Jul 31, 2012 Calorimetry

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Teleconference Time: 11:00 a.m. EST'

  • ESNET (Number is 8542553) and EVO session (GlueX Calorimetry meeting room)
  • Phone connection only upon request.
    • +1-866-740-1260 : US+Canada
    • +1-303-248-0285 : International
    • then enter participant code: 3421244# (remember the "#").
    • or www.readytalk.com (and code without the #)

Participant Direct Lines

  • JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6337 (usual room)
  • JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084
  • Phone in the Regina Videoconference Suite is 306-585-4204
  • Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947

Items for followup from previous meeting(s)

Tentative Agenda

  1. Announcements
  2. Review of Action Items
  3. Monitoring
    1. LED system on Mini BCAL
    2. BCAL Monitoring
  4. FCAL
    1. Construction Status
    2. 2011 Hall B FCAL Beam Test (John)
  5. BCAL
    1. Activities at JLab (Module positioning, SiPM binning, LG Travellers)
    2. Cosmics at Regina
    3. Update on BCAL Beam Tests 2012
  6. USM update
    1. SiPM Update (Javiera)
    2. Light guides (Iñaki)
  7. TDR update
    1. Instructions for the TDR (You must be logged into the wiki to access this page).
    2. We need to start revising Chapter 4 Detector, Section 4.3 Calorimetry.
    3. Calibration of Calorimeters
  8. Simulations/Reconstruction
  9. Any other business


Attendees: Elton, David, Tim, Yi, Manuel, Dan, Beni, Eugene (JLab); Wil, Sergey, Javiera, Orlando, Hayk, Iñaki (USM); George (Athens); Andrei, Zisis (UofR).

  1. Announcements
  2. Review of Action Items
  3. Monitoring
    1. LED system on Mini BCAL
      • GlueX-doc-2040 Report submitted for the meeting
      • Athens investigated electronic noise generated by the monitoring electronics (control board or LED boards) and picked up in a SiPM nearby. The preamp electronics used was the compact design. No cross talk was found.
    2. BCAL Monitoring
      • Photos of visible light shinning through the mini-Bcal. LEDs bias set at 10 V and pulse rate at about 1MHz.
      • Clear intensity profiles seen in the light guide with pulsed LEDs, displaying a partial ring and a dot.
      • The light guides adjacent to the ones with pulsed LEDs, showed the single bottom row of fibers was illuminated on the side where the LED was located. It is clear from the pictures that the "cross talk" shown previously is optical, but affects only one row of fibers at the boundary between light guides.
  4. FCAL
    1. Construction Status - no report
  5. BCAL
    1. Activities at JLab (Module positioning, SiPM binning)
      • Shaun Krueger and Tegan Beattie, students from UofR are completing a few projects. Shaun is working on the assignment of SiPMs to electronic boards. Tegan has worked out a scheme for laying out modules inside the magnet and taking mini-Bcal data with cosmic rays to check normalization.
    2. Cosmics at Regina
      • Taking data at different overbias settings. Added amplifier to both ADC and TDC signals, to be able to study the timing behavior.
  6. USM update
    1. SiPM Update (Javiera)
      • Second shipment of SiPMs to JLab has been prepared and ready for pick up by Fedex
    2. Light guides (Iñaki)
      • Calibration of milling machine to bring pieces into tolerance has taken some time
      • All A-E guides are complete and within the 127 micron tolerance. The settings for guides F-K are being calibrated.
      • Will pack a batch of A-E guides to ship to JLab.
      • Elton: How much time does it take to machine and polish each piece? Answer: 20 min to machine, 12 min to measure and 20 min to polish.
  7. TDR update
    • No update. Zisis will get back to the TDR in a couple of weeks.
  8. Simulations/Reconstruction
    • BCAL M.C. Update
    • Looking at fits to the energy resolution with the new MC code. He is obtaining large 1/E terms that are not understood and will be investigated further
    • Eugene: Check the resolutions removing the clustering algorithm to make sure that is not affecting results
    • David: The new MC needs a calibration scheme for proper use, especially to understand timing, as the output times now have slewing built in.
    • Eugene: What dark rate is being used for the sensors? Answer: they are the measured dark rates at room temperature (these could be comparable to rates at 5 deg after some irradiation).
  9. Any other business