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([Test Plan and Setup in Hall A])
(3x3 mm2 SiPM Test in Hall A)
Line 18: Line 18:
** TLD: serial# 9597, close to SiPM and rad44_p2
** TLD: serial# 9597, close to SiPM and rad44_p2
** TLD: serial# 9598, close to rad44_p1 at entrance
** TLD: serial# 9598, close to rad44_p1 at entrance
=== Pre-Rad Measurement ===
* Voltage vs Current scan done
** Hamamatsu: 20100420_132141_VICurve.txt
** Hamamatsu: 20100420_132531_VICurve.txt
** SensL: 20100420_132531_VICurve.txt
** SensL: 20100420_132531_VICurve.txt
=== Beam ON Test ===
[[Image:FirstBeam_Sipm.png|thumb|500px|left|Screenshot of SiPM performance after 50uA electron beam hits the 0.5mm Pb target]]
<br clear=all>
* Oscilloscope Snapshot #1: ''20100420_135400_CHx.txt''
* Oscilloscope Snapshot #2: ''20100421_014000_CHx.txt''
* Oscilloscope Snapshot #3: ''20100421_091100_CHx.isf''
* Oscilloscope Snapshot #4: ''20100421_182200_CHx.isf''
* Oscilloscope Snapshot #5: ''20100422_015300_CHx.isf''
* Oscilloscope Snapshot #6: ''20100422_102700_CHx.isf''
* Dataset #1: ''20100420_140630.txt''
** Stopped due to GIPB problem
** No production
* Dataset #2: ''20100420_182713.txt''
** Long run with production started
** 22:40:30 - 01:46:10 oscilloscope not updating
** Stopped due to GPIB problem
* Dataset #3: ''20100421_091253.txt''
** Stopped due to EPICS problem
* Dataset #4: ''20100421_105132.txt''
** HV OFF at 10:59:00 to test radiation damage with bias voltage OFF
** Stopped to turn bias voltage back ON at 18:21:00
* Dataset #5: ''20100421_182344.txt''
** New dataset with bias voltage ON
** Stopped due to GPIB problem
* Dataset #6: ''20100422_015736.txt''
** Stopped due to GPIB problem
* Dataset #7: ''20100422_091215.txt''
** Beam OFF
** oscilloscope not updating
=== Post-Rad Measurement ===
* Voltage vs Current scan done
** Hamamatsu: 20100422_105000_VICurve.txt
** Hamamatsu: 20100422_105334_VICurve.txt
** SensL: 20100422_105732_VICurve.txt
** SensL: 20100422_110249_VICurve.txt
=== Plots ===
=== Plots ===

Revision as of 14:18, 25 August 2010

SiPM Radiation Hardness Test in Hall A

Test Plan and Setup in Hall A

SiPM Test Log

3x3 mm2 SiPM Test in Hall A

Test Condition

  • Time: 04/20/2010 12:30 PM
  • Location: Hall A beam left
  • Initial Dose
    • Neutron (rad44_p2) 18.4 mRem
    • Gamma (rad44_p1) 61900 mRem
  • Radiation Chips
    • Neutron Rod: serial# 2A01 close to SiPM
    • TLD: serial# 9597, close to SiPM and rad44_p2
    • TLD: serial# 9598, close to rad44_p1 at entrance


  • Change of draw Current and signal shape at working condition as a function of radiation
Neutron and gamma radiation and temperature during the test
Bias voltage was adjusted based on temperature and the draw current increases rapidly with radiation.
Signal Amplitude gradually decreases as a function of radiation dose while no change of its width observed.

  • Comparison of VI response before and after radiation
VI curve of Hamamatsu SiPM unit before radiation
VI curve of Hamamatsu SiPM unit after radiation
VI curve of SensL SiPM unit before radiation
VI curve of SensL SiPM unit after radiation

Comparison of VI curves of Hamamatsu unit before and after radiation
Comparison of VI curves of SensL unit before and after radiation

  • Signals recorded by oscilloscope show the effect of radiation on amplification: red (initial) -> violet (final)
Signals of Hamamatsu SiPM with radiation growing
Signals SensL SiPM with radiation growing

  • If we take the dose to fluence coefficient of 1 MeV Neutron: 400 pSv.cm2 = 4x10-8 rem.cm2 (1 mrem/H -> 6.9 neq/s/cm2), we have the following plot
The draw current increment as a function of 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence

Aneeling of Radiation Damage

Recovery of SiPM dark current, fit with initial point.
Recovery of SiPM dark current, fit without initial point.
Recovery of SiPM gains, fit without initial point.

Facts and Conclusions

  • Hall A radiation level is extremely high during P-REX experiment: 50uA on 0.5mm Pb target (9% radiation length).
  • A lot of energy dumped to the 2 pieces of collimator behind Pb Target: estimated 1 kiloWatt total power dissipated on them.
  • The neutron dose rate before the collimator installed was 1.55 rem/H with 45 uA beam on Pb target. After the collimator was installed, the dose rate during the SiPM test was 1.35 rem/H with 50 uA beam. Therefore the tungsten collimator did not significantly change the radiation level.
  • Radiation causes draw current to increase no matter whether bias voltage is applied.
    • Hamamatsu: starting from 8 uA, 5 uA/Rem
    • SensL: starting from 155 uA, 40 uA/Rem
  • The dark current from both SiPM samples recovered by about 50% with time constant of 10 days
  • Taking the bias voltage adjustment into account, the dark current has an exponential relation to the ambient temperature:
    • I(dark) ~ exp(a*(T-T0))
    • a for Hamamatsu: 0.061±0.003/C
    • a for SensL: 0.047±0.002/C
  • Radiation slowly affects the amplification of SiPM but has no effect on the signal width, even though, the drops of the gain get fully recovered afterward.
  • Report to GlueX meeting (2010/05/10): link to docDB
  • Dark rate measurement shows a increase of noise level consistent with the increase of dark current:Carl's report
    • I(dark) ~ Sigma(pedestal)^2

1x1 mm2 SiPM Test in Hall A

Test Condition

  • Same location as previous 3x3 SiPM test: 135 degrees, 20 meters
  • Not powered
  • Temperature: ~ 21.3 degree C
  • SiPM information:
    • Type Number: S10362-11-050C
    • Serial Number: 1260
    • Vop: 71.54 V
    • M: 7.50e+5
    • Dark Rate (0.5 p.e.): 536 kcps
    • Dark Rate (1.5 p.e.): 44 kcps
    • X-talk: 8.2%
    • PDE (lambda = 490 nm): 36.5%
    • At 25 degree C

Initial Neutron Dose 2010/06/11 11:20 AM

  • rad44_p2_dose: 0 Rem

Final Neutron Dose 2010/06/15 10:00 AM

  • Total dose: 34.3 Rem (NOT corrected by neutron probe efficiency)
  • Rad 1x1.png

Test Result

  • ADC dark spectrum before irradiation

1x1 halla pre.png

  • ADC dark spectrum post irradiation

1x1 halla post.png

  • ADC dark spectrum 2 months later

1x1 halla anneal.png

  • Note
    • The pre-amplifier used in the first two tests (before and post) was from Stepan with a total gain of 105 while during the last test (anneal) the pre-amplifier from Fernando was used with a gain of 65.
    • Permanent damage increases dark rate by 21
    • Permanent damage increases dark current by 18: Carl's measurement
    • Cross-talk: 15%

Test with RadCon AmBe Source

Test Condition

  • The AmBe source has an narrow neutron energy spectrum averaged at 4 MeV [1] page82
  • The AmBe source in RadCon has the following dose rate:
 dose rate = [13/D2]*[1+(0.248*D)2.2375*e-0.3536*D] mrem/H

where D is the distance from the source in the unit of meter

  • One 1×1 mm2 and one 3×3 mm2 SiPMs together with their pre-amplifiers were irradiated by this source
  • The distance is 17 cm and dose rate is 0.45 rem/H
  • Test started at 14:40 July 12, 2010
  • Test stopped at 14:25 July 15, 2010
  • Total dose: 32±2 rem


  • Increase of dark current:
    • 1×1 mm2: 6.4
    • 3×3 mm2: 7.1
    • average: 6.8
    • expected increase of dark current after annealing (time constant: 10 days, radiation: 72 hours, measurement: 96 hours): 4.2

ADC Dark Spectrum

1x1 mm SiPM

  • Before irradiation

1x1 ambe pre.png

  • After irradiation

1x1 ambe post.png

  • 1 month later

1x1 ambe anneal.png

  • Note
    • Permanent damage increases dark rate by 3.5
    • Permanent damage increases current rate by 4: Carl's Measurement
    • Cross talk: 13%

3x3 mm SiPM

  • Before irradiation

3x3 ambe pre.png

  • After irradiation

3x3 ambe post.png

  • 1 month later

3x3 ambe anneal.png

  • Note
    • Permanent damage increases dark rate by 4.1
    • Permanent damage increases current rate by 4.7: Carl's Measurement
    • Cross talk: 14%

Damage Conversion and Fluence Simulation of Hall A

Interpret neutron flux into rem and fluence

  • Equivalent neutron radiation damage to silicon detector normalized to 1 MeV neutron [2], as recommended for LHC silicon detector study.

Niel conv.png

  • Neutron dose equivalent conversion coefficients were taken from ICRP 74, plot see [3], may off by a factor of 2.

Bio conv.png

Updated Hall A simulation

  • Neutron Energy spectrum [4]

Halla n spectrum pb.png

  • Dose rate to fluence: 1 mrem/H → 6.7 neq/s/cm2
  • Dose rate: 3.1 rem/H (1.3 rem/H measured)
    • Ideal dose rate with 0.5 mm Pb target and 50 μA is 7.6 rem/H
    • Actual target thickness was reduced to 40% due to the beam damage
      • 03/28/2010 11:00: 950 mrem/H@22.8 μA → 2.12 rem/H@50 μA (Pb#3 first time in beam)
      • 04/06/2010 07:00: 1.53 rem/H@44.2 μA → 1.73 rem/H@50 μA (Pb#3 last time w/o collimator)
      • 04/16/2010 02:00: 0.99 rem/H@18.0 μA → 2.75 rem/H@50 μA (Pb#3 first time w/ collimator)
      • 04/20/2010 22:00: 1.41 rem/H@49.7 μA → 1.42 rem/H@50 μA (Start of SiPM test)
      • 04/22/2010 09:00: 1.30 rem/H@49.5 μA → 1.31 rem/H@50 μA (End of SiPM test)
    • 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: 21000 neq/s/cm2

AmBe neutron source

  • Neutron Energy spectrum

Ambe spectrum.png

  • Dose rate to fluence: 1 mrem/H → 9.3 neq/s/cm2
  • Dose to permanently increase dark current by factor of 10: 76 rem
    • 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: 2.5×109 neq/cm2

Agreement of Hall A simulation and measurement

  • In Hall A, with Pb target, it took 35 rem(NOT corrected by neutron probe efficiency, 27 hours) to permanently increase the Hamamatsu 3×3 SiPM dark current by a factor of 10.
  • 35 rem → 8.4×108 neq/cm2.
  • Recorded dose rate is 1.3 rem/H.
  • If we assume that the neutron probe underestimate the neutron dose in Hall A because it's not sensitive to high energy neutron (E>20 MeV)
    • The correction factor should be: 2.5×109/8.4×108 = 3.0
    • The actual dose rate is 1.3×3.0 = 3.9 rem/H !
    • Quite consistent with Pavel's calculate (3.1 rem/H) now!

Fluence simulation of Hall D

Pavel recently updated his simulation for the neutron flux through SiPMs with normal Hall D production condition.

Simulation Condition and Results

Hydrogen Target

Downstream Detector

  • The energy spectrum of neutron from Hydrogen target:

Halld n spectrum h.png

  • Dose rate to fluence: 1 mrem/H → 7.1 neq/s/cm2
  • At 65-90 cm
    • Dose rate: 4.3-3.3 mrem/H
    • Total neutron flux: 90-76 Hz/cm2 (54-43 forward, 37-33 backward)
    • Neutron flux > 10 MeV: 4.3-2.6 Hz/cm2 (3.1-1.7 forward, 1.2-1.0 backward)
    • 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: 31-23 neq/s/cm2

Upstream Detector

  • The energy spectrum of neutron from Hydrogen target:

Halld n spectrum up h.png

  • Dose rate to fluence: 1 mrem/H → 7.6 neq/s/cm2
  • At 65-90 cm
    • Dose rate: 1.0-0.4 mrem/H
    • Total neutron flux: 20-16 Hz/cm2 (3.5-3.2 forward, 17-13 backward)
    • Neutron flux > 10 MeV: 0.7-0.4 Hz/cm2 (0.1-0.0 forward, 0.6-0.4 backward)
    • 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: 8-3 neq/s/cm2

Helium Target


  • The energy spectrum of neutron from Helium target:

Halld n spectrum he.png

  • Dose rate to fluence: 1 mrem/H → 7.2 neq/s/cm2
  • At 65-90 cm
    • Dose rate: 6.5-4.9 mrem/H
    • Total neutron flux: 140-108 Hz/cm2 (94-67 forward, 46-41 backward)
    • Neutron flux > 10 MeV: 7.0-4.0 Hz/cm2 (5.6-3.0 forward, 1.3-1.1 backward)
    • 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: 47-35 neq/s/cm2


  • The energy spectrum of neutron from Helium target:

Halld n spectrum up he.png

  • Dose rate to fluence: 1 mrem/H → 6.6 neq/s/cm2
  • At 65-90 cm
    • Dose rate: 1.2-0.8 mrem/H
    • Total neutron flux: 35-28 Hz/cm2 (4.0-3.8 forward, 31-24 backward)
    • Neutron flux > 10 MeV: 1.5-1.1 Hz/cm2 (0.5-0.1 forward, 1.0-1.0 backward)
    • 1 MeV equivalent neutron fluence: 8-6 neq/s/cm2

Compared to Hall A Simulation Result

  • To reach 10 times (50% recovery included) higher dark current of SiPM in Hall A: 27 hours of 50 μA beam → 84 rem → 2×109neq
  • At 65-90 cm (inner-outer radius of BCal), to reach same radiation level:
    • Hydrogen target: 2.0-2.8 years for downstream and 8-21 years for upstream of full-time running
    • Helium target: 1.3-1.8 years for downstream and 8-11 years for upstream of full-time running

Future Test Plan with Radcon AmBe Source

Tests with previously irradiated samples

  • Revisit noisy 1x1 mm2 SiPM sample from Hall A
  • Uniformity test of the 4x4 3x3 mm2 array from Hall A
  • Measure permanent damage of all the irradiated samples

Temperature test with AmBe source

  • Purchase 12 1x1 samples from Hamamatsu product page
  • Set up a DAQ test platform in F117
  • Irradiate all of them with AmBe source to 30 rem (4 days), 6 at 0 degree, 6 at room temperature
  • Annealing test of all the samples at three different temperatures: 0, 20 and 60 degrees for 20 days

Parasitic Test

  • Re-irradiate old samples to see potential change of the damage rate
  • Irradiate SiPM used in tagger hall