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GlueX Experiment Document 1071-v4

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Performance of the prototype module of the GlueX electromagnetic barrel calorimeter

Document #:
Document type:
Journal Publications
Submitted by:
Zisis Papandreou
Updated by:
Zisis Papandreou
Document Created:
12 Jun 2008, 09:39
Contents Revised:
12 Apr 2012, 22:32
Metadata Revised:
12 Apr 2012, 22:32
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Other Versions:
28 May 2009, 16:33
29 Oct 2008, 16:30
16 Jun 2008, 12:33
12 Jun 2008, 12:47
A photon beam test of the 4~m long prototype lead/scintillating fibre module for the GlueX electromagnetic barrel calorimeter was carried out in Hall B at the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility with the objective of measuring the energy and timing resolutions of the module as well as the number of photoelectrons generated. Data were collected over an energy range of 150 to 650 MeV at multiple positions and angles along the module. Details of the analysis at the centre of and perpendicular to the module are shown herein; the results are $\sigma_{\Delta T/2} = 70/\sqrt{E}$ ps, $\sigma_{E}/E = 5.4\%/\sqrt{E}$ and 660 photoelectrons for 1 GeV at each end of the module.
Files in Document:
barrel calorimeter
Notes and Changes:
just added the source code and figures
Journal References:
Published in Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. A vol. 596 pg. 327.
Publication Information:
submitted (June 15, 2008)
revised and resubmitted (July 13, 2008)
revised and resubmitted (August 14, 2008)
accepted for publication (August 21, 2008)
copyright form completed (September 1, 2008)
proofs received (September 18, 2008)
corrected proofs accepted (October 14, 2008)
volume and page number assignment (October 29, 2008)
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