GlueX Start Counter Meeting, March 19, 2015
From GlueXWiki
GlueX Start Counter Meeting
Thursday, March 19, 2015
11:00 am EDT
CEBAF Center F326/327
- Announcements
- Review minutes from the March 5 meeting
- Detector Status
- Hot scaler channels
- Scaler thresholds
- Calibration
- DAQ Tasks for Spring 2015 Commissioning Run
- Action Item Review
- The BlueJeans Meeting ID is 556 286 544 .
- Connect to the Meeting
Talks can be deposited in the directory /group/halld/www/halldweb/html/talks/2015
on the JLab CUE. This directory is accessible from the web at .
- FIU: Werner Boeglin
- JLab: Mark Ito (chair), Eric Pooser, Beni Zihlmann
Detector Status
Eric gave the report.
- There are three channels with higher than normal rates in the discriminator-based scalers (no beam). The standard rate is about 10 Hz, these are going at 500 Hz.
- Eric is working on an automated program to do discriminator threshold curves. this may troubleshoot the previous item. He wants to implement a similar program that used the FADC-based scalers.
- Eric has done a lot of work calibrating time-walk for the start counter. He will give a presentation and next week's Calibration Meeting.
- Eric plans to start work implementing propagation delay corrections based on the measurements made on the bench at FIU. At present Simon has implemented a simple velocity based correction in the code.
Online Monitoring Histograms
There are several improvements to the online monitoring histograms that Eric has planned. He will turn to this after the propagation delay constant work.