JEF meeting, January 10, 2025
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location:
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Connection information
Preparation of parts for ECAL -- Sasha
- -New PCB and parts for the LMS light source arrived to the lab. The LMS board will be assembled and tested during next week.
- -Consider to install two more temperature sensors (will try to fix the old ones first), a few sensors have been ordered
-Installation of the FCAL2 detector & integration to GlueX -- Sasha, All
- Implementing ECAL into the GlueX DAQ [1]
- - Initial version of the VTP firmware ready. Started testing using a setup with one VTP during the holiday break (some progress has been made)
- - VTPs installed on all ECAL VXS crates [2]
- - Use new version of DAQ, VTP included as a DAQ component. Will be updated on the entire detector after the ECAL commissioning
- -Replace one HV module (problems with the interlock) [8]
- Update signal translation table [9]
- Update mapping of the ECAL high voltages and spare HV cables [10]
- Implement ECAL HV interlock based on the newly installed temperature sensors in the divider region
- Toook cosmic data with the entire detector powered [11][12]
- Temperature of the ECAL modules [13][14] [15][16]
- Safety documents and preparing for the run
- Page for shift Takers
- ECAL in the Experimental Safety Assessment Document (ESAD)
- EPAS for Maintenance of the Hall D ECAL (Jlab-PTW-5236)
ECAL commissioning -- Sasha, All
- Gain calibration [22]
- Low-level timing
- Timing with respect to other detectors
Attendees: Xiaolin, Bill, Axel, Sasha, Zhikun, Igal, Zisis, Tim W., Drew, Liping, Olga, Phil, S.T.
- Upgrade of LMS light source to use 25 LEDs underway
- PCB arrived, needs to be populated
- Assemble and test week of January 13
- Driver has been updated
- PCB arrived, needs to be populated
- New temperature sensors have been ordered
- All VTPs (replacing CTPs for 7 crates) have been installed
- New VTP firmware now implemented, tested energy summation for 1 VTP
- Integration into full DAQ system underway
- Cables for reference PMTs for LMS installed
- All HV distribution boards installed, cabling complete
- Several issues found (holes too small, connectors missing locking clip, etc.), these have been addressed
- One HV channel could not hold desired voltage, use spare connector
- One HV module had interlock problem, now fixed
- Signal translation table updated
- Whole detector checked using scaler rates produced by LMS
- Ran cosmic ray data over winter break
- Ran HV scan
- Temperature sensors installed in upper corners of insert
- 2 additional fans have been installed
- Fans in center region are weaker than the new ones
- Would like to add fans to interlock system
- Temperature profile for lead glass region shows hot spots
- Temperature on face of lead tungstate modules rises to 30C after HV(=1.04 kV on all) on for a while
- Is heat being propagated through the pipe? Sasha blocked the aperture and saw no difference
- Is head being propagated through the pipe material? Working on concept for cooling the pipe down
- Is heat begin propagated through the lead tungstate modules themselves? Seems likely.
- Gradient in z through the module is an issue due to the dependence of light output on temperature, likely to cause distortion of shower profile
- Relaxation time and time to stabilize after toggling HV is on the scale of hours
- Cooling power not sufficient: increase fan power? Lower chiller temperature?
- Zhikun looked at recent cosmic data, saw some nice tracks
- Fitted amplitude distributions using Landau distribution convoluted with Gaussian, use to estimate new voltage settings