April 8, 2010 Readout
From GlueXWiki
Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST
- ESNET and EVO session
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Items for followup from previous meeting
Input/Decisions needed to finalize Bcal readout requirements (See also GlueX-doc-1373).(Ongoing) - Serguei agreed to send out a testing proposal for comments, including preliminary circuit designs and list of available equipment at USM for reference.
- Fill out loan agreement for SiPM arrays at UofR (Elton).
- Start a bulleted list of testing for the SiPMs (Serguey).
Documents to Review
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Review of Action Items
- Update - USM
- Simulation runs (Media:Bcal_fluka_100408.pdf)
- Geometry
- SiPM Radiation Hardness Test (Yi)
- SiPM - Testing Schedules
- Light guides
Attending: Andrei, George (UofR); Elton, Fernando, Yi, Beni, Eugene (Jlab); Serguei joining later (USM)
- Announcements
- Review of Action Items
- Update - USM
- None at this time. Approximately 35% of work completed. Will pass drafts to Elton and Fernando next week for feedback. Will discuss at the next Bcal readout meeting.
- Simulation runs (Media:Bcal_fluka_100408.pdf) Main purpose of study is to establish dynamic range for readout
- Reviewed updated (final) geometry including magnetic field and top (i.e. inner) 8 mm Al plate.
- Runs completed include 2.5 GeV at 12 deg (30 cm from downstream end) and phi=0. 2.5 GeV at 14deg; 0.06 MeV at 105 deg (30 cm from upstream end)
- Presentation showed energy deposition and expected number of photoelecgtrons in upstream and downstream detectors.
- Currently running 2.5 GeV centered on the middle of one readout channel (phi nonzero).
- The detailed information about light collection in each cell is available, so other segmentations can easily be produced.
- Asymmetry in shower development noticible due to magnetic field. Eugene: This will have a systematic impact on the phi coordinate measurement.
- Preliminary estimates show that there is considerable amount of light. Eugene: could consider a green filter to soften the exponential attenuation in the module. Elton: If photon yield can be reduced, we should reconsider putting a gap between the light guide and sensor to ease mechanical construction.
- Geometry
- SiPM Radiation Hardness Test (Yi)
- Checked setup. It is ready to go. Readout includes temperature, voltages and dose rates
- Hall A is presently down due to a leak in the scattering chamber and production running will be delayed till next week. Will wait for stable running before starting systematic irradiation of SiPMs.
- SiPM - Testing Schedules
- Fernando: Developing pre-amps for 1 mm2, 3mm2 and arrays. 1mm2 and arrays are available to assist in testing. Will check with Carl to see if a 3mm2 single is available. Otherwise a pair will be ordered from Hamamatsu for use in developing electronics.
- Light guides
- No report.