Analysis Shift Meeting Agenda, November 14 - November 20, 2021
From GlueXWiki
Daily Analysis meeting at 2pm EST (CC room 326) BlueJeans Link
Friday, November 19
- Status of the run (Bo)
- Run 90034 (Nov 8 22:35) to Run 90185 (Nov 19 06:49)
- In total: 152 runs, 224 hours
- Production: 116 runs, 177 hours, 13160 EVIO files, 22.1B triggers
- Data quality checked until run 90157
- Physics analyzed until run 90135, 1288 EVIO files (9.5%)
- Calibration: tagger microscope calibrated until 90100
- Rate estimates for color transparency (Axel)
- Analysis update (Jackson)
- PID with CDC (Nathaly)
Thursday, November 18
- Compton Updates from PrimeX (Drew)
- Proposal estimates update (Axel) Media:20211118_schmidt.pdf
- Color transparency estimates (Holly) Media:Ct_thoughts_18nov21.pdf
- 2p1pi1pi0 results (Jackson) [1]
Wednesday, November 17
- Update: No beam for the last 5 hours
- Data collected so far (Bo)
- Liquid He-4 target
- 1st production run: 90034 (Nov. 8 at 22:35)
- As of now, 90166 (Nov. 17 8:47)
- In total: 133 runs, 202 hours
- Production: 98 runs, 149 hours, 10727 evio Files
- Analyzed: 69 runs, 524 evio files
- Monitoring update (Phoebe)
- Flux Update (Phoebe)
- Rho minus analysis update (Jackson)
- Rho 0 analysis update (Nathaly)
- Discussion
Tuesday, November 16
- Physics Update
- Run Plan Discussion
- Calibration Update
Monday, November 15
- Run Plan Update (Axel) Media:20211115_schmidt.pdf
- Draft schedule (fixed) Media:Runplan_draft_20211115.pdf
- Link to google doc (will change)
- Physics Monitoring (Jackson)
- TAGM Update
- Updating Radiator Reminder
Sunday, November 14
- Production Update
- Plot
- Recon. Num. High-Level Objects: Missing Roc
- Recon. FCAL 2
- Updated Golden Run to 90091
- Calibration Plan Update
- PS
- Flux
- pi0/rho0?
- considering background subtraction
- omega 0/ rho0
- TAG and PS (in progress)
- pi0/rho0?