May 6, 2010 Readout
From GlueXWiki
Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST
- ESNET and EVO session
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Items for followup from previous meeting
- Serguei agreed to send out a testing proposal for comments, including preliminary circuit designs and list of available equipment at USM for reference.
Fill out loan agreement for SiPM arrays at UofR (Elton). - Start a bulleted list of testing for the SiPMs (Serguey).
Distribution of p.e. corresponding to each sensor within the readout sum (Andrei).
Documents to Review
- File:SiPM contracting timeline v0.pdf
- GlueX-doc-1474 BCAL Dynamic Range from the Simulation with FLUKA
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Review of Action Items
- Update - USM
- USM MOU/contract update (Elton)
- Simulation runs
- Geometry
- SiPM Radiation Hardness Test (Yi)
- SiPM - Testing Schedules
- Light guides
Attending: Will, Serguei, Alam (USM); George, Andrei (UofR); Elton, Chuck, Fernando, Beni, John, Yi
- Announcements
- Review of Action Items
- USM MOU/contract update (Elton)
- Reviewed timeline for SiPM procurement and contract with USM and was discussed.
- Simulation runs
- Andrei presented number of p.e. for 2x2 cm2 segments at 2.5 GeV at 12 deg. and center of readout segment.
- Fernando: For the gain adjustment will need min and max for both upstream and downstream readouts
- Beni: Based on the plots, we might want to consider summing 2, 2 and 6 instead of 3, 3 and 4. [Other arrangements should be considered in this optimization]
- Eugene: What PDE is assumed? Andrei: The numbers use the QE for the Hamamatsu pmt of 18%. To obtain numbers hitting the SiPMs, we should adjust for response and light guide efficiency.
- Cosmic-ray measurements to determine response of module to particles is underway.
- Update - USM
- Light Guides
- Straight tapered Light guide produced at USM. 3.75deg angle included. Surface quality is being checked.
- After pliching would like to attach to baby Cal and measure light transmission.
- SiPMs
- Test setup is under fabrication to test gain and dark current of 16 SiPMs at fixed temperatures between T=5-25 deg in DeltaT=5 deg steps.
- Will went through a slide presentation prepared by Alam Toro showing the test setup
- John: Are the cable connections between arrays and preamps a problem for the test? (they will be outside the light-tight temp-stabilized box.
- Goal is to measure response to blue (495 nm) LED system. Dark current to be measured in between LED pulses.
- Considering option for injecting test pulses onto electronics board. Several layers of the board will be devoted to ground planes to help shielding.
- USM does not have any arrays. It is presently working with single 3x3 mm2 Hamamatsu SiPMs.
- Side project includes using Zecotek 3x3 mm2 SiPMs for NA61. Measurements of this setup can be made available if it is of interest. The units have high pixel count (10^4/mm2), but low gain ~ 10^3 - 10^5.
- Light Guides
- Geometry
- Elton asked if STP files have been successfully transfered back and forth between JLab and USM. Procedures are in place but full circle has not been completed.
- SiPM Radiation Hardness Test (Yi)
- After a 2 week cooldown in the Hall A labyrinth, they have been transfered to a location in the ARC for further testing.
- Dark rate has decreased for both units (Hamamatus from 200 -> 135 microA, SensL from 1600->1100 micro A).
- The measured change in amplitude could be (in part) attributed to radiation damage of the LED. However, the measured ratio of Hamamatu/SensL is not constant, which would be the case if only the LED was affected.
- SiPMs will be continued to be monitored for recovery. The room temperature in the ARC is about 1.5 deg higher than in Hall A.
- All documentation has been updated on the wiki page.
- Other/ Fernando passed on a couple of items from Carl, who was unable to attend:
- Werner Boeglin has received one array for testing the start counter
- Hamamatsu advertises the 2x2 sub-array used in our 4x4 arrays as a standard catalog item now, and is available for sale.