Π polarizability Meeting Nov 11, 2020
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Meeting Info.
Meeting Time And Location
9:00 EST (JLab time)
REMOTE during Covid-19
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- Make sure you have created a BlueJeans account via your JLab CUE account using this link:
- http://jlab.bluejeans.com (You should only need to do this once)
- Meeting ID: 949 429 419
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- Use your JLab e-mail address to log in and then enter the meeting ID given above to join the meeting
- If connecting via Phone: Dial one of the following numbers and then enter the meeting ID above and hit "#" or "##"
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- Enter meeting ID above
Action Items
- Read and comment on Ilya's report on the Beam Test (Everyone)
- Previous meeting: Nov 4, 2020
- Announcements
- Update on Engineering/Design
- CPP Design Meetings
- Next Design Meeting is Thursday Nov 19 at 2 pm
- Beam test
- CPP Test and TOF Rates (Ilya)
- Data Analysis (Andrew)
- Other business
- Next meeting
Attendees:Vambow, Andrew, Rory, Elton, Alex, Beni, David, Ilya, Mark. (Was anyone missed?)
- Previous meeting: Nov 11, 2020
- Announcements
- Update on Engineering/Design
- CPP Design Meetings
- Next Design Meeting is Thursday Nov 19 at 2 pm
- Beam test
- CPP Test and TOF Rates (Ilya)
- Data Analysis (Andrew)
- Making single-block clusters available to REST file
- Elton brought up the (presumed) missing information of Fcal blocks produced by muon tracks (likely single blocks) at the Calorimeter meeting. Several interesting suggestions were proposed (two of these would result in modifications to the REST file structure).
- Naive option is simply to rewrite the FCAL clusterizer and allow for single blocks to generate clusters, which then get identified as charged showers (i.e. matched to muons). Care needs to be taken to balance the sensitivity to new shower topologies with increased number of shower "noise"
- (Matt) Add all FCAL hits to REST file. This requires a new REST file, but provides flexibility at the reconstruction stage of optimizing the FCAL calibration and re-doing shower reconstruction, which may be useful in various contexts.
- (Mark) Allow single-block showers in the clusterizer, but eliminate all single-block clusters when clusters are turned into photon showers. At this stage, when clusters are matched to charged tracks, muons could be matched to single-block showers. Clusters could be written out to REST, again changing the format.
- Other business
- Next meeting