GlueX Start Counter Meeting, November 29, 2018
GlueX Start Counter Meeting
Thursday, November 29, 2018
10:00 am EST
CEBAF Center, Room L207
BlueJeans: 556 286 544
- Announcements
- Review minutes from the meeting on November 15
- Calibration and Efficiency
- NIM Paper
- Action Item Review
Talks can be deposited in the directory /group/halld/www/halldweb/html/talks/2018
on the JLab CUE. This directory is accessible from the web at .
- FIU: Werner Boeglin, Mahmoud Kamel
- JLab: Thomas Britton, Mark Ito (chair), Simon Taylor, Beni Zihlmann
There is a recording of this meeting on the BlueJeans site. Use your JLab credentials to authenticate.
The target (and thus the start counter) is scheduled to be removed from the bore on Monday, December 3, to install a beryllium target for CompCal commissioning.
Review of minutes from the meeting on November 15
We went over the minutes. Thomas reminded us that the next PID meeting is Thursday, December 6, at 10 am in CEBAF Center, L207. The BlueJeans number is 198066682.
NIM Paper
We are still on track for a Friday, December 7 deadline for final comments on the NIM paper. See Werner's email reminder. The paper can be found on the DocDB.
Action Item Review
- Read and send in comments on the NIM paper.
- Find out if the start counter will be used for the PrimEx run.
- Think about how to estimate/monitor neutron dose for the SiPMs.