Jul 30, 2015 Calorimetry
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Video Conferencing Information
Meeting Time: 11 a.m.
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Participant Direct Lines
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460 (usual room)
- JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
- Phone in the Regina Video-conference Suite is 306-585-4204
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
Action Items
- Change BCAL and FCAL coordinates use the global coordinate system (not the target center). Action of this item is under discussion
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Action Items
- Run preparations
- Log Entry 3346764 BCAL Humidity
- Solenoid cooldown and ramp up mid August
- FCAL Update
- BCAL Update
- Calorimetry F250 Firmware Discussions
- Reconstruction and Simulation
- Calibration
- BCAL - Effective Speed of Light (George)
- Any other business
- Testing
Attendees: Manuel, Jon, Adesh, David, Elton (JLab); Will, Mike (CMU); George, Christina (Athens); Zisis, Noemi, Ahmed, Tegan (UofR)
- Announcements
- Action Items
- Run preparations
- Log Entry 3346764 BCAL Humidity
- Solenoid cooldown and ramp up mid August
- FCAL Update
- Bases, firmware updates (Jon)
- Hovanes is checking new firmware updates
- Find bad bases in the detector that are corrupting other bases during bootloader uploads.
- About 40 bad pmt bases found in the detector. Manuel: This problem encountered during installation and no fix determined, but Dan might be able to shed some light on it.
- Even after reprogramming, the "bad" bases remain bad after reprograming.
- Bad bases will be replaced next week and shipped back to IU for Paul to investigate problem.
- Analysis
- Adesh: Changing focus to work on simulation with the goal to find the expected resolution from Monte Carlo.
- Jon: Still plans to investigate FCAL efficiencies using various data samples including: omega-> pi0 gamma, omega-> pi+pi-pi0, pi0pi0p exclusive, pi0 p exclusive.
- Bases, firmware updates (Jon)
- BCAL Update
- BCAL Efficiency (Ahmed)
- There have been some indications for phi dependence in the efficiencies, and discrepancies in layer 4
- Christine: How to undertand efficiencies for layer 4 if tracks may stop in layer 3. Suggest selecting high energy tracks as a way of enhancing the probability for penetrating to layer 4.
- David: Notes that the emulation code using mode 8 does not duplicate what is in the firmware for mode 7. Plans to submit some changes to the code to make them more compatible.
- Elton: Layer 4 will be complicated to understand. Suggest that the focus be on differences between mode 7 and mode 8 efficiencies for layers 1-3.
- George: Comments that the veff determination shows a layer dependence, not a phi dependence except for cosmics in the bottom half of the detector.
- Will: does the phi modulation without energy selection in FCAL look the same as with an energy cut? Not yet investigated this.
- Time-walk corrections (Mike)
- Looking at run R2931, plotted ADC-TDC times as a function of peak value.
- May need to update data structures for peak information if this is to be used for analysis. Elton: Should consult Mark regarding these changes.
- Plots show distributions roughly consistent with expectations.
- Fitting data to time-walk functional form finds that it works well for most of the range of peak values but fails for large values.
- After corrections, the width of the distribution is about 300 ps.
- Mike will make code available on a branch that is accessible.
- Noemi can take a look at it and use it to explore optimizing fitting functions and procedures.
- BCAL Efficiency (Ahmed)
- Calorimetry F250 Firmware Discussions
- Elton summarized current discussion on the f250 firmware
- The volume of "content" (ADC and TDC information) is small compared to headers and other timing marker words
- The current thought is to include both integral and peak into the data stream, as well as timing information
- Proposals have been made for the data format and they are under discussion
- The plan is to have a draft document in about a month that can be circulated more widely including to members of the fast electronics group. Ideally, the new firmware can be implemented by the time of the fall run.
- Reconstruction and Simulation (Tegan)
- Added tdc to the digiHit information in the simulation (similar to what was already included for adc hits)
- Found that hdgeant was outputting negative times and an adjustment was needed to make them positive, as raw data only has positive integers.
- Code was tested yesterday and plans to push changes to git soon.
- Will: Considerations for eliminating negative hits from the clusterizer are under discussion.
- Git
- Will encountered some problems with git branches and forks.
- David: Suggested process is to check in changes to a local branch, push to main (master) repository, then send a pull request. See Instructions for Working with GlueX Git Repositories
- For general information about git conversion see GlueX Offline FAQ#Git and Conversion from Subversion to Git
- Suggestions/comments regarding git should be sent to Mark Ito for dissemination through offline wiki pages or other documentation.
- Calibration
- BCAL - Effective Speed of Light (George)
- Writing a report with work to date and it is about 80% complete
- At the moment the constants of veff converge for different layers for the cosmic data and a cut of delta ztrk-zshower < 20 cm.
- Studies are underway to understand the selection, although plots show that there is no significant bias as a function of z. Plan is to try to reject outliers based on better informed criteria.
- Currently the value for veff in ccdb is 16.75 cm/ns. The improved Regina result of 17 cm/ns has not been implemented yet. The new analysis converges on a number with is close to 17 cm/ns.
- Mike: Suggest to check in the new constants into a local file and check how the program behaves with the new constants.
- Assuming no anomalies are found, the constants can be submitted into ccdb. Zisis: Give everyone advanced notice including Sean.
- Tegan: Notes that the new constants should be added to the simulation. Elton: Indeed, but for the moment it is important to have consistency between generated and reconstructed simulation.
- Any other business
- Testing