Sep 23, 2010 Readout
From GlueXWiki
Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST
- ESNET and EVO session
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Items for followup from previous meeting
- Collect this information of testing (including goals and setup) on the wiki for ease of presenting information. (USM)
Will to update statement of work for USM contract and develop detailed schedule.Draft in progress.
Documents to Review
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Review of Action Items
- Update - USM
- SiPM Radiation Hardness Test (Update from Yi)
- Electronics/cooling
- Geometry and light guides
- Simulation runs
Attendees:Beni, John, Elton, Tim, Fernando, Eugene, Yi (JLab); Zisis (UofR); Will (USM)
- Announcements
- Report on calibration from Athens scheduled for next Thu at the cal working group meeting.
- Review of Action Items
- Update - USM
- Will has started drafting a sow, beginning with clearly defining the division of responsibilities between JLab and USM. Preliminary notes in the form of a table listing the tasks have been sent to Elton for feedback.
- SiPM Radiation Hardness Test (Update from Yi)
- Samples have been irradiated at different temperatures, and they are in the recovery phase.
- Recovery is strongly temperature dependent, with recovery at 60 degrees almost complete after a couple of days. Recover at 0deg very slow, no change in the same time period.
- Preliminary conclusions: recovery is about as expected; gain by cooling 15 deg is 2.6 vs 3.1.
- Electronics/cooling
- Geometry and light guides
- Simulation runs