-08-09 17:29:44 0:10:29 62023 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1600 V, blue light, hd_fcal.tsg, fcal_led_m10.conf
2021-08-09 17:15:44 0:10:38 62607 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan, 1550 V, Blue light, hd_fcal.tsg, fcal_led_m10.conf
2021-08-09 17:03:36 0:10:27 61420 fcal_led_m10 hd_fcal.tsg FCAL HV scan 1500V hd_fcal fcal_led_m10 blue light
2021-08-09 14:42:53 0:08:55 643 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL occupancy run Downstream 18c
2021-08-09 14:29:47 0:09:48 643 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL occupancy run Upstream 18c
2021-08-09 12:45:15 0:02:04 54115 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2 sync test
2021-08-09 11:14:40 0:34:06 21603 DIRC_pulser hd_all.tsg_dirc DIRC LV pulser varification
2021-08-08 23:26:37 9:25:43 9229578 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2021-08-08 13:40:47 9:32:52 19286883 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2021-08-08 03:03:26 9:50:29 14637233 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2021-08-07 12:16:53 10:08:30 15961005 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2021-08-07 11:58:49 0:09:26 309388 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2021-08-07 11:44:29 0:10:19 326658 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2021-08-07 11:27:13 0:07:56 180810 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic2 cosmic BCAL and CDC only
2021-08-07 11:09:33 0:10:20 325167 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2021-08-07 02:29:14 8:23:24 2820418 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_cosmic1
2021-08-06 20:56:52 5:17:43 11764442 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2021-08-06 17:23:42 3:26:37 6910093 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2021-08-05 14:47:48 0:09:00 643 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL occupancy run Downstream 18c
2021-08-05 14:36:25 0:09:25 643 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL occupancy run Upstream 18c
2021-08-04 16:32:26 0:09:09 643 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg Occupancy run 18c Downstream
2021-08-04 15:59:17 0:15:36 643 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL occupancy run temp 18 Upstream
2021-08-04 15:47:28 0:09:32 643 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg BCAL Occupancy run Upstream
2021-08-04 15:26:51 0:07:25 3 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2021-08-04 10:26:33 0:00:30 3 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg junk run (seeing if BCAL
2021-08-02 12:49:10 0:01:09 532 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_CDC_FDC calibratio fa125
2021-07-30 15:23:40 1 day, 3:54:53 3174604 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_nTagm1 test
2021-07-30 15:09:38 0:03:07 75067 TRG_CDC_BUSY2 hd_all.tsg_nTagm1
2021-07-30 14:54:51 0:06:07 168046 TRG_CDC_BUSY2 hd_all.tsg_nTagm1
2021-07-30 13:40:58 0:04:16 63794 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-30 13:32:51 0:01:38 39265 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-30 12:08:23 0:02:26 63756 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-30 01:34:41 0:01:32 4652 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-30 01:29:21 0:00:44 16528 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-30 01:16:41 0:00:17 1322 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-29 11:33:49 0:00:58 849724 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.fcal.tsg
2021-07-29 11:25:14 0:00:23 161 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-29 11:16:41 0:00:14 519 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-29 11:09:21 0:00:24 7060 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-29 11:00:43 0:00:19 4557 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-29 10:58:03 0:00:17 1564 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-29 10:29:31 0:27:48 8835 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-29 10:22:54 0:05:34 10813 pulser2 hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-29 10:11:09 0:07:49 4418 pulser hd_synctest.tsg_noGTP2
2021-07-27 15:28:00 0:02:21 568982 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.fcal.tsg
2021-07-27 15:00:20 0:06:12 3363 fcal_led_m9 hd_fcal.tsg Test of FCAL LED
2021-07-27 14:07:51 0:01:23 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_CDC_only test CDC
2021-07-23 17:34:31 0:13:07 48000003 DIRC_pulser hd_all.tsg_dirc DIRC signal check run
2021-07-19 19:53:22 3 days, 19:49:49 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_CDC_only
2021-07-19 11:33:42 0:01:21 4113448 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_CDC
2021-07-19 11:14:09 0:03:07 77312 TRG_CDC_BUSY2 hd_all.tsg_CDC
2021-07-14 14:30:44 0:01:12 574 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg.FCAL
2021-07-14 14:27:47 0:01:27 96 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg.FCAL
2021-07-14 14:21:35 0:02:18 574 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg.FCAL
2021-06-09 14:10:09 0:01:25 21644 TRG_CDC_BUSY2 hd_all.tsg_CDC
2021-06-09 12:58:19 0:00:30 10244 TRG_CDC_BUSY2 hd_all.tsg_CDC
2021-06-01 12:57:55 0:02:17 11039524 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_cdc
2021-05-27 12:37:46 0:02:04 57604 TRG_CDC_BUSY2 hd_all.tsg_CDC
2021-05-27 12:20:51 0:00:30 525123 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_CDC
2021-05-27 11:26:14 0:01:10 568883 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_CDC
2021-05-27 11:16:32 0:02:21 525129 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_CDC
2021-05-27 11:09:30 0:03:28 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_CDC_only test
2021-04-27 17:27:10 0:00:34 283 DIRC_pulser hd_all.tsg_dirc
2021-04-27 17:20:49 0:02:02 803 DIRC_pulser hd_all.tsg_dirc
2021-04-27 17:13:46 0:01:55 1123 DIRC_pulser hd_all.tsg_dirc
2021-04-27 17:07:08 0:01:05 603 DIRC_pulser hd_all.tsg_dirc
2021-04-27 17:00:41 0:02:11 923 DIRC_pulser hd_all.tsg_dirc