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SiPM Radiation Hardness Test in Hall A
== '''Introduction''' ==
== Test Plan ==
The of goal of the SiPM Radiation Hardness tests is to reasonably predict the life time of such a detector in normal Hall D GlueX production running as the readout of BCal. Since most of the damage to SiPM is expected coming from neutron, the study is focused on the neutron damage only. A series of tests have been performed with both electron beam on Pb target at Hall A and RadCon AmBe neutron source.
[http://argus.phys.uregina.ca/cgi-bin/private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=1435 The Draft Test Plan to Study Radiation Damage to SiPMs in Hall A]
== '''Probing Neutron and Its Damage to Silicon Detectors''' ==
=== System Diagram and Floor Plan ===
=== Neutron probe ===
[[Image:sipm_test_setup.png|thumb|400px|left|The test setup for SiPM radiation hardness in Hall A during PREX experiment.]]
[[Image:sipm_floor_plan.png|thumb|400px|left|The floor plan of the SiPM test in Hall A.]]
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=== Device List ===
The neutron flux in both Hall A and RadCon neutron source is measured by portable neutron survey meter (BF<sub>3</sub>) [http://www.flukebiomedical.com/biomedical/usen/Radiation-Safety/Survey-Meters/190N.htm?PID=54521].
What this probe measures is '''equivalent dose''' [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equivalent_dose] in the unit of '''rem''', which is a measure of the radiation dose to tissue where an attempt has been made to allow for the different relative biological effects of different types of ionizing radiation.
* Control Computer: transversity.jlab.org: (
The conversion coefficients are plotted here according to ICRP 74 [http://rpd.oxfordjournals.org/content/78/2/147.full.pdf]
* GPIB over IP: GPIB-ENET/100: agpib.jlab.org (
* Serial Port Server: ESP904: portservha50.jlab.org (
* USB over IP: AnywhereUSB/5: ausb.jlab.org (
* Oscilliscope: TDS3034: dosci.jlab.org (
* Power Outlet: APC Outlet Control: hlauser:hlauser@hareboot12.jlab.org (
** Outlet 1: Pulse Generator
** Outlet 2: Temperature Box
** Outlet 3: Oscilliscope
** Outlet 4: GPIB over IP
** Outlet 5: Power Supply for Hamamatsu Unit
** Outlet 6: Power Supply for SensL Unit
** Outlet 7: Picoamp Meter
** Outlet 8: Serial Port Server
* USB to Serial HUB: ComHUB
** Serial 1 (COM5): Power Supply for Hamamatsu Unit
** Serial 2 (COM6): Power Supply for SensL Unit
** Serial 3 (COM7): Oscilliscope
** Serial 4 (COM8): Temperature Box
* Picoamp Meter x2: Keithley-485 (GPIB)
** GPIB Address: 1 (Hamamatsu); 2 (SensL)
* Pulse Generator: HP-8116A (GPIB)
** GPIB Address: 4
* Power Supply x2: B&K-1787B (RS232)
* Temperature Meter: CN77544 (RS232)
=== Power Connection and Settings ===
* Power Cable Color Code
=== Damage to silicon detector ===
** Black: Ground
** Yellow: -5.0 V
** Red: +2.1 V
** Blue: Hamamatsu Bias Voltage
** Green: SensL Bias Voltage
* SiPM Bias Voltage Correction vs Temperature
Numerous observations have led to the result that damage effects by energetic particles in the bulk of any material can be described as being proportional to the so called displacement damage cross section. This quantity is equivalent to the Non Ionizing Energy Loss ('''NIEL''') and hence the proportionality between the NIEL-value and the resulting damage effects is referred to as the NIEL-scaling hypothesis. The NIEL-value can also be referred to as the '''displacement-KERMA''', i.e. the Kinetic Energy Released to MAtter (in this case silicon)
** Hamamatsu: 56 mV/C (70.27 at 20 C)
** SensL: 23 mV/C (28.6 at 20 C)
=== EPICS Variables ===
As recommended for the LHC silicon detector study, the equivalent neutron radiation damage to silicon detector normalized to 1 MeV neutron is plotted here [http://sesam.desy.de/members/gunnar/Si-dfuncs.html].
Hall A Beam Line IOC: iocha5.jlab.org []
* hac_bcm_average: Hall A beam current (uA)
Hall A Cryo Target IOC: iocha13.jlab.org []
=== Conversion from rem to 1MeV neutron fluence ===
* haBDSPOS.VAL: Hall A cryo target position (encoder value)
[[Image:hatarget_enc.png|thumb|List of the encoder readings for the hall A cryo target]]
MCC general IOC:
With the previous two kinds of conversion factors and neutron energy spectrum, one can convert the measured neutron flux to 1 MeV neutron fluence.
* rad44_p2: Neutron dose [mRem/hour]
* rad44_p2_dose: Accumulated Neutron dose [mRem]
* rad44_p1: Gamma dose [mRem/hour]
* rad44_p1_dose: Accumulated Gamma dose [mRem]
== Event Log ==
== '''Irradiation in Hall A''' ==
=== 2010 Mar 17 ===
=== Test setup ===
* Photos of SiPM test setup.
* The test was performed in Hall A during P-Rex experiment [http://hallaweb.jlab.org/parity/prex/]
* Electron beam energy: '''1 GeV'''
* Target: '''0.5 mm Pb'''
* Location of SiPM: '''135 degrees''' backward, '''20 meters''' away from target
* More details can be found in [[Test Plan and Setup in Hall A]]
[[Image:SiPM_test_overall.jpg|thumb|200px|left|Location of the SiPM Box]]
=== Simulation ===
[[Image:SiPM_test_close.jpg|thumb|300px|left|Close view of SiPM test setup]]
[[Image:SiPM_test_hall.jpg|thumb|300px|left|Distance between SiPM and Hall A Target]]
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* All Hardware intrustruments have been connected.
Dr. Pavel Degtiarenko did a simulation using GEANT3 for the neutron background in Hall A. The result of neutron energy spectrum is shown [http://www.jlab.org/~pavel/hd/dose_sipm.pdf]
* The SiPM box is put on top of the cryo target parking support which is at about '''135 degrees''' to the left side of the beam and '''20 meters''' away from the target.
* The real time neutron counter is put right next to the SiPM.
=== 2010 Mar 18 ===
* Have all the remote communication working properly.
==== Conversion factor for Hall A ====
* Other than the oscilloscope, Labview programs to all the rest devices are ready.
* Did first measurement of the correlation between the draw current and the bias voltage.
[[Image:20100318_065900_Hamamatsu.png|thumb|200px|left|Hamamatsu SiPM Draw Current vs Bias Voltage]]
[[Image:20100318_070500_SensL.png|thumb|200px|left|SensL SiPM Draw Current vs Bias Voltage]]
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* Signals on Oscilloscope with 70.5V on Hamamatsu and 28.5V on SensL are shown as well.
[[Image:20100318_Signal_705_285.png|thumb|200px|left|Signals on Oscilloscope with 70.5V on Hamamatsu and 28.5V on SensL]]
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=== 2010 Mar 19 ===
* Dose to fluence: '''1 rem &rarr; 2.4 &times; 10<sup>7</sup> n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>'''
* Finished Oscilloscope initialization program, the readback program is done as well but not quite stable
==== Rate estimation ====
* Increase the pulse frequency to 1.0 kHz, here is the '''final configuration''' for the pulse generator
* Direct DC couple to the LED
* Estimated dose rate: '''3.1 rem/H'''
* Frequency: 1.0 kHz
** The dose rate estimation with 0.5 mm Pb target and 50 &mu;A is 7.64 rem/H.
* Width: 8.0 ns
** In reality, the Pb target thickness was gradually reduced due to the beam damage, the effective thickness of the target during the SiPM irradiation was found to be '''40%''' using the relative change of the neutron neutron dose rate measured by the neutron probe:
* High Level: 5.0 V
*** 03/28/2010 11:00: 950 mrem/H@22.8 &mu;A &rarr; 2.12 rem/H@50 &mu;A (Pb#3 first time in beam)
* Low Level: 0.0 V
*** 04/06/2010 07:00: 1.53 rem/H@44.2 &mu;A &rarr; 1.73 rem/H@50 &mu;A (Pb#3 last time w/o collimator)
*** 04/16/2010 02:00: 0.99 rem/H@18.0 &mu;A &rarr; 2.75 rem/H@50 &mu;A (Pb#3 first time w/ collimator)
*** 04/20/2010 22:00: 1.41 rem/H@49.7 &mu;A &rarr; 1.42 rem/H@50 &mu;A (Start of SiPM test)
*** 04/22/2010 09:00: 1.30 rem/H@49.5 &mu;A &rarr; 1.31 rem/H@50 &mu;A (End of SiPM test)
* Tested the draw current corresponding to the voltage level and recorded the oscilloscope signals (average of 128 waveforms)
* Measured dose rate: '''4.7 rem/H'''
* Removed both SiPMs from the box for Hall closing.
** 1.3 rem/H from raw reading.
** The neutron probe underestimates the actual Hall A dose rate by a factor 3.6 due to lack of sensitivity to high energy neutrons (>20 MeV). Such a factor was calculated by comparing to the damage results with AmBe source [[SiPM_Radiation_Hardness_Test#Calibration_of_neutron_probe_for_Hall_A_measurement|(calibration of neutron probe)]].
** Very good agreement to the simulation.
* SiPM signal shape vs bias voltage
* 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence (simulation): '''21000 n<sub>eq</sub>/s/cm<sup>2</sup>'''
[[Image:hamamatsu_signal.png|thumb|left|200px|Signal shapes from Hamamatsu SiPM with different bias voltage.]]
[[Image:sensl_signal.png|thumb|left|200px|Signal shapes from SensL SiPM with different bias voltage.]]
=== 3&times;3 mm<sup>2</sup> SiPM test in Hall A ===
* Time of irradiation: 04/20/2010 21:00 - 04/22/2010 07:00
* Final dose: '''153 rem''' (measured & corrected)
* Temperature: '''21.3&deg;C'''
* Initial dark current: '''8.2 &mu;A''' for Hamamatsu and '''125 &mu;A''' for SensL
==== Immediate damage results ====
* Dark current linearly increases as a function of 1MeV neutron fluence.
* Whether or not power the SiPM will not change the damage effect (the power was turned off on purpose during the big blank period).
* Compmared to the change of dark current, the changes of the signal shape (gain and the width) are very small. The colors represent the neutron dose: red (initial) -> violet (final)
[[Image:Hamamatsu_Signal.png|thumb|left|300px|Signals of Hamamatsu SiPM with radiation growing]]
[[Image:SensL_Signal.png|thumb|left|300px|Signals SensL SiPM with radiation growing]]
[[Image:SiPM_radiated_3.png|thumb|left|300px|Signal Amplitude gradually decreases as a function of radiation dose while no change of its width observed.]]
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* Draw current vs bias voltage
* The VI responses of both SiPMs were not effected by the radiation: no change of break down voltages.
[[Image:hamamatsu_vi.png|thumb|left|200px|Hamamatsu SiPM draw current as a function of bias voltage.]]
[[Image:Hamamatsu_VI.png|thumb|left|300px|Comparison of VI curves of Hamamatsu unit before and after radiation]]
[[Image:sensl_vi.png|thumb|left|200px|SensL SiPM draw current as a function of bias voltage.]]
[[Image:SensL_VI.png|thumb|left|300px|Comparison of VI curves of SensL unit before and after radiation]]
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* SiPM signal amplitude vs draw current as a function of bias voltage. From the plots, we can have some sense of the signal to background ratio.
==== Recovery from radiation damage ====
[[Image:sipm_scv.png|400px|The ratio of amplitude to draw current as a function of bias voltage.]]
* The dark current from both SiPM samples recovered by about '''50%''' with time constant of '''10 days'''.
* The gain was fully recovered.
* Taking the bias voltage adjustment into account, the dark current has an exponential relation to the ambient temperature:
** I(dark) ~ exp(a*(T-T0))
** a for Hamamatsu: '''0.061&plusmn;0.003/C'''
** a for SensL: '''0.047&plusmn;0.002/C'''
[[Image:SiPM_Recovery_all.png|thumb|left|300px|Recovery of SiPM dark current, fit with initial point.]]
[[Image:SiPM_Recovery.png|thumb|left|300px|Recovery of SiPM dark current, fit without initial point.]]
[[Image:SiPM_Recovery_signal.png|thumb|left|300px|Recovery of SiPM gains, fit without initial point.]]
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=== 2010 Mar 21 ===
==== Other info ====
* Finished first version of the Central Control VI, change all serial communication timeout to be 1 second
* Report to GlueX meeting (2010/05/10):  [https://halldweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0014/001496/001/SiPM_Test_May10.pdf link to docDB]
* Stress test
* Dark rate measurement shows a increase of noise level consistent with the increase of dark current:[https://halldweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0015/001546/001/Report_Irrad.pdf Carl's report]
** I<sub>dark</sub> ~ &sigma;<sub>pedestal</sub><sup>2</sup>
=== 2010 Mar 22 ===
=== 1&times;1 mm<sup>2</sup> SiPM test in Hall A ===
* Stress test failed, system won't run VI after rebooting. Maybe it's time to rebuilt the XP system on the computer
* Temperature: ~ 21.3 degree C
* SiPM Serial Number: 1260
* Irradiation time: 06/11/2010 11:20 - 06/15/2010 10:00
* Total dose: '''123 Rem''' (34.3 rem x 3.6)
=== 2010 Mar 23 ===
==== Test Result ====
* Brought transversity.jlab.org to CC for a system rebuilt
* ADC dark spectrum before/after irradiation and two months later
* At the mean time, upgraded the Central Control VI to version 2 with a more responsive interface and better timing control.
* Formula used in the fit:
** [[Image:sipm_formula.png|400px]]
** [[Image:sipm_width.png|160px]]
* Note: the pre-amplifier used in the first two tests (before and post) was from Stepan with a total gain of 105 while during the last test (anneal) the pre-amplifier from Fernando was used with a gain of 65.
* Immediate increase of dark rate: factor of '''37'''
* Permanent increase of dark current: factor of '''18''': [https://halldweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0015/001569/001/PostAnneal_Report_1mm_3mm.pdf Carl's measurement]
* Permanent increase of dark rate: factor of '''21'''
* Cross-talk: 15%
=== 2010 Mar 24 ===
== '''Irradiation with RadCon AmBe Source''' ==
* CC rebuilt the XP System
=== Conversion factor for AmBe neutron source ===
* Installed all necessary software, all devices are up and running well
* Changed GPIB timeout to be 1 second, should not have any timeout problem
* Stress test with Central Control VI without writing file to the disk :S
[[Image:SiPM_VI.png|thumb|left|300px|A screen shot of Central Control VI]]
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=== 2010 Mar 25 ===
* The AmBe source has an narrow neutron energy spectrum averaged at 4 MeV [http://www-pub.iaea.org/MTCD/publications/PDF/TRS403_scr.pdf] page82
* Dose to fluence: '''1 rem &rarr; 3.3&times;10<sup>7</sup>n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>'''
* Modified the algorithm to initialize the VISA resource.
=== Test Condition ===
* New stress test passed 30000 readings!!!!
=== 2010 Mar 26 ===
* The AmBe source in RadCon has the following dose rate:
  dose rate = [13/D<sup>2</sup>]*[1+(0.248*D)<sup>2.2375</sup>*e<sup>-0.3536*D</sup>] mrem/H
where D is the distance from the source in the unit of meter
* One 1&times;1 mm<sup>2</sup> and one 3&times;3 mm<sup>2</sup> SiPMs from '''Hamamatsu''' together with their pre-amplifiers were irradiated by this source
* The distance is '''17 cm''' and dose rate is '''0.45 rem/H'''
* Irradiation time: 07/12/2010 14:40 - 07/15/2010 14:25
* Total dose: '''32&plusmn;2 rem'''
* AGPIB and DOSCI lost connection at around 12:30AM when MCC tuning beam in the Hall. Rebooting solved the problem. More shielding may be required.
=== Results ===
=== 2010 Mar 29 ===
==== 1x1 mm SiPM ====
* Added additional shielding in front of the instruments
* ADC spectra before/after irradiation and 1 month later:
* Immediate increase of dark current: factor of 6.4 [https://halldweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0015/001569/001/PostAnneal_Report_1mm_3mm.pdf Carl's Measurement]
* Permanent increase of dark current: factor of '''4'''
* Permanent increase of dark rate: factor of '''3.5'''
* Cross talk: 13%
=== 2010 Mar 31 ===
==== 3x3 mm SiPM ====
* EPICS readout configured
* ADC spectra before/after irradiation and 1 month later:
* Immediate increase of dark current: factor of 7.1 [https://halldweb.jlab.org/DocDB/0015/001569/001/PostAnneal_Report_1mm_3mm.pdf Carl's Measurement]
* Permanent increase of dark current: factor of '''4.7'''
* Permanent increase of dark rate: factor of '''4.1'''
* Cross talk: 14%
=== 2010 Apr 1 ===
=== Calibration of neutron probe for Hall A measurement ===
* Updated Control VI to v4 with intregrated EPICS readout
* Use the increase of dark current as a bench mark
[[Image:sipm_cc_v4.png|thumb|left|300px|The V4 Labview control VI with EPICS variables.]]
** WIth AmBe source, it took '''32 rem''' to permanently increase the Hamamatsu SiPM dark current by a factor of '''4.4'''.
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*** '''32 rem &rarr; 1.06&times;10<sup>9</sup> n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>'''
** In Hall A, with Pb target, it took '''12 rem''' (measured, NOT corrected, 9.2 hours with 1.3 rem/H dose rate) to permanently increase the Hamamatsu SiPM dark current by a factor of '''4.4'''.
*** '''12 rem &rarr; 2.9&times;10<sup>8</sup> n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>'''
** The correction factor should be: 1.06&times;10<sup>9</sup>/2.9&times;10<sup>8</sup> = '''3.6'''
=== 2010 Apr 5 ===
== '''Fluence simulation of Hall D''' ==
* Updated Control VI to v5, new features added
Pavel recently updated his simulation for the neutron flux through SiPMs with normal Hall D production condition.
** independent readouts from GPIB, Serial and EPICS
** added communication status indications
** added plot history feature
=== 2010 Apr 6 ===
=== Simulation Condition and Results ===
* Detector location: Z = 462 cm
* Rate of photon beam before collimator: 11 GHz
* [http://www.jlab.org/~pavel/hd/doses_new_h.pdf Dose rates and energy spectra with Hydrogen target]
* [http://www.jlab.org/~pavel/hd/nflux_h.pdf Flux in downstream SiPM area with Hydrogen target]
* [http://www.jlab.org/~pavel/hd/nflux7_h.pdf Flux in upstream SiPM area with Hydrogen target]
* [http://www.jlab.org/~pavel/hd/doses_new_he.pdf Dose rates and energy spectra with Helium target]
* [http://www.jlab.org/~pavel/hd/nflux_he.pdf Flux in SiPM area with Helium target]
* [http://www.jlab.org/~pavel/hd/nflux7_he.pdf Flux in upstream SiPM area with Helium target]
* Calibrated RTD temperature sensor using an ice-water mix
=== Hydrogen Target ===
* Offset is 0.185 +- 0.005 degrees
* Therefore, nominal temperature in Hall A is 21.0 degree, so the bias voltages for two SiPMs are:
** 70.33 V for Hamamatsu
** 28.62 V for SensL
=== 2010 Apr 7 ===
==== Downstream Detector ====
* Added Temperature Feedback to Bias Voltage
* The energy spectrum of neutron from Hydrogen target:
** Temperature averaged over 10 minutes, statistical fluctuation < 0.01 degrees
** Voltage adjust step: 1 mV
* Dose to fluence: 1 rem &rarr; 2.6&times;10<sup>7</sup> n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>
** Voltage_Hamamatsu = 70.27 + 0.056*(T-20)
* At 65-90 cm
** Voltage_SensL = 28.6 + 0.023*(T-20)
** Dose rate: '''4.3-3.3 mrem/H'''
[[Image:sipm_cc_v5.png|thumb|left|300px|The V5 Labview control VI with EPICS variables.]]
** Total neutron flux: 90-76 Hz/cm<sup>2</sup> (54-43 forward, 37-33 backward)
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** Neutron flux > 10 MeV: 4.3-2.6 Hz/cm<sup>2</sup> (3.1-1.7 forward, 1.2-1.0 backward)
** 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: '''31-23 n<sub>eq</sub>/s/cm<sup>2</sup>'''
=== 2010 Apr 16 ===
==== Upstream Detector ====
* Hall A finally took the first production run
* The energy spectrum of neutron from Hydrogen target:
* Dose to fluence: 1 rem &rarr; 2.7&times;10<sup>7</sup> n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>
* At 65-90 cm
** Dose rate: '''1.0-0.4 mrem/H'''
** Total neutron flux: 20-16 Hz/cm<sup>2</sup> (3.5-3.2 forward, 17-13 backward)
** Neutron flux > 10 MeV: 0.7-0.4 Hz/cm<sup>2</sup> (0.1-0.0 forward, 0.6-0.4 backward)
** 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: '''8-3 n<sub>eq</sub>/s/cm<sup>2</sup>'''
=== 2010 Apr 18 ===
=== Helium Target ===
* The Hamamatsu power supply lost communication. Could not be fixed through multiple remote reboot. Probably caused by radiation damage :S
==== Downstream ====
* The neutron dose meter can only read 3 digit, once the reading is over 100000, it won't be very easy to accurately trace the dose, needs to be reset.
=== 2010 Apr 20 ===
* The energy spectrum of neutron from Helium target:
* Dose to fluence: 1 rem &rarr; 2.6&times;10<sup>7</sup> n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>
* At 65-90 cm
** Dose rate: '''6.5-4.9 mrem/H'''
** Total neutron flux: 140-108 Hz/cm<sup>2</sup> (94-67 forward, 46-41 backward)
** Neutron flux > 10 MeV: 7.0-4.0 Hz/cm<sup>2</sup> (5.6-3.0 forward, 1.3-1.1 backward)
** 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: '''47-35 n<sub>eq</sub>/s/cm<sup>2</sup>'''
* Neutron probe has been reset
==== Upstream ====
* Test in Hall A started from 18:00
=== 2010 Apr 22 ===
* The energy spectrum of neutron from Helium target:
* Dose to fluence: 1 rem &rarr; 2.4&times;10<sup>7</sup> n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>
* At 65-90 cm
** Dose rate: '''1.2-0.8 mrem/H'''
** Total neutron flux: 35-28 Hz/cm<sup>2</sup> (4.0-3.8 forward, 31-24 backward)
** Neutron flux > 10 MeV: 1.5-1.1 Hz/cm<sup>2</sup> (0.5-0.1 forward, 1.0-1.0 backward)
** 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: '''8-6 n<sub>eq</sub>/s/cm<sup>2</sup>'''
* Beam stopped at 09:00
=== Life Time of SiPMs in Hall D ===
* Test in Hall A finished at 09:00
* Draw current: 200 uA for Hamamatsu and 1600 uA for SensL
* Leave the all the instruments in tunnel with temperature about 21 C
=== 2010 May 4 ===
* Our current calorimeter design allows a factor '''5''' increase of the dark noise, and the 1 MeV neutron fluence needed according to Hall A simulation: 11 hours of 50 &mu;A beam &rarr; 34 rem &rarr; '''8.2&times;10<sup>8</sup>n<sub>eq</sub>'''
* At 65-90 cm (inner-outer radius of BCal), to reach same 1 MeV neutron fluence:
** Hydrogen target: 0.9-1.1 years for downstream and 3-9 years for upstream of full-time running
** Helium target: 0.6-0.8 years for downstream and 3-4 years for upstream of full-time running
* Factors to increase life time of SiPM
** Running efficiency: 33%
** Lower temperature: 20&deg;C&rarr;5&deg;C will reduce the dark rate by a factor of 3 (has been very verified with non-irradiated samples).
* Expected life time with high luminosity production (10<sup>8</sup> &gamma;):
** '''8 - 10''' years for Hydrogen target
** '''5 - 7''' years with Helium target
* Move all the instruments to ARC Room 628 at 15:00
* Room Temperature at Room 628 is about 22 C
=== 2010 May 5 ===
* Started Annealing test from 18:00 in Room 628
== '''Temperature Test with RadCon AmBe Source''' ==
* Draw current: 135 uA for Hamamatsu and 1120 uA for SensL, both get lowered
=== early test data ===
=== Test Condition ===
* 20100318 Pulse Frequency: 500 Hz
* Samples Irradiated [http://sales.hamamatsu.com/en/products/solid-state-division/si-photodiode-series/mppc/part-s10362-11-050c.php product page]:
* 20100319 Pulse Frequency: 1.0 kHz
** -4&deg;C: 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859
** room temperature (24.5&deg;C): 1853, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1264(previously irradiated with AmBe)
== 3x3 mm2 SiPM Test in Hall A ==
* Recovery Temperature:
** -4&deg;C: 1854, 1856, 1861, 1862
** 25&deg;C: 1858, 1859, 1853, 1860, 1264
** 60&deg;C: 1855, 1857, 1863, 1864
=== Test Condition ===
* Irradiation Period:
** 2010/09/16 14:50 - 2010/09/20 14:50
** Total dose: 43.2 rem
* Time: 04/20/2010 12:30 PM
* Recovery Period:
* Location: Hall A beam left
** -4&deg;C: since 2010/09/20 23:50
* Initial Dose
** 25&deg;C: since 2010/09/20 14:50
** Neutron (rad44_p2) 18.4 mRem
** 60&deg;C: since 2010/09/21 12:20
** Gamma (rad44_p1) 61900 mRem
** 60&deg;C for sample 1854, 1861 (previously -4&deg;C group) and 1858, 1860 (previously 25&deg;C group)
* Radiation Chips
** More need to be added:
** Neutron Rod: serial# 2A01 close to SiPM
** TLD: serial# 9597, close to SiPM and rad44_p2
** TLD: serial# 9598, close to rad44_p1 at entrance
=== Pre-Test Measurement ===
* Second Irradiation Period:
** 2011/01/14 14:40 - 2011/01/18 14:45
** Total dose: 52 rem
** -4&deg;C: 1854,1855,1856,1857,1858,1859
** Room temperature: 1264,1853,1860,1861,1862,1863,1864
* Voltage vs Current scan done
* Recovery:
** Hamamatsu: 20100420_132141_VICurve.txt
** all at 50&deg;C
** Hamamatsu: 20100420_132531_VICurve.txt
** SensL: 20100420_132531_VICurve.txt
** SensL: 20100420_132531_VICurve.txt
=== Beam ON Test ===
== '''SiPM in Tagger Hall''' ==
[[Image:FirstBeam_Sipm.png|thumb|500px|left|Screenshot of SiPM performance after 50uA electron beam hits the 0.5mm Pb target]]
=== SiPM Info ===
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==== Data Set ====
* Photonique 2x2 mm SiPM
* Rated Bias Voltage: 37V
* Oscilloscope Snapshot #1: ''20100420_135400_CHx.txt''
=== AmBe Irradiation Test ===
* Oscilloscope Snapshot #2: ''20100421_014000_CHx.txt''
* Oscilloscope Snapshot #3: ''20100421_091100_CHx.isf''
* Oscilloscope Snapshot #4: ''20100421_182200_CHx.isf''
* Oscilloscope Snapshot #5: ''20100422_015300_CHx.isf''
* Oscilloscope Snapshot #6: ''20100422_102700_CHx.isf''
* Dataset #1: ''20100420_140630.txt''
** Stopped due to GIPB problem
** No production
* Dataset #2: ''20100420_182713.txt''
** Long run with production started
** 22:40:30 - 01:46:10 oscilloscope not updating
** Stopped due to GPIB problem
* Dataset #3: ''20100421_091253.txt''
** Stopped due to EPICS problem
* Dataset #4: ''20100421_105132.txt''
** HV OFF at 10:59:00 to test radiation damage with bias voltage OFF
** Stopped to turn bias voltage back ON at 18:21:00
* Dataset #5: ''20100421_182344.txt''
** New dataset with bias voltage ON
** Stopped due to GPIB problem
* Dataset #6: ''20100422_015736.txt''
** Stopped due to GPIB problem
* Dataset #7: ''20100422_091215.txt''
** Beam OFF
** oscilloscope not updating
=== Post-Test Measurement ===
* Time: Aug 30, 2010 - Sep 1, 2010
* Temperature: 23&deg;C
* Bias Voltage: 36.3V
* Total Dose: 20 rem
* Dose Rate: 0.45 rem/H
* [[Image:Damage_Curve.png|500px]]
* Voltage vs Current scan done
=== Recovery Test ===
** Hamamatsu: 20100422_105000_VICurve.txt
** Hamamatsu: 20100422_105334_VICurve.txt
** SensL: 20100422_105732_VICurve.txt
** SensL: 20100422_110249_VICurve.txt
==== Plots ====
* Time: since 10:00 AM, Sep 1, 2010
* Temperature: 24.2&deg;C
* Bias Voltage: 36.3V
* [[Image:Recovery_Curve.png|500px]]
* Change of draw Current and signal shape at working condition as a function of radiation
=== V-I Curve at Different Stages ===
[[Image:SiPM_radiated_1.png|thumb|left|300px|Neutron and gamma radiation and temperature during the test]]
[[Image:SiPM_radiated_2.png|thumb|left|300px|Bias voltage was adjusted based on temperature and the draw current increases rapidly with radiation.]]
[[Image:SiPM_radiated_3.png|thumb|left|300px|Signal Amplitude gradually decreases as a function of radiation dose while no change of its width observed.]]
<br clear=all>
* Comparison of VI response before and after radiation
* [[Image:VI_Curves.png|500px]]
[[Image:Hamamatsu_VI_Before.png|thumb|left|100px|VI curve of Hamamatsu SiPM unit before radiation]]
[[Image:Hamamatsu_VI_After.png|thumb|left|100px|VI curve of Hamamatsu SiPM unit after radiation]]
[[Image:SensL_VI_Before.png|thumb|left|100px|VI curve of SensL SiPM unit before radiation]]
[[Image:SensL_VI_After.png|thumb|left|100px|VI curve of SensL SiPM unit after radiation]]
<br clear=all>
[[Image:Hamamatsu_VI.png|thumb|left|300px|Comparison of VI curves of Hamamatsu unit before and after radiation]]
[[Image:SensL_VI.png|thumb|left|300px|Comparison of VI curves of SensL unit before and after radiation]]
<br clear=all>
* Signals recorded by oscilloscope show the effect of radiation on amplification: red (initial) -> violet (final)
== '''Summary of Radiation Damage to Hamamatsu SiPMs''' ==
[[Image:Hamamatsu_Signal.png|thumb|left|300px|Signals of Hamamatsu SiPM with radiation growing]]
[[Image:SensL_Signal.png|thumb|left|300px|Signals SensL SiPM with radiation growing]]
<br clear=all>
* If we take the dose to fluence coefficient of 1 MeV Neutron: 400 pSv.cm2 = 4x10-8 rem.cm2, we have the following plot
=== Previous 1&times;1 mm and 3&times;3 mm Samples Irradiated by AmBe Source ===
[[Image:SiPM_Radiation_Effect.png|thumb|left|500px|The draw current increment as a function of 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence]]
<br clear=all>
* Permanent vs. acute radiation damage
* Radiation Dose: 32 rem &rarr; 1.1&times;10<sup>9</sup>n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>
[[Image:SiPM_Recovery_all.png|thumb|left|300px|Recovery of SiPM dark current, fit with initial point.]]
* Temperature: 24.5&deg;C
[[Image:SiPM_Recovery.png|thumb|left|300px|Recovery of SiPM dark current, fit without initial point.]]
* Dark Current/Rate: increased by a factor of 4.1
[[Image:SiPM_Recovery_signal.png|thumb|left|300px|Recovery of SiPM gains, fit without initial point.]]
* Dose to increase dark current/rate by a factor of '''5''':
<br clear=all>
** '''41 rem &rarr; 1.4&times;10<sup>9</sup>n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>'''
==== Facts and Conclusions ====
=== Summary of 1&times;1 mm Samples Irradiated by AmBe Source ===
* Hall A radiation level is extremely high during P-REX experiment: 50uA on 0.5mm Pb target ('''9%''' radiation length).
* Radiation Dose: 43.2 rem &rarr; 1.43&times;10<sup>9</sup>n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>
* A lot of excessive radiation is created by the 2 pieces of collimator behind Pb Target: estimated '''1 kiloWatt''' total power dissipated on them.
* Initial Dark Current (Gain: 7.5&times;10<sup>5</sup>, T: 25&deg;C) : 84&plusmn;2 nA
* The neutron dose rate before the collimator installed was 1.55 rem/H with 45 uA beam on Pb target. After the collimator was installed, the dose rate during the SiPM test was 1.35 rem/H with 50 uA beam. Therefore the tungsten collimator did not significantly change the radiation level.
** [[Image:Initial_DC_1x1.png|300px]]
* Radiation causes draw current to increase no matter whether bias voltage is applied.
* Initial Dark Rate : 563&plusmn;20 kHz
** Hamamatsu: starting from 8 uA, 5 uA/Rem
** [[Image:Initial_DR_1x1.png|300px]]
** SensL: starting from 155 uA, 40 uA/Rem
* Prompt Radiation Damage:
* The dark current from both SiPM samples recovered by about half with time constant of 10 days
** -3&deg;C group: 87&plusmn;4 nA &rarr; 771&plusmn;66 nA (8.9&times; &plusmn;9%)
* Taking the bias voltage adjustment into account, the dark current has an exponential relation with ambient temperature:
*** [[Image:Zero_DC_1x1.png|300px]]
** I(dark) ~ exp(a*(T-T0))
** 24.5&deg;C group: 86&plusmn;2 nA &rarr; 660&plusmn;38 nA (7.7&times; &plusmn;6%)
** a for Hamamatsu: 0.061+-0.003/C
*** [[Image:Room_DC_1x1.png|300px]]
** a for SensL: 0.047+-0.002/C
* Damage Recovery:
* Radiation slowly affects the amplification of SiPM but has no effect on the signal width, even though, the drops of the gain get fully recovered afterward.
** [[Image:Dark_current_recovery.png|500px]]
* Report to GlueX meeting (2010/05/10): [http://argus.phys.uregina.ca/gluex/DocDB/0014/001496/001/SiPM_Test_May10.pdf link to docDB]
** 60&deg;C group: 87 nA &rarr; 708 nA(8.1&times;) &rarr; 349 nA(4.0&times;); Recovery Time Constant: 0.77 day; Recovered Fraction: '''62%'''
* Dark rate measurement shows a increase of noise level consistent with the increase of dark current:[http://www.exahttp://argus.phys.uregina.ca/gluex/DocDB/0015/001546/001/Report_Irrad.pdf Carl's report]
** 24.5&deg;C group ('''preliminary'''): 85 nA &rarr; 693 nA(8.2&times;) &rarr; 449 nA(5.3&times;); Recovery Time Constant: 4.1 days; Recovered Fraction: '''46%'''
** I(dark) ~ Sigma(pedestal)^2
** -4&deg;C group: not enough data
** Irradiated sample@24.5&deg;C ('''preliminary'''): 311 nA(3.7&times;) &rarr; 971 nA(12&times;) &rarr; 646 nA(7.7&times;); Recovery Time Constant: 4.3 days
==== Translate Simulation Results ====
==== Conlusions and Tasks ====
* Detectors were put 20 meters away from Pb target and 135 degrees backward.
* Recovery time is strongly temperature dependent.
* Simulation was done by Pavel Degtiarenko by only considering the 0.5 mm Pb target in Hall A.
* Fraction of recovery to total damage may also be temperature dependent, to check it:
* Neutron dose equivalent conversion coefficients were taken from ICRP 74, plot see [http://rpd.oxfordjournals.org/content/78/2/147.full.pdf], may off by a factor of 2.
** Take more data with 24.5&deg;C and -4&deg;C groups,
* Displacement damage in silicon was taken [http://sesam.desy.de/members/gunnar/Si-dfuncs.html], as recommended for LHC silicon detector study.
** Cool 60&deg;C group to room temperature or -4&deg;C to check changes: equilibrium of damage clusters at different temperature?
* By combining all information we got:
** Re-irradiated 60&deg;C group samples and anneal at 40&deg;C
** Biological dose rate: 0.12 rem/H
* Radiation damage and recovery will not change the upcoming damage rate:
** 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: 1050 Hz/cm2
** Increase of dark rate/current vs dose is constant,
** About a factor of 10 smaller than we measured in the Hall.
** The fomulism of simultaneous recovery during damage will work.
* Plots are shown here:
* Dose to increase dark current/rate by a factor of '''5''':
** Assuming no recovery: '''23 rem &rarr; 0.76&times;10<sup>9</sup>n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>'''
** Assuming 60&deg;C result: '''58 rem &rarr; 1.9&times;10<sup>9</sup>n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>''',
** Assuming preliminary 24.5&deg;C result: '''40 rem &rarr; 1.3&times;10<sup>9</sup>n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>''',
** 24.5&deg;C result is more consistent with previous estimation.
==== ToDo List ====
==== Temperature Dependence ====
* Annealing test
* Change of Cooling Effects on Dark Current and Dark Rate
* Translate Rem to equivalent neutron fluence
** Sample 1254 and 1255 were irradiated at -3 &deg;C, and sample 1253 was irradiated at 24.5 &deg;C
* Estimate life time in Hall D condition
** The radiation slightly changed the temperature dependence of dark rate/current:
*** [[Image:Dark_current_temp.png|400px]]
*** [[Image:Dark_rate_temp.png|400px]]
* To decrease dark rate by a factor of '''3''' after irradiation:
** Drop temperature by '''17&deg;C'''.
* Further measurements are needed for temperature dependence of baseline damage and recovery time.
== 1x1 mm2 SiPM Test in Hall A ==
=== Irradiation Test in Hall A ===
=== Test Condition ===
=== Tests with previously irradiated samples ===
* Same location as previous 3x3 SiPM test: 135 degrees, 20 meters
==== 4&times;4 3&times;3 mm array ====
* Not powered
* Temperature: ~ 21.3 degree C
* Radiation Dose (Simulation: 3.1 rem/H): 101 rem &rarr; 2.4&times;10<sup>9</sup>n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>
* SiPM information:
* Temperature: 21.3&deg;C
** Type Number: S10362-11-050C
* Dark Current: 8.2 &mu;A &rarr; 202 &mu;A(25&times;) &rarr; 94 &mu;A(11.5&times;); Recovery Time Constant: 9.0 days; Recovered Fraction: '''56%'''
** Serial Number: 1260
* Dose from simulation to increase dark current/rate by a factor of '''5''':
** Vop: 71.54 V
** '''34 rem &rarr; 0.82&times;10<sup>9</sup>n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup>'''
** M: 7.50e+5
* Uniformity test of dark rate:
** Dark Rate (0.5 p.e.): 536 kcps
** Reference Sample: 4.5&plusmn;0.2 MHz
** Dark Rate (1.5 p.e.): 44 kcps
*** [[Image:Ref_DR_3x3.png|300px]]
** X-talk: 8.2%
** Irradiated Sample: 40.3&plusmn;3.8 MHz
** PDE (lambda = 490 nm): 36.5%
*** [[Image:Irr_DR_3x3.png|300px]]
** At 25 degree C
==== 1&times;1 mm Sample ====
* Increase of dark rate compared to the one irradiated with AmBe source and showed a factor of 2.6 discrepancy:
20(increase in Hall A) x 32 rem(dose with AmBe) x 3.3 (conversion for AmBe)/2.8(increase with AmBe)/123 rem(dose in Hall A)/2.4(conversion for Hall A) = 2.6
==== Life Time in Hall D ====
* Hydrogen target with 10<sup>8</sup> &gamma;/s (from Pavel's GEANT simulation): '''3.8 mrem/H &rarr; 0.99&times;10<sup>5</sup> n<sub>eq</sub>/H/cm<sup>2</sup>'''
* Days to increase dark current by a factor of '''5''' (NO operation efficiency considered):
** Based on AmBe irradiation result:
*** Without recovery: 0.76&times;10<sup>9</sup> n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup> &rarr; '''320 days''',
*** With recovery: 1.3 - 1.9&times;10<sup>9</sup> n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup> &rarr; '''550 - 800 days'''.
** Based on Hall A simulation:
*** With recovery: 0.82 &times;10<sup>9</sup> n<sub>eq</sub>/cm<sup>2</sup> &rarr; '''345 days'''.
* Decrease the running temperature by '''17&deg;C''' will reduce dark rate by a factor of '''3'''.
* Normal experimental operation efficiency: '''33%'''
== After Pulse ==
=== Study by Simply Fitting the Tail ===
* Upper limit of after pulse: after pulse + pulse shape + light input profile
* Fit of after pulse
** Signal range: 60 - 120 ns
** [[Image:AP_fit_sample.png|400px]][[Image:AP_fit_sample_zoom.png|400px]]
* Dependence of after pulse
** [[Image:AP_dependence.png|400px]]
* Temperature dependence of signal output
** [[Image:PDE_temperature.png|400px]]
=== Study with Very Small Signal Input ===
* To remove pulse shape effect
* Condition
** Average photon input ~ 1 PE
** Signal range: 60 - 120 ns and peak at 80 ns
** Temperature: -7&deg;C
* Cuts to select events with only '''1''' PE in signal window and nowhere else
** [[Image:AP_ADC.png|400px]]
* Residue
** Average of all events is normalized to single photon amplitude by comparing leading edges
** [[Image:AP_residue.png|400px]]
** The fitting of the tail of the residue gives consistent result of previous study: '''12%'''
** But more residue found in the signal range: '''+10%''', cross talk with shorter delay compared to after pulse?
=== Study by ADC Fitting ===
* Fit of ADC in signal range: 60 - 120 ns
** [[Image:AP_ADC_fit_window.png|400px]]
** Assuming all effect from cross-talk (fast component): '''22%'''
* Fit of ADC after signal starts: 60 - 2060 ns
** [[Image:AP_ADC_fit_after.png|400px]]
** Cross-talk (fast) + After pulse (slow) = '''31%'''
** After pulse = 31% - 22% = '''9%''', consistent with tail fitting
** Cross-talk Seems not very consistent with previous study without signal input (~ 15% with 200 ns window), probably due to the uncertainty of pulse timing in the random case
** Compared to an early SiPM ADC fit with light input of 20 PE
** [[Image:SiPM_ADC_signal_Sample.png|400px]]
=== Initial Neutron Dose 2010/06/11 11:20 AM ===
=== Effect of Cross-Talk + After Pulse on Resolution ===
* rad44_p2_dose: 0 Rem
=== Final Neutron Dose 2010/06/15 10:00 AM ===
* [https://halldweb.jlab.org/doc-private/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=1553 Note posted on DocDB]
* 34.3 Rem
** [[Image:AP_effect.png|500px]]
* [[Image:rad_1x1.png|300px]]

Latest revision as of 12:38, 14 March 2017



The of goal of the SiPM Radiation Hardness tests is to reasonably predict the life time of such a detector in normal Hall D GlueX production running as the readout of BCal. Since most of the damage to SiPM is expected coming from neutron, the study is focused on the neutron damage only. A series of tests have been performed with both electron beam on Pb target at Hall A and RadCon AmBe neutron source.

Probing Neutron and Its Damage to Silicon Detectors

Neutron probe

The neutron flux in both Hall A and RadCon neutron source is measured by portable neutron survey meter (BF3) [1]. What this probe measures is equivalent dose [2] in the unit of rem, which is a measure of the radiation dose to tissue where an attempt has been made to allow for the different relative biological effects of different types of ionizing radiation.

The conversion coefficients are plotted here according to ICRP 74 [3]

Bio conv.png

Damage to silicon detector

Numerous observations have led to the result that damage effects by energetic particles in the bulk of any material can be described as being proportional to the so called displacement damage cross section. This quantity is equivalent to the Non Ionizing Energy Loss (NIEL) and hence the proportionality between the NIEL-value and the resulting damage effects is referred to as the NIEL-scaling hypothesis. The NIEL-value can also be referred to as the displacement-KERMA, i.e. the Kinetic Energy Released to MAtter (in this case silicon)

As recommended for the LHC silicon detector study, the equivalent neutron radiation damage to silicon detector normalized to 1 MeV neutron is plotted here [4].

Niel conv.png

Conversion from rem to 1MeV neutron fluence

With the previous two kinds of conversion factors and neutron energy spectrum, one can convert the measured neutron flux to 1 MeV neutron fluence.

Irradiation in Hall A

Test setup

  • The test was performed in Hall A during P-Rex experiment [5]
  • Electron beam energy: 1 GeV
  • Target: 0.5 mm Pb
  • Location of SiPM: 135 degrees backward, 20 meters away from target
  • More details can be found in Test Plan and Setup in Hall A


Dr. Pavel Degtiarenko did a simulation using GEANT3 for the neutron background in Hall A. The result of neutron energy spectrum is shown [6]

Halla n spectrum pb.png

Conversion factor for Hall A

  • Dose to fluence: 1 rem → 2.4 × 107 neq/cm2

Rate estimation

  • Estimated dose rate: 3.1 rem/H
    • The dose rate estimation with 0.5 mm Pb target and 50 μA is 7.64 rem/H.
    • In reality, the Pb target thickness was gradually reduced due to the beam damage, the effective thickness of the target during the SiPM irradiation was found to be 40% using the relative change of the neutron neutron dose rate measured by the neutron probe:
      • 03/28/2010 11:00: 950 mrem/H@22.8 μA → 2.12 rem/H@50 μA (Pb#3 first time in beam)
      • 04/06/2010 07:00: 1.53 rem/H@44.2 μA → 1.73 rem/H@50 μA (Pb#3 last time w/o collimator)
      • 04/16/2010 02:00: 0.99 rem/H@18.0 μA → 2.75 rem/H@50 μA (Pb#3 first time w/ collimator)
      • 04/20/2010 22:00: 1.41 rem/H@49.7 μA → 1.42 rem/H@50 μA (Start of SiPM test)
      • 04/22/2010 09:00: 1.30 rem/H@49.5 μA → 1.31 rem/H@50 μA (End of SiPM test)
  • Measured dose rate: 4.7 rem/H
    • 1.3 rem/H from raw reading.
    • The neutron probe underestimates the actual Hall A dose rate by a factor 3.6 due to lack of sensitivity to high energy neutrons (>20 MeV). Such a factor was calculated by comparing to the damage results with AmBe source (calibration of neutron probe).
    • Very good agreement to the simulation.
  • 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence (simulation): 21000 neq/s/cm2

3×3 mm2 SiPM test in Hall A

  • Time of irradiation: 04/20/2010 21:00 - 04/22/2010 07:00
  • Final dose: 153 rem (measured & corrected)
  • Temperature: 21.3°C
  • Initial dark current: 8.2 μA for Hamamatsu and 125 μA for SensL

Immediate damage results

  • Dark current linearly increases as a function of 1MeV neutron fluence.
  • Whether or not power the SiPM will not change the damage effect (the power was turned off on purpose during the big blank period).

SiPM Radiation Effect.png

  • Compmared to the change of dark current, the changes of the signal shape (gain and the width) are very small. The colors represent the neutron dose: red (initial) -> violet (final)
Signals of Hamamatsu SiPM with radiation growing
Signals SensL SiPM with radiation growing
Signal Amplitude gradually decreases as a function of radiation dose while no change of its width observed.

  • The VI responses of both SiPMs were not effected by the radiation: no change of break down voltages.
Comparison of VI curves of Hamamatsu unit before and after radiation
Comparison of VI curves of SensL unit before and after radiation

Recovery from radiation damage

  • The dark current from both SiPM samples recovered by about 50% with time constant of 10 days.
  • The gain was fully recovered.
  • Taking the bias voltage adjustment into account, the dark current has an exponential relation to the ambient temperature:
    • I(dark) ~ exp(a*(T-T0))
    • a for Hamamatsu: 0.061±0.003/C
    • a for SensL: 0.047±0.002/C
Recovery of SiPM dark current, fit with initial point.
Recovery of SiPM dark current, fit without initial point.
Recovery of SiPM gains, fit without initial point.

Other info

  • Report to GlueX meeting (2010/05/10): link to docDB
  • Dark rate measurement shows a increase of noise level consistent with the increase of dark current:Carl's report
    • Idark ~ σpedestal2

1×1 mm2 SiPM test in Hall A

  • Temperature: ~ 21.3 degree C
  • SiPM Serial Number: 1260
  • Irradiation time: 06/11/2010 11:20 - 06/15/2010 10:00
  • Total dose: 123 Rem (34.3 rem x 3.6)

Test Result

  • ADC dark spectrum before/after irradiation and two months later

1x1 halla pre.png 1x1 halla post.png 1x1 halla anneal.png

  • Formula used in the fit:
    • Sipm formula.png
    • Sipm width.png
  • Note: the pre-amplifier used in the first two tests (before and post) was from Stepan with a total gain of 105 while during the last test (anneal) the pre-amplifier from Fernando was used with a gain of 65.
  • Immediate increase of dark rate: factor of 37
  • Permanent increase of dark current: factor of 18: Carl's measurement
  • Permanent increase of dark rate: factor of 21
  • Cross-talk: 15%

Irradiation with RadCon AmBe Source

Conversion factor for AmBe neutron source

  • The AmBe source has an narrow neutron energy spectrum averaged at 4 MeV [7] page82

Ambe spectrum.png

  • Dose to fluence: 1 rem → 3.3×107neq/cm2

Test Condition

  • The AmBe source in RadCon has the following dose rate:
 dose rate = [13/D2]*[1+(0.248*D)2.2375*e-0.3536*D] mrem/H

where D is the distance from the source in the unit of meter

  • One 1×1 mm2 and one 3×3 mm2 SiPMs from Hamamatsu together with their pre-amplifiers were irradiated by this source
  • The distance is 17 cm and dose rate is 0.45 rem/H
  • Irradiation time: 07/12/2010 14:40 - 07/15/2010 14:25
  • Total dose: 32±2 rem


1x1 mm SiPM

  • ADC spectra before/after irradiation and 1 month later:

1x1 ambe pre.png 1x1 ambe post.png 1x1 ambe anneal.png

  • Immediate increase of dark current: factor of 6.4 Carl's Measurement
  • Permanent increase of dark current: factor of 4
  • Permanent increase of dark rate: factor of 3.5
  • Cross talk: 13%

3x3 mm SiPM

  • ADC spectra before/after irradiation and 1 month later:

3x3 ambe pre.png 3x3 ambe post.png 3x3 ambe anneal.png

  • Immediate increase of dark current: factor of 7.1 Carl's Measurement
  • Permanent increase of dark current: factor of 4.7
  • Permanent increase of dark rate: factor of 4.1
  • Cross talk: 14%

Calibration of neutron probe for Hall A measurement

  • Use the increase of dark current as a bench mark
    • WIth AmBe source, it took 32 rem to permanently increase the Hamamatsu SiPM dark current by a factor of 4.4.
      • 32 rem → 1.06×109 neq/cm2
    • In Hall A, with Pb target, it took 12 rem (measured, NOT corrected, 9.2 hours with 1.3 rem/H dose rate) to permanently increase the Hamamatsu SiPM dark current by a factor of 4.4.
      • 12 rem → 2.9×108 neq/cm2
    • The correction factor should be: 1.06×109/2.9×108 = 3.6

Fluence simulation of Hall D

Pavel recently updated his simulation for the neutron flux through SiPMs with normal Hall D production condition.

Simulation Condition and Results

Hydrogen Target

Downstream Detector

  • The energy spectrum of neutron from Hydrogen target:

Halld n spectrum h.png

  • Dose to fluence: 1 rem → 2.6×107 neq/cm2
  • At 65-90 cm
    • Dose rate: 4.3-3.3 mrem/H
    • Total neutron flux: 90-76 Hz/cm2 (54-43 forward, 37-33 backward)
    • Neutron flux > 10 MeV: 4.3-2.6 Hz/cm2 (3.1-1.7 forward, 1.2-1.0 backward)
    • 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: 31-23 neq/s/cm2

Upstream Detector

  • The energy spectrum of neutron from Hydrogen target:

Halld n spectrum up h.png

  • Dose to fluence: 1 rem → 2.7×107 neq/cm2
  • At 65-90 cm
    • Dose rate: 1.0-0.4 mrem/H
    • Total neutron flux: 20-16 Hz/cm2 (3.5-3.2 forward, 17-13 backward)
    • Neutron flux > 10 MeV: 0.7-0.4 Hz/cm2 (0.1-0.0 forward, 0.6-0.4 backward)
    • 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: 8-3 neq/s/cm2

Helium Target


  • The energy spectrum of neutron from Helium target:

Halld n spectrum he.png

  • Dose to fluence: 1 rem → 2.6×107 neq/cm2
  • At 65-90 cm
    • Dose rate: 6.5-4.9 mrem/H
    • Total neutron flux: 140-108 Hz/cm2 (94-67 forward, 46-41 backward)
    • Neutron flux > 10 MeV: 7.0-4.0 Hz/cm2 (5.6-3.0 forward, 1.3-1.1 backward)
    • 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: 47-35 neq/s/cm2


  • The energy spectrum of neutron from Helium target:

Halld n spectrum up he.png

  • Dose to fluence: 1 rem → 2.4×107 neq/cm2
  • At 65-90 cm
    • Dose rate: 1.2-0.8 mrem/H
    • Total neutron flux: 35-28 Hz/cm2 (4.0-3.8 forward, 31-24 backward)
    • Neutron flux > 10 MeV: 1.5-1.1 Hz/cm2 (0.5-0.1 forward, 1.0-1.0 backward)
    • 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: 8-6 neq/s/cm2

Life Time of SiPMs in Hall D

  • Our current calorimeter design allows a factor 5 increase of the dark noise, and the 1 MeV neutron fluence needed according to Hall A simulation: 11 hours of 50 μA beam → 34 rem → 8.2×108neq
  • At 65-90 cm (inner-outer radius of BCal), to reach same 1 MeV neutron fluence:
    • Hydrogen target: 0.9-1.1 years for downstream and 3-9 years for upstream of full-time running
    • Helium target: 0.6-0.8 years for downstream and 3-4 years for upstream of full-time running
  • Factors to increase life time of SiPM
    • Running efficiency: 33%
    • Lower temperature: 20°C→5°C will reduce the dark rate by a factor of 3 (has been very verified with non-irradiated samples).
  • Expected life time with high luminosity production (108 γ):
    • 8 - 10 years for Hydrogen target
    • 5 - 7 years with Helium target

Temperature Test with RadCon AmBe Source

Test Condition

  • Samples Irradiated product page:
    • -4°C: 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857, 1858, 1859
    • room temperature (24.5°C): 1853, 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1264(previously irradiated with AmBe)
  • Recovery Temperature:
    • -4°C: 1854, 1856, 1861, 1862
    • 25°C: 1858, 1859, 1853, 1860, 1264
    • 60°C: 1855, 1857, 1863, 1864
  • Irradiation Period:
    • 2010/09/16 14:50 - 2010/09/20 14:50
    • Total dose: 43.2 rem
  • Recovery Period:
    • -4°C: since 2010/09/20 23:50
    • 25°C: since 2010/09/20 14:50
    • 60°C: since 2010/09/21 12:20
    • 60°C for sample 1854, 1861 (previously -4°C group) and 1858, 1860 (previously 25°C group)
    • More need to be added:
  • Second Irradiation Period:
    • 2011/01/14 14:40 - 2011/01/18 14:45
    • Total dose: 52 rem
    • -4°C: 1854,1855,1856,1857,1858,1859
    • Room temperature: 1264,1853,1860,1861,1862,1863,1864
  • Recovery:
    • all at 50°C

SiPM in Tagger Hall

SiPM Info

  • Photonique 2x2 mm SiPM
  • Rated Bias Voltage: 37V

AmBe Irradiation Test

  • Time: Aug 30, 2010 - Sep 1, 2010
  • Temperature: 23°C
  • Bias Voltage: 36.3V
  • Total Dose: 20 rem
  • Dose Rate: 0.45 rem/H
  • Damage Curve.png

Recovery Test

  • Time: since 10:00 AM, Sep 1, 2010
  • Temperature: 24.2°C
  • Bias Voltage: 36.3V
  • Recovery Curve.png

V-I Curve at Different Stages

  • VI Curves.png

Summary of Radiation Damage to Hamamatsu SiPMs

Previous 1×1 mm and 3×3 mm Samples Irradiated by AmBe Source

  • Radiation Dose: 32 rem → 1.1×109neq/cm2
  • Temperature: 24.5°C
  • Dark Current/Rate: increased by a factor of 4.1
  • Dose to increase dark current/rate by a factor of 5:
    • 41 rem → 1.4×109neq/cm2

Summary of 1×1 mm Samples Irradiated by AmBe Source

  • Radiation Dose: 43.2 rem → 1.43×109neq/cm2
  • Initial Dark Current (Gain: 7.5×105, T: 25°C) : 84±2 nA
    • Initial DC 1x1.png
  • Initial Dark Rate : 563±20 kHz
    • Initial DR 1x1.png
  • Prompt Radiation Damage:
    • -3°C group: 87±4 nA → 771±66 nA (8.9× ±9%)
      • Zero DC 1x1.png
    • 24.5°C group: 86±2 nA → 660±38 nA (7.7× ±6%)
      • Room DC 1x1.png
  • Damage Recovery:
    • Dark current recovery.png
    • 60°C group: 87 nA → 708 nA(8.1×) → 349 nA(4.0×); Recovery Time Constant: 0.77 day; Recovered Fraction: 62%
    • 24.5°C group (preliminary): 85 nA → 693 nA(8.2×) → 449 nA(5.3×); Recovery Time Constant: 4.1 days; Recovered Fraction: 46%
    • -4°C group: not enough data
    • Irradiated sample@24.5°C (preliminary): 311 nA(3.7×) → 971 nA(12×) → 646 nA(7.7×); Recovery Time Constant: 4.3 days

Conlusions and Tasks

  • Recovery time is strongly temperature dependent.
  • Fraction of recovery to total damage may also be temperature dependent, to check it:
    • Take more data with 24.5°C and -4°C groups,
    • Cool 60°C group to room temperature or -4°C to check changes: equilibrium of damage clusters at different temperature?
    • Re-irradiated 60°C group samples and anneal at 40°C
  • Radiation damage and recovery will not change the upcoming damage rate:
    • Increase of dark rate/current vs dose is constant,
    • The fomulism of simultaneous recovery during damage will work.
  • Dose to increase dark current/rate by a factor of 5:
    • Assuming no recovery: 23 rem → 0.76×109neq/cm2
    • Assuming 60°C result: 58 rem → 1.9×109neq/cm2,
    • Assuming preliminary 24.5°C result: 40 rem → 1.3×109neq/cm2,
    • 24.5°C result is more consistent with previous estimation.

Temperature Dependence

  • Change of Cooling Effects on Dark Current and Dark Rate
    • Sample 1254 and 1255 were irradiated at -3 °C, and sample 1253 was irradiated at 24.5 °C
    • The radiation slightly changed the temperature dependence of dark rate/current:
      • Dark current temp.png
      • Dark rate temp.png
  • To decrease dark rate by a factor of 3 after irradiation:
    • Drop temperature by 17°C.
  • Further measurements are needed for temperature dependence of baseline damage and recovery time.

Irradiation Test in Hall A

Tests with previously irradiated samples

4×4 3×3 mm array

  • Radiation Dose (Simulation: 3.1 rem/H): 101 rem → 2.4×109neq/cm2
  • Temperature: 21.3°C
  • Dark Current: 8.2 μA → 202 μA(25×) → 94 μA(11.5×); Recovery Time Constant: 9.0 days; Recovered Fraction: 56%
  • Dose from simulation to increase dark current/rate by a factor of 5:
    • 34 rem → 0.82×109neq/cm2
  • Uniformity test of dark rate:
    • Reference Sample: 4.5±0.2 MHz
      • Ref DR 3x3.png
    • Irradiated Sample: 40.3±3.8 MHz
      • Irr DR 3x3.png

1×1 mm Sample

  • Increase of dark rate compared to the one irradiated with AmBe source and showed a factor of 2.6 discrepancy:
20(increase in Hall A) x 32 rem(dose with AmBe) x 3.3 (conversion for AmBe)/2.8(increase with AmBe)/123 rem(dose in Hall A)/2.4(conversion for Hall A) = 2.6

Life Time in Hall D

  • Hydrogen target with 108 γ/s (from Pavel's GEANT simulation): 3.8 mrem/H → 0.99×105 neq/H/cm2
  • Days to increase dark current by a factor of 5 (NO operation efficiency considered):
    • Based on AmBe irradiation result:
      • Without recovery: 0.76×109 neq/cm2320 days,
      • With recovery: 1.3 - 1.9×109 neq/cm2550 - 800 days.
    • Based on Hall A simulation:
      • With recovery: 0.82 ×109 neq/cm2345 days.
  • Decrease the running temperature by 17°C will reduce dark rate by a factor of 3.
  • Normal experimental operation efficiency: 33%

After Pulse

Study by Simply Fitting the Tail

  • Upper limit of after pulse: after pulse + pulse shape + light input profile
  • Fit of after pulse
    • Signal range: 60 - 120 ns
    • AP fit sample.pngAP fit sample zoom.png
  • Dependence of after pulse
    • AP dependence.png
  • Temperature dependence of signal output
    • PDE temperature.png

Study with Very Small Signal Input

  • To remove pulse shape effect
  • Condition
    • Average photon input ~ 1 PE
    • Signal range: 60 - 120 ns and peak at 80 ns
    • Temperature: -7°C
  • Cuts to select events with only 1 PE in signal window and nowhere else
    • AP ADC.png
  • Residue
    • Average of all events is normalized to single photon amplitude by comparing leading edges
    • AP residue.png
    • The fitting of the tail of the residue gives consistent result of previous study: 12%
    • But more residue found in the signal range: +10%, cross talk with shorter delay compared to after pulse?

Study by ADC Fitting

  • Fit of ADC in signal range: 60 - 120 ns
    • AP ADC fit window.png
    • Assuming all effect from cross-talk (fast component): 22%
  • Fit of ADC after signal starts: 60 - 2060 ns
    • AP ADC fit after.png
    • Cross-talk (fast) + After pulse (slow) = 31%
    • After pulse = 31% - 22% = 9%, consistent with tail fitting
    • Cross-talk Seems not very consistent with previous study without signal input (~ 15% with 200 ns window), probably due to the uncertainty of pulse timing in the random case
    • Compared to an early SiPM ADC fit with light input of 20 PE
    • SiPM ADC signal Sample.png

Effect of Cross-Talk + After Pulse on Resolution