Π polarizability Meeting Aug. 30, 2012
Meeting Info.
Meeting Time
14:00 EST
We meet via Skype. The relevant Skype user names are:
- Rory Miskimen - rmiskimen
- Alexander Mushkarenkov - alexander_mushkarenkov
- Elton Smith - eltonssmith
- David Lawrence - aehsdad
Previous meeting: Aug. 16, 2012
- π+π- acceptance (Sasha M.)
- PYTHIA - generated backgrounds (David L.)
Attendees: Rory M., Sasha M., David L.
Sergey G. Vist
David reported on Elton's behalf that a draft of the MOU needed for Sergey Gevorgyan's visit has been written and iterated with Sergey. It is not like a typical 12GeV MOU and so need a bit more work. It is currently with Rhonda Scales in legal. Sergey will take a draft with him to Russia next week.
Acceptance (Sasha)
Sasha showed several plots indicating he is able to run the GlueX simulation and reconstruction and produce plots from it. Several plots of the generated values were shown that matched those shown at previous meetings. The reconstructed plots had some features that were discussed and not completely understood.
Rory suggests a vertex constraint may be in order (once it is determined that a track likely came from the target).
Sasha will try using a particle gun to better investigate the efficiencies.
PYHTIA Backgrounds (David)
David showed some slides investigating possible background processes that may contribute to the signal region. One in particular was the φ-meson decaying into K+K-, but if the Kaons are misidentified as pions, they will be reconstructed to a W value in the signal region. Rory will look into adding the φ to the event generator. David will continue the pythia study focussing on ππ and the t-distributions of identified background channels.
Next Meeting
- The next meeting will be in two weeks due to Rory being on travel to Germany next week.
- The meeting time will need to changes since it currently conflicts with Rory's class this semester
Action Items
- Ask Simon to look at tracks originating upstream of target (David)
- Look at single particles to try and understand the efficiencies Sasha showed in his slides 5 and 6 (Sasha)
- Continue pythia background investigation: (David)
- Look at π+π- only events similar to the K+K- plots shown
- t-distribution of events with various topologies
- Add φ-meson production to event generator (Rory)
- Identify new meeting time (Rory + All)