Meeting 2022 01 20
From GlueXWiki
Hall D SRC/CT Analysis Meetings: THURSDAY 1:00pm - 2:30pm
Link to all previous meetings: Hall D SRC/CT Weekly Analysis Meetings
Please use halld_src mailing list for plots/communications!
- Objections to meeting on Mondays at 9:30am? None! Next meeting will be Monday.
Status of calibrations (all)
- Skims ~95% done
- Status of the calibration (and quality check) of the tagger and PS -- Sasha
- Igal update on FCAL energy calibration
- Minutes: Develop a calibration list of tasks to check with next passes of data, Sasha and Sean will verify that the timing calibration strategy is consistent and others will help to check for all subsystems, Igal checking stability of calibration
Analysis topics
- Analysis topics are listed here for discussion.
Analysis updates
- Minutes:
- Jackson looking at src universality and pp
- Nathaly will take a look at j/psi using previous gluex analysis strategies....possible room to look at incoherent first,
- There is room to explore photon structure as a function of t mean field