GlueX Software Meeting, January 18, 2022
GlueX Software Meeting
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
3:00 pm EST
Zoom Meeting ID: 161 869 2159 Passcode: 634605 Join
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- Announcements
- Review of Minutes from the Last Software Meeting (all)
- Review of minutes from the last HDGeant4 meeting (all)
- FAQ of the Fortnight: How do I upgrade my $GLUEX_TOP?
- Review of recent issues and pull requests:
- halld_recon
- halld_sim
- MCwrapper
- gluex_root_analysis
- Review of recent discussion on the GlueX Software Help List (all)
- Meeting Time in January (all)
- Action Item Review (all)
Present: Sean Dobbs, Mark Ito (chair), Igal Jaegle, David Lawrence, Naomi Jarvis, Simon Taylor, Beni Zihlmann
There is a recording of this meeting on the ZoomGov site. Passcode: !Pzj274h
- fun fact about installing updated cern packages Pre-built versions of key packages are available via CVMFS.
- New version of Build Scripts: 2.28. Beyond this version, changes are coming to fix a problem with CCDB and help with Ubuntu builds.
- Naomi asked about modifying the Build Scripts ROOT makefile to allow checkout of the ROOT main branch. Mark has not made progress on that.
- Mark is still working on the CPP build he started on last week.
Review of Minutes from the Last Software Meeting
We reviewed the minutes from the December 20th meeting.
Analysis Launches on the OSG
Sean is working on a system to do analysis launches on the OSG. The pilot project is to do launches against the 2017 data.
- Richard has copied all of the rest files and made them available via StashCache. The data are therefore visible from most OSG nodes.
- Sean has adapted the Python scripts from Alex Austregesilo (originally from Paul Mattione [and Kei Moriya?]) that we have been using to do the launches at JLab.
- He has had success analyzing one run.
- He is exploring getting the system going for a launch request from Igal and one from Tegan Beattie.
- More in the way of a bookkeeping system will be needed to make it a routine production system. He has been talking to Thomas Britton about re-purposings pieces of MCwrapper and with Mark to look at reviving the jproj scripts used in the original data challenges back in the day.
GlueX ROOT Analysis Issue
Naomi reports that gluex_root_analysis Issue #156: Crashes with minimal DSelector upon writing output trees, probably memory leak, is still with us.
Review of minutes from the last HDGeant4 meeting
We looked over the minutes from the January 11th HDGeant4 meeting. Sean reported that the 4 ns offset seen after calibrating CPP signal events has been understood and eliminated.
FAQ of the Fortnight
Mark reviewed the FAQ: How do I upgrade my $GLUEX_TOP?
Review of recent issues and pull requests
Naomi called our attention to Issue #163: ReactionFilter plugin crashes on rhel8 with DTreeInterface::Fill error. The crash occurs deep into the run and only with multiple threads.
Re-Structuring Software Packages
Sean has been in discussions with Matt Shepherd and Justin Stevens on a scheme to do lightweight builds of AmpTools and the related halld_sim libraries to do amplitude analysis studies without having to build the entire GlueX software stack. This looks to be do-able, but will require a significant amount of restructuring of our current package configuration.