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GlueX Publication Policies
Papers Under Review
Physics Publications
Instrumentation Publications
Conference Proceedings
Theses (more recent first)
Please include the name of the student, the student's institution, the name of the advisor, the title of the thesis and the year the thesis came out. Also provide a link to the thesis on DocDb. All results found in Ph.D. theses should not be considered as approved GlueX results and considered as preliminary.
Theses in 2024
- Gabriel A. Rodriguez Linera, Ph.D. Thesis, Florida State University, Supervisor: S. Dobbs. Photoproduction of K0K0 with the GlueX Experiment
- Peter G. Solazzo, Ph.D. Thesis, The George Washington University, Supervisors: B. Briscoe and I. Strakovsky. Measurement of the Σ Beam Asymmetry of the γ(pol)p → a00(980)p Reaction at Eγ ≈ 9 GeV in the GlueX Experiment, 2024.
- Tolga Erbora, Ph.D. Thesis, Florida International University, Supervisor: J. Reinhold. Measurement of the t-dependence of the Beam Asymmetry of photoproduced η at the GlueX experiment, 2024.
- Churamani Paudel, Ph.D. Thesis, Florida International University, Supervisor: J. Reinhold. Measurement of t-dependence of the Beam Asymmetry for the reaction γ p → η' p at GlueX, 2024.
- Andrew Smith, Ph.D. Thesis, Duke University, Supervisor: H. Gao. Preliminary Measurement of the Eta Meson Radiative Decay Width, 2024.
- Andrew Schick, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Supervisor: R. Miskimen. Photoproduction of e+e- pairs at 8 GeV on proton target at GlueX, 2024.
Theses in 2023
- Hao Li, Ph.D. Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, Supervisor: R. Schumacher. Baryon–Antibaryon Photoproduction off the Proton, 2023.
- Karthik Suresh, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Regina, Supervisor: Z. Papandreou, Co-supervisor: C. Fanelli, Partial Wave Analysis of Neutral b1 Meson at GlueX, 2023.
- James Fitches, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Glasgow, Supervisor: K. Livingston, Analysis of unpolarised π+π− photoproduction with the GlueX Experiment, 2023.
- Edmundo Barriga, Ph.D. Thesis, Florida State University, Supervisor: P. Eugenio, Search for Isoscalar Resonances in Omega Eta at GlueX, 2023.
- Jason Barlow, Ph.D. Thesis, Florida State University, Supervisor: P. Eugenio, Study of the Reaction γp --> η'ηp, 2023.
- Lawrence Ng, Ph.D. Thesis, Florida State University, Supervisor: S. Dobbs, Photoproduction of the ηπ0 System off a Proton Target at Eγ = 8.5 GeV, 2023.
Theses in 2022
- Andrew Hurley, Ph.D. Thesis, William & Mary, Supervisor: J. Stevens, Partial Wave Analysis of Strange Mesons Decaying to K+π+π− in the Reaction γp → K+π+π−Λ(1520) and the Commissioning of the GlueX DIRC Detector, 2022.
- Rupesh Dotel, Ph.D. Thesis, Florida International University, Supervisor: W. Boeglin, Study of the EtaPrimePi0 system in GlueX, 2022.
- Brandon Sumner, Ph.D. Thesis, Arizona State University, Supervisor: M. Dugger, Study of Excited Cascade Baryons and Preliminary Cross-Sections for Ξ(1530) Using Data from the GlueX Experiment, 2022.
- Amy Schertz, Ph.D. Thesis, William & Mary, Supervisor: J. Stevens, Partial Wave Analysis of the ωπ- Final State Photoproduced at GlueX, 2022.
Theses in 2021
- Ahmed Ali, Ph.D. Thesis, Goethe University Frankfurt and GSI, Supervisor: K. Peters and J. Schwiening, Particle Identification with the PANDA Barrel DIRC and the GlueX DIRC, 2021
- Sebastian Cole, Ph.D. Thesis, Arizona State University, Supervisor: M. Dugger, Partial Wave Analysis of Meson Resonances That Decay To K∗K- Using Data from the GlueX Experiment, 2021.
- Yunjie Yang, Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, Supervisor: M. Williams, Commissioning the DIRC Detector and Searching for Axion-like Particles at GlueX, 2021.
- Ahmed Foda, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Regina, Supervisor: Z. Papandreou, Photoproduction of the b1(1235) Meson off the proton at Eγ = 6-12 GeV, 2021.
Theses in 2020
- Abdennacer Hamdi, Ph.D. Thesis, Goethe Frankfurt University, Supervisor: Prof. K. Peters, Exotic Meson Photoproduction at GlueX – Search for the hybrid candidate Y(2175), 2020.
- Nilanga Wickramaarachchi, Ph.D. Thesis, Old Dominion University, Supervisor: M. Amaryan, Measurement of the Photon Beam Asymmetry in γp →K+Σ0 at Eγ=8.5 GeV with GlueX, 2020.
- Peter Pauli, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Glasgow, Supervisor: D. Ireland and K. Livingston, Λ(1520) Measurements at the GlueX Experiment, 2020.
- Mahmoud Kamel, Ph.D. Thesis, Florida International University, Supervisor: W. Boeglin, Photo-production of Eta Mesons, 2020.
- Ashley Ernst, Ph.D. Thesis, Florida State University, Supervisor: V. Crede, Photoproduction of Cascade Baryons Using the GlueX Detector at Jefferson Laboratory, 2020.
Theses in 2019
- Bradford Cannon, Ph.D. Thesis, Florida State University, Supervisor: P. Eugenio, Search for New and Unusual Strangeonia States Using γp → pφη with GlueX at Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, 2019.
- Tegan Beattie, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Regina, Supervisor: Z. Papandreou, Measurement of the Beam Asymmetry for the Eta and Eta Prime Mesons with the GlueX Experiment, 2019.
- Jon Zarling, Ph.D. Thesis, Indiana University, Supervisor: M. Shepherd, Measurement of Pseudoscalar Beam Asymmetry for π-Δ++ Photoproduction on the Proton at Eγ=8.5 GeV with the GlueX Experiment, 2019.
- William McGinley, Ph.D. Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, Supervisor: C.A. Meyer. Development of the Barrel Calorimeter Reconstruction and Measurement of the Beam Asymmetry ($\Sigma$) for Photoproduced $\pi^0$ and $\eta$ Mesons with the GlueX Experiment, 2019.
Theses in 2018
- John Hardin, Ph.D. Thesis, MIT, Supervisor: M. Williams, Upgrading particle identification and searching for leptophobic bosons at GlueX, 2018
Theses in 2017
- Michael Staib, Ph.D. Thesis, Carnegie Mellon University, Supervisor: C.A. Meyer, Calibrations for charged particle tracking and measurements of ω photoproduction with the GlueX detector, 2017.
- Alex Barnes, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Connecticut, Supervisor R.T. Jones, Development of the Tagger Microscope & Analysis of Spin Density Matrix Elements in Photon, Proton to Phi, Proton for the GlueX Experiment, 2017.
- Brendan Pratt, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Connecticut, Supervisor R.T. Jones, Diamond Radiator Fabrication, Characterization and Performance for the GlueX Experiment, 2017.
Theses in 2016
- Eric Pooser, Ph.D. Thesis, Florida International University, Supervisor: W. Boeglin, The GlueX Start Counter & Beam Asymmetry In Single Pi Photoproduction, 2016.
Theses in 2013
- Shaun Krueger, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Regina, Supervisor: Z. Papandreou/G. Lolos, SiPM Arrays as Readouts for the GlueX Barrel Calorimeter, 2013.
Theses in 2012
- Igor Senderovich, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Connecticut, Supervisor R.T. Jones, A Polarized High-Energy Photon Beam for Production of Exotic Mesons, September, 2012.
- Mehrnoosh Tahani, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Regina, Supervisors: G.J. Lolos/Z. Papandreou, Large Area MultiPixel Photon Counters on the Search for Exotic Hybrid Mesons at GlueX, 2012.
Theses in 2011
- Stamatios Katsaganis, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Regina, Supervisors: Z. Papandreou/G.J. Lolos, Electromagnetic Calorimeter of the GlueX Particle Detector, 2011.
Theses in 2010
- Micah R. Veilleux, M.S. Thesis, Christopher Newport University, Advisors: D. Lawrence/ E. Brash, The Effects of Non-Flat Cathode Plane Surfaces in Drift Chambers of the GlueX Experiment, 2010.
- Blake Leverington, Ph.D. Thesis, University of Regina, Supervisors: Z. Papandreou/G.J. Lolos, The GlueX Lead-Scintillating Fibre Electromagnetic Calorimeter, 2010.
- Kathryn L. Janzen, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Regina, Supervisors: G.J. Lolos/Z. Papandreou, Optimization of Performance Parameters for Large Area Silicon Photomultipliers for use in the GLUEX Experiment, 2010.
Theses in 2006
- Gergana A. Koleva, M.Sc. Thesis, University of Regina, Supervisors: Z. Papandreou/G.J. Lolos, Beam Tests for the GlueX Barrel Calorimeter Prototype, 2006.