Fall 2019 Commissioning Meetings
From GlueXWiki
Meeting Information
GlueX DIRC Meeting
Tuesdays and Thursdays, December 3-19 + January 14
10:00 am, EDT
Hall D Counting House
Connection Using Bluejeans
- To join via Polycom room system go to the IP Address: (bjn.vc) and enter the meeting ID: 846453895.
- To join via a Web Browser, go to the page [1] https://bluejeans.com/846453895 .
- To join via phone, use one of the following numbers and the Conference ID: 846453895
- US or Canada: +1 408 740 7256 or
- US or Canada: +1 888 240 2560
- More information on connecting to bluejeans is available.
Useful Links:
Tuesday, January 14
- Spring 2019 DIRC Commissioning Analysis
- Fall 2019 Commissioning Analysis
- Initial production of Fall 2019 data available:
- dirc_tree files: /cache/halld/detectors/DIRC/RunPeriod-2019-11/dirc_monitoring/ver01/hists/merged/
- DIRC LED skims: /cache/halld/RunPeriod-2019-11/calib/ver01/DIRC-LED/
- REST files: /cache/halld/detectors/DIRC/RunPeriod-2019-11/dirc_monitoring/ver01/REST/
- New simulation samples (50M ρ and φ events each):
- Spring 2019 (previous commissioning, South Box only): producing dirc_tree files now ... slowly
- Fall 2019 (new mirror box geometry): running hdgeant4, etc. today... dirc_tree files later this week
- Current analysis updates
- FastDIRC (Yunjie)
- Upcoming analysis plans
Thursday, December 19
- Reconstruction of runs 70817-71073 almost complete (~8 billion of the 10 billion triggers collected so far):
- REST, histogram and tree files appearing at: /volatile/halld/home/gxproj7/RunPeriod-2019-11/dirc_monitoring/ver00
- Plan for data production over downtime
- Summary of production datasets
- LED analysis:
- Time over threshold analysis - Gain_eq (Andrew)
- Correlations between fibers and hit times (Bill)
- LED analyses [2] (Ahmed)
- GEM update and analysis plans discussion
- High rate studies:
- DAQ performance sufficient at 400 nA (nominal GlueX-II conditions)
- Plan to continue this overnight for more experience before January startup
- Plans for shutdown:
- LED runs for HV/threshold scans on Friday after beam down
- LV and HV off over break, but no mechanical changes planned
- Investigation of North OB in January:
- Proposal to drain North OB, inspect Bar Box 0 optical coupling to mirror box (misalignment?), inspect mirrors
- Beam could be back as early as January 7, so we can likely only observe the situation and seal things back up.
Tuesday, December 17
- Initial data analyses (early runs 70817-70849):
- Total statistics around ~6 billion triggers so far, should get close to statistics we had last Spring (~10 billion total)
- Upcoming plans:
- Remaining GEM data with focused FCAL trigger
- Additional DIRC threshold/gain/HV settings:
- High rate tests: paths to eliminate DIRC as bottleneck
Thursday, December 12
- Initial data (70817-70849) reconstruction complete:
- REST, histogram and tree files appearing at: /volatile/halld/home/gxproj7/RunPeriod-2019-11/dirc_monitoring/ver00
- Waiting for runs 70937+ to be transferred to the /cache/ disk
- VERY preliminary first look with FastDIRC
- Upcoming plans:
- More GEM data with focused FCAL trigger
- High rate trigger/DAQ tests, including DIRC (Sasha)
- CPP test, 1 hr (David)
Tuesday, December 10
- First field-on data Friday evening: Run 70817+
- Initial issues with timing now resolved and data processing some plots
- Initial data reconstruction underway:
- REST, histogram and tree files appearing at: /volatile/halld/home/gxproj7/RunPeriod-2019-11/dirc_monitoring/ver00
- Unfortunate data loss before accelerator vacuum issue: Run 70850-70895: https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/3750309
- LED Analysis: (Ahmed/Bill/Andrew)
- Upcoming plans:
- When beam is back continue with nominal conditions: Threshold = pedestal + 100, equalized gains, HV = 1000 V
- Dedicated runs with GEM detector included with low trigger rate
Thursday, December 5
- Collected straight track data in "beam left" position: see correlations with TRD wire chamber and GEM SRS (APV) modules
- A couple runs with DIRC included for initial tests (70720 and 70721)
- LED Analysis: (Ahmed/Bill)
- Upcoming plans:
- Today/tonight: Straight track data in center and right positions by Friday morning.
- Friday: Ramp solenoid and setup for DIRC commissioning
- Weekend: DIRC commissioning with full solenoid field!
Tuesday, December 3
- Status update from the Hall
- Plans for straight track data