
Showing runs: 50439 - 50676. 200 runs per page. Total runs: 24825
Start time
Run config
Run type
2018-09-26 23:53:32 0:07:00 12081316 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg CDC Scan Voltage Run, Run Type: Physics, Trigger: FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9.conf, Radiator: 4.5E-4 Amorphous, # of Events: 12M
2018-09-26 23:41:57 0:06:01 12125775 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg CDC Voltage Scan Run, Run Type: Physics, Trigger: FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9.conf, Radiator: 4.5E-4 Amorphous, # of Events: 12M
2018-09-26 23:33:12 0:02:43 6113397 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg BOR test
2018-09-26 23:22:01 0:08:38 8309431 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg BOR testing
2018-09-26 23:08:57 0:04:48 6092977 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Testing BOR
2018-09-26 22:57:59 0:02:55 2486358 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Junk
2018-09-26 22:46:32 0:05:03 11901159 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg CDC Voltage Scan Run, Run Type: Physics, Trigger: FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9.conf, Radiator: 4.5E-4 Amorphous, # of Events: 12M
2018-09-26 22:35:37 0:06:07 11911178 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg CDC Voltage Scan Run (HV = 2075V), Run Type: Physics. Trigger: FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9.conf, Radiator: 4.5E-4 Amorphous, # of Events: 12M
2018-09-26 22:13:15 0:18:11 12269658 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg CDC Voltage Scan Run (HV = 2100V), Run Type: Physics, Trigger: FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9.conf, Radiator: 4.5E-4 Amorphous, # of Events: 12M
2018-09-26 21:49:11 0:07:50 12173878 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg CDC Voltage Scan Run (HV = 2125V), Run Type: Physics, Trigger: FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9.conf, Radiator: 4.5E-4 Amorphous, # of Events: 12M
2018-09-26 21:36:00 0:07:01 12215751 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg CDC Voltage Scan (HV = 2150), Run Type: Physics, Trigger: FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9.conf, # of events: 12M
2018-09-26 19:52:36 0:09:55 8735516 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg_2FILEs 2Files 300 nA
2018-09-26 19:20:27 0:08:57 11731437 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg_2FILEs
2018-09-26 19:15:57 0:00:45 185324 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg_et2er
2018-09-26 19:08:29 0:00:24 1764 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg_et2er
2018-09-26 18:44:28 0:07:33 7274811 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg_2FILEs 2 files same raid
2018-09-26 18:22:12 0:15:25 0 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-26 18:16:36 0:02:33 8635867 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg
2018-09-26 18:12:47 0:01:58 5903496 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg
2018-09-26 18:03:36 0:03:59 21859176 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg Test
2018-09-26 17:35:31 0:11:07 37340599 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg Test
2018-09-26 17:19:56 0:05:02 17301511 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg
2018-09-26 17:04:50 0:11:38 53716254 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg Test
2018-09-26 16:54:58 0:06:07 17323895 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg
2018-09-26 16:30:05 0:10:13 0 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp Test
2018-09-26 16:10:47 0:16:11 37578501 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg
2018-09-26 15:54:49 0:10:03 36088256 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg Test
2018-09-26 15:24:17 0:27:39 66325761 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg Test
2018-09-26 14:47:47 0:29:08 50651642 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-26 14:38:46 0:00:51 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp test cdaq 180 nA 40 kHz 440 MB/s
2018-09-26 14:29:04 0:08:39 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp test cdaq 180 nA 40 kHz ~400MB/s
2018-09-26 13:47:47 0:31:10 30695860 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-26 12:30:41 0:41:14 2471269 FCAL_BCAL_2018_new hd_all.tsg Test
2018-09-26 09:25:36 0:08:40 1512008 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-26 09:00:09 0:09:09 1492557 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-26 08:13:34 0:08:36 1676006 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-26 05:27:04 0:31:06 2047648 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-26 03:58:40 1:21:11 12234269 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-25 23:19:13 0:47:26 909258 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-25 21:44:33 0:42:16 2019028 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-25 21:05:06 0:33:18 12048715 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Run: Physics, Trigger: FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9.conf, Setup: hd_all.tsg, # of Events: 12M
2018-09-25 20:47:12 0:14:53 495564 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg test
2018-09-25 20:09:49 0:13:17 1676799 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-25 20:04:22 0:02:54 246231 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Test
2018-09-25 19:30:25 0:17:11 3058880 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg Run: PHYSICS_RAW, Trigger: FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10.conf, SETUP: hd_all.tsg, # of Events: 3M
2018-09-25 16:54:13 2:04:45 16462843 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-25 14:50:59 1:55:03 1171713 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-25 14:18:56 0:28:29 4125667 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-25 14:02:24 0:14:59 1372504 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-25 09:23:40 0:01:15 553 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_250
2018-09-25 09:18:23 0:01:28 552 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_250
2018-09-25 09:15:25 0:02:05 562 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_250
2018-09-25 06:39:47 0:54:21 16832153 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-25 06:28:29 0:08:38 15661307 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-25 03:27:20 2:17:59 108423799 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-25 01:04:02 2:20:09 213199337 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-25 00:00:37 1:00:37 16231988 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-24 23:37:01 0:17:54 21367171 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-24 04:51:16 1:55:59 29115734 FCAL_straigh_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-24 02:58:39 1:49:42 31401495 FCAL_straigh_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-24 02:19:12 0:34:14 9539535 FCAL_straigh_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-23 23:33:41 1:29:02 20463070 FCAL_straigh_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-23 23:11:44 0:00:38 33203 PS_TAGGER_m9 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE
2018-09-23 23:01:03 0:05:04 295799 PS_TAGGER_m9 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE
2018-09-23 22:28:30 0:27:24 1296789 PS_TAGGER_m9 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE
2018-09-23 22:13:40 0:11:08 912431 FCAL_straigh_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-23 22:05:50 0:06:02 1110204 FCAL_straigh_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-23 21:47:22 0:14:54 1533078 FCAL_straigh_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-23 20:53:45 0:33:08 3548141 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-20 09:26:58 3 days, 11:00:41 8561429 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-09-19 19:29:55 13:36:36 29181177 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-09-18 20:32:53 0:03:04 103917 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-09-18 19:25:43 0:00:58 13323 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-09-18 16:17:42 0:00:14 6042 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-09-18 15:27:20 0:07:25 644 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2018-09-18 15:19:44 0:03:55 351 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2018-09-18 15:08:55 0:08:13 643 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2018-09-18 14:55:40 0:01:24 6893 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2018-09-18 14:40:18 0:04:09 22899 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2018-09-18 14:33:13 0:03:04 9689 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2018-09-18 13:59:19 0:30:25 9757 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2018-09-18 13:42:06 0:01:22 1238 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2018-09-18 13:26:00 0:00:51 662 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2018-09-18 13:20:09 0:00:21 278 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2018-09-18 11:48:52 0:26:41 934906 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-09-17 11:46:35 1:56:48 4000307 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-09-10 09:11:31 0:01:33 13642 DIRC hd_all.tsg_dirc DIRC readout test
2018-09-10 09:08:12 0:01:20 11363 DIRC hd_all.tsg_dirc
2018-09-10 08:58:50 0:05:52 58372 DIRC hd_all.tsg_dirc
2018-09-10 08:53:02 0:01:22 11656 DIRC hd_all.tsg_dirc DIRC readout test
2018-09-09 03:17:16 0:01:28 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-09 02:48:33 0:01:20 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-09 02:19:53 0:00:22 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-09 02:08:23 0:00:18 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-09 02:00:26 0:00:24 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-09 01:38:46 0:00:52 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-09 01:14:56 0:04:12 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-09 00:58:34 0:00:46 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-09 00:29:48 0:00:22 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 23:58:18 0:00:16 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 23:45:09 0:01:02 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 23:39:52 0:01:06 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 23:07:01 0:00:50 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 22:58:11 0:00:32 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 22:53:44 0:00:21 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 22:46:56 0:00:22 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 22:41:33 0:00:28 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 22:21:34 0:03:42 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 15:09:07 0:04:09 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 14:03:24 0:04:30 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 13:54:52 0:01:23 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 13:44:44 0:01:12 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 01:37:42 0:00:34 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 01:30:44 0:00:24 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 01:18:15 0:01:10 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-08 00:37:40 0:02:13 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-07 18:19:26 0:00:30 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-07 17:56:09 0:01:16 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-07 17:48:55 0:00:24 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-07 17:36:46 0:02:07 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-07 17:05:07 0:01:18 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-07 16:31:14 0:01:36 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-07 16:25:56 0:01:03 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-07 16:15:09 0:01:25 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-07 16:02:26 0:01:18 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-07 15:53:48 0:05:06 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-09-07 14:38:27 1:09:26 347968 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Nominal configuration, cables restored, LED trigger at 10 Hz as for nominal production.
2018-09-07 12:25:15 0:00:10 900 DIRC hd_all.tsg_dirc
2018-09-07 12:13:56 0:03:30 28762 DIRC hd_all.tsg_dirc
2018-09-07 11:46:48 0:04:32 32147 DIRC hd_all.tsg_dirc
2018-09-07 10:36:39 0:12:10 122213 DIRC hd_all.tsg_dirc
2018-09-07 10:13:38 0:19:12 94912 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-07 08:46:35 1:01:03 302872 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Pulser with swapped cables between VME LED trigger modules, nominal 10 Hz rate
2018-09-07 08:16:44 0:24:15 1034346 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Swap cables between VME LED trigger modules
2018-09-07 07:47:19 0:15:49 493028 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Normal configuration. 600 Hz pulsing rate.
2018-09-06 17:07:22 14:30:08 52878 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-06 16:12:17 0:04:22 15172 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-06 15:40:04 0:04:31 15769 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-06 14:58:33 0:00:59 5456 FCAL_BCAL_PS_fall_m10 hd_all.tsg
2018-09-06 08:59:48 4:36:23 24298 PB_FCAL hd_all.fcal.tsg_1
2018-09-05 16:40:37 0:02:42 8530 PB_FCAL hd_all.fcal.tsg_1
2018-09-05 16:01:50 0:31:23 9598 PB_FCAL hd_all.fcal.tsg_1
2018-09-05 15:35:28 0:03:47 13582 PB_FCAL hd_all.fcal.tsg_1
2018-09-04 18:50:57 0:00:32 1134 PB_FCAL hd_all.fcal.tsg_1
2018-09-04 14:34:09 4:01:17 10133 PB_FCAL hd_all.fcal.tsg_1
2018-09-04 14:31:37 0:01:16 3774 PB_FCAL hd_all.fcal.tsg_1
2018-09-04 14:25:37 0:02:51 9002 PB_FCAL hd_all.fcal.tsg_1
2018-09-04 11:54:48 0:00:43 1840 PB_FCAL hd_all.fcal.tsg_1
2018-09-04 11:44:30 0:04:26 1393 PB_FCAL hd_all.fcal.tsg_1
2018-09-04 11:38:41 0:02:08 7312 PB_FCAL hd_all.fcal.tsg_1
2018-09-04 11:31:31 0:00:22 278 PB_FCAL hd_all.fcal.tsg_1
2018-09-04 11:20:40 0:00:43 114 PB_TAGH hd_all.tagh.tsg
2018-09-04 11:06:50 0:02:11 7351 PB_FCAL hd_all.fcal.tsg_4
2018-09-04 10:53:05 0:06:08 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-08-31 22:03:25 3 days, 11:28:48 110385714 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-31 21:50:01 0:05:44 62262 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-31 21:33:46 0:12:56 7952 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-31 21:19:21 0:01:49 59675 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-31 21:10:24 0:03:46 160363 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-31 20:58:28 0:07:45 92758 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-31 19:43:12 1:09:42 2184129 PB_CCAL hd_all.tsg_ccal
2018-08-31 19:16:31 0:09:14 165 PB_CCAL hd_all.tsg_ccal
2018-08-31 18:54:25 0:18:48 353 PB_CCAL hd_all.tsg_ccal
2018-08-31 17:05:11 0:15:17 282 PB_CCAL hd_all.tsg_ccal
2018-08-31 16:09:36 0:00:50 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-08-31 16:05:48 0:02:08 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-08-31 13:00:29 1:41:53 3457421 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-31 12:46:33 0:08:27 288636 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-31 10:58:12 0:27:44 1032526 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-08-31 10:47:23 0:03:59 149577 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-08-31 10:41:02 0:03:05 114639 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-08-30 18:20:55 16:14:09 36737457 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-08-30 18:05:10 0:08:13 305297 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.bcal_fadc.tsg
2018-08-30 17:56:39 0:01:13 37203 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.bcal_fadc.tsg
2018-08-30 17:50:54 0:01:39 60647 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-08-30 17:33:07 0:02:01 16 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-08-30 17:03:22 0:12:00 376970 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-08-30 16:52:41 0:03:48 163689 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-08-30 15:08:30 0:00:40 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-08-30 15:07:10 0:00:38 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-08-30 15:04:20 0:00:48 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-08-30 15:01:41 0:01:28 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-08-29 17:52:58 17:35:56 53468188 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2018-08-29 15:53:08 0:04:10 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-08-29 15:47:42 0:02:07 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp-TAGM
2018-08-29 15:36:15 0:00:10 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp-TAGM
2018-08-29 15:30:58 0:00:20 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp-TAGM
2018-08-29 15:24:34 0:01:42 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp-TAGM
2018-08-29 15:05:30 0:01:04 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-08-29 14:56:34 0:00:24 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-08-29 14:51:13 0:00:50 0 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-08-29 09:15:43 1:03:09 5750 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-29 08:47:37 0:24:41 1084315 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-29 08:37:27 0:02:00 86715 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg Test
2018-08-29 08:14:43 0:05:03 220630 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-29 08:09:16 0:02:01 88432 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-29 07:58:04 0:04:43 59118 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-29 07:53:26 0:00:13 2612 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-29 07:50:13 0:00:56 4857 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg
2018-08-29 07:41:07 0:00:45 9091 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg