
Showing runs: 70479 - 70725. 200 runs per page. Total runs: 24825
Start time
Run config
Run type
2019-12-05 11:19:42 0:00:44 168483 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_sock DIRC LED pulser with 12.8 V biase
2019-12-05 11:11:27 0:02:42 325003 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_sock
2019-12-05 11:03:52 0:04:27 353363 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_sock DIRC LED run, still no reference SiPM signals in the data stream. Need to use hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof setup with roctof3
2019-12-05 09:09:01 0:39:34 22405 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 DIRC test with proper thresholds
2019-12-05 08:57:57 0:09:26 12572 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 DIRC test with proper thresholds. Lots of TRD f125 errors
2019-12-05 08:32:13 0:13:17 13786 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 08:12:51 0:08:13 7461 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 08:05:08 0:03:25 3772 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 07:32:25 0:26:10 48629 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 DIRC HV ON; SRS 21 samples;win=3500; del=2;
2019-12-05 07:23:31 0:03:04 5403 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 >>> SRS 21 samples;win=3500; del=2; >> Ch Enable Mask 0x0fff
2019-12-05 07:17:06 0:01:35 2633 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 ;del=54 ; ; APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 6; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 54; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03fffe;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0x0ff0 Capture Window 3500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 07:04:01 0:02:23 4196 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 6; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03fffe;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0x0f00 Capture Window 3500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 06:53:05 0:03:54 7403 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 06:42:25 0:04:09 3272 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 06:29:36 0:04:54 3976 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 6; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03fffe;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0x0fff Capture Window 3500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);
2019-12-05 05:12:03 1:06:36 84439 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 SRS 21 samples;win=3500; del=2;
2019-12-05 04:37:59 0:15:33 18824 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD SRS 21 samples;win=3500; del=40 (dec)
2019-12-05 04:20:26 0:08:59 9184 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD >>> SRS 21 samples;win=3500; del=40 (dec);
2019-12-05 04:08:37 0:06:49 10972 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD >>> SRS 21 samples;win=3500; del=20 (dec); ; APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 6; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 20; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03fffe;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0x0fff Capture Window 3500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 03:44:22 0:13:55 22491 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD SRS 21 samples;win=3500; del=0x0;
2019-12-05 03:10:19 0:28:41 55877 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD SRS 21 samples;win=3500; del=0x2; 40 Hz ; OK
2019-12-05 02:55:35 0:10:09 16995 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 6; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03fffe;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0x0fff Capture Window 3500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);
2019-12-05 01:50:06 0:00:01 3 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-05 01:34:37 0:03:57 5334 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-05 01:27:56 0:04:41 1227 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD Test
2019-12-05 01:08:04 0:14:33 13727 FCAL_TRACK_LEFT_m9 hd_all.tsg
2019-12-04 23:56:59 0:00:01 3 FCAL_TRACK_RIGHT_m9 hd_all.tsg
2019-12-04 23:49:55 0:02:18 6421 FCAL_TRACK_RIGHT_m9 hd_all.tsg
2019-12-04 22:39:08 0:20:22 15633 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg Test
2019-12-04 20:35:39 0:25:48 73310 PS_TAGGER_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE
2019-12-04 17:46:56 0:19:55 46432 PS_TAGGER_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE
2019-12-04 17:43:32 0:00:44 2158 PS_TAGGER_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE PS calibration
2019-12-04 17:28:43 0:09:31 14187 PS_TAGGER_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE
2019-12-04 17:07:17 0:15:25 116907 PS_TAGGER_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE PS calibration run, raw mode
2019-12-04 16:08:17 0:49:59 390973 PS_TAGGER_m9 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE Run for the PS calibration (production mode)
2019-12-04 12:29:43 3:32:39 3275307 FCAL_BCAL_PS_GEM_m910 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD started new straight track run, same configuration as previous run but TOF readout threshold lowered from 160 to 110
2019-12-04 10:15:13 2:07:06 2178233 FCAL_BCAL_PS_GEM_m910 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD APV Trigger Control Mode 4 TrgBurst 8 Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 54 Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112 Status 0x03fffe Event Build Ch Enable Mask 0x0fff Capture Window 4000 Mode 2 Data Format 0 Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8
2019-12-04 09:51:25 0:18:10 306637 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD APV Trigger Control Mode 4 TrgBurst 8 Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 54 Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112 Status 0x03fffe Event Build Ch Enable Mask 0x0fff Capture Window 4000 Mode 2 Data Format 0 Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8 usleep(250); 300 Hz
2019-12-04 09:35:42 0:03:41 11113 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 09:26:27 0:03:31 17687 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 09:10:28 0:05:11 26433 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 08:42:44 0:13:21 2744865 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD no gem; 100 nA, 4000 kHz , LT~100%
2019-12-04 07:48:05 0:35:55 825685 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD usleep(25); 12%LT TRD+GEM
2019-12-04 07:35:43 0:07:28 169459 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD usleep(75);ok
2019-12-04 07:20:48 0:11:04 243759 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD usleep(150); OK
2019-12-04 07:10:30 0:07:51 160647 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD trd + gem 12 apv
2019-12-04 06:57:49 0:08:27 177138 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 06:42:20 0:09:15 200392 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 06:29:39 0:02:04 414576 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 06:02:58 0:00:01 2 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 05:52:23 0:06:40 376385 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 05:35:03 0:07:08 156170 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 05:28:28 0:03:33 82475 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 05:18:55 0:01:21 63010 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 05:14:37 0:00:44 26953 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 05:02:42 0:07:05 394551 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 04:54:15 0:02:19 88415 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 04:48:43 0:01:30 53422 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 04:20:36 0:14:10 316721 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 04:12:11 0:04:30 96531 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 04:06:23 0:02:33 52186 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 03:55:45 0:07:12 126864 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 03:46:46 0:01:45 34917 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 03:36:52 0:06:12 108809 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 03:28:21 0:04:24 96302 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 03:11:54 0:07:34 1587317 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 02:19:13 0:44:39 9591088 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-04 02:11:23 0:02:43 493270 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC
2019-12-04 01:39:14 0:26:20 4712099 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2019-12-04 01:27:11 0:07:25 114 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2019-12-04 01:09:59 0:02:04 152420 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2019-12-04 00:46:54 0:01:02 732 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2019-12-03 18:25:59 6:05:18 2181558 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2019-12-03 17:51:59 0:05:02 118392 gem_trd+GEM_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg GEM 12 APV
2019-12-03 17:24:27 0:00:00 4 gem_trd+GEM_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-12-03 17:14:40 0:05:50 144385 gem_trd+GEM_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-12-03 17:10:18 0:00:47 18924 gem_trd_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-12-03 17:05:09 0:02:29 142685 gem_trd_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-12-03 16:44:09 0:06:28 432859 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2019-12-03 16:20:02 0:18:28 1286006 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2019-12-03 16:01:22 0:15:08 1051863 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2019-12-03 14:47:53 0:08:04 540686 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
None -1
2019-12-03 14:20:45 0:00:00 2 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2019-12-03 14:08:47 0:01:02 3 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_nFCAL1
2019-12-03 13:33:06 0:05:33 20745 gem_trd_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-12-03 13:15:13 0:05:44 21416 gem_trd_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-12-03 11:32:47 0:00:33 118963 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_sock Test DIRC LED reference
None -1
2019-12-03 09:43:56 0:05:19 11143079 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_nFCAL1nGTP tagm tests, 50kHz rate
2019-12-03 09:23:02 0:06:54 13773275 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_nFCAL1nGTP
2019-12-03 09:17:59 0:01:11 17844 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2019-12-02 19:25:49 0:00:38 22604 bcal_led_m9 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-12-02 18:53:03 0:04:07 61954 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-12-02 18:26:11 0:22:16 1199445 bcal_led_m9 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-12-02 18:11:38 0:02:45 42036 bcal_led_m9 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-12-02 13:07:55 0:02:49 82475 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2019-12-02 12:11:02 0:03:15 108233 bcal_cosmic_ts hd_bcal.tsg_fadc
2019-12-02 12:02:11 0:05:25 227988 bcal_cosmic_ts hd_bcal.tsg_fadc BCAL cosmic trigger test
2019-12-02 11:01:21 0:15:36 8302 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-12-02 10:57:26 0:03:02 8074 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-12-02 10:55:42 0:01:05 1635 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-12-01 22:40:20 0:04:03 2061 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-12-01 22:34:41 0:01:11 2 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-12-01 22:32:02 0:01:07 76 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-12-01 21:54:26 0:06:47 105 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-12-01 21:26:20 0:01:43 16 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg Test
2019-11-30 17:50:10 0:01:31 12 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-11-30 17:46:27 0:00:30 54 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-11-28 14:52:35 2 days, 2:17:00 3 bcal_cosmic_ts hd_bcal.tsg_fadc
2019-11-28 14:15:47 0:03:11 3 bcal_cosmic_ts hd_bcal.tsg_fadc
2019-11-27 19:12:55 0:10:24 259592 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg 12 apv 300Hz
2019-11-27 19:04:47 0:00:33 26 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-27 17:56:34 0:03:11 589 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_bcal
2019-11-27 17:52:01 0:01:55 564 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_bcal
2019-11-27 17:39:11 0:03:04 17686 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2019-11-27 16:38:58 0:49:46 293985 BCAL_cosmic_TRD_raw hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nFDC3 pulser BCAL 100 hZ
2019-11-27 14:35:14 0:52:49 393959 BCAL_cosmic_TRD_raw hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nFDC3 pulser 500Hz
2019-11-27 13:34:01 0:00:00 3 BCAL_cosmic_TRD_raw hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nFDC3
2019-11-27 09:56:32 0:01:13 156289 FCAL_BCAL_PS_DIRC_TRD_m10 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-11-26 20:29:24 0:01:43 9108 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg ok 12
2019-11-26 20:24:35 0:00:34 2398 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 20:17:40 0:04:50 27651 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 20:13:14 0:00:00 3 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 20:10:11 0:01:17 3174 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 20:06:52 0:00:38 31 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 20:01:29 0:01:41 9787 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 19:56:05 0:01:47 111 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 19:33:31 0:00:41 39 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 19:09:25 0:02:43 31 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 19:02:48 0:00:00 3 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 18:57:46 0:00:27 24 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 18:53:12 0:00:00 3 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 18:12:45 0:02:24 64 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 18:03:17 0:00:00 3 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 17:49:53 0:00:00 3 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 17:45:50 0:00:00 3 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 17:38:32 0:00:00 3 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 17:34:26 0:00:00 3 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 17:22:40 0:02:06 592 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 16:54:12 0:06:48 198121 gem_trd_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 16:40:00 0:02:01 19323 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 16:24:50 0:01:41 50234 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 16:19:19 0:03:11 20670 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 16:11:13 0:00:00 3 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 16:05:13 0:00:00 3 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 16:02:03 0:00:00 3 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 14:17:20 0:00:45 17404 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nFDC3
2019-11-26 14:04:49 0:00:42 13842 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nFDC3
2019-11-26 13:28:37 0:02:06 54320 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nFDC3
2019-11-26 13:15:58 0:02:38 73050 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nFDC3
2019-11-26 13:05:52 0:00:00 3 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nFDC3
2019-11-26 12:14:23 0:02:03 56155 gem_trd_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 12:09:52 0:03:05 80860 gem_trd_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 11:43:47 0:00:00 3 gem_trd_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 11:32:00 0:00:00 3 gem_trd_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg
None -1
2019-11-26 10:52:42 0:02:25 67043 gem_trd_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-26 04:11:43 0:01:24 64383 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 04:09:30 0:01:18 64345 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 04:07:28 0:01:14 64400 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 04:04:58 0:01:37 64305 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 03:57:48 0:01:20 32114 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 03:55:40 0:01:12 64280 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 03:53:40 0:01:12 64422 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 03:51:17 0:01:20 64436 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 03:48:59 0:01:32 64327 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 03:42:11 0:05:42 64367 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 03:39:50 0:01:30 64378 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 03:37:24 0:01:17 64437 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 03:31:00 0:02:57 64351 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 03:28:44 0:01:22 64333 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 03:26:32 0:01:14 64390 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 03:24:11 0:01:11 64379 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 01:07:35 0:01:18 64325 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-26 00:55:58 0:00:40 42575 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-25 17:42:59 2:15:10 4044823 gem_trd_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg Test
2019-11-25 17:33:21 0:06:06 167078 gem_trd_pulser_m10 hd_gem_trd.tsg
2019-11-25 17:18:17 0:00:18 14776 tagm_pulser.cnf hd_tagm.ti
2019-11-25 16:22:00 0:00:21 4804 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_nFDC3
2019-11-25 15:56:43 0:06:10 484610 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_nFDC3
2019-11-25 12:30:55 0:06:30 1887363 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_sock DIRC dark rate run with lights OFF after final darkening work. New thresholds from run 70495 and all HV at 900 V.
2019-11-25 12:23:42 0:04:29 1301363 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_sock DIRC dark rate run with lights OFF after final darkening work. New thresholds from run 70495 and all HV at 1000 V.
2019-11-25 11:48:19 0:04:42 1357163 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_sock DIRC dark rate run with lights on after final darkening work. New thresholds from run 70495 and all HV at 1000 V.
2019-11-25 11:32:26 0:06:14 1821003 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_sock DIRC dark rate run with lights on after final darkening work. New thresholds from run 70495 and all HV at 900 V.
None 2 DIRC_calib hd_all.tsg_dirc_sock
2019-11-25 10:17:14 0:04:52 1075243 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_sock DIRC dark rate with lights on after darkening work 1000 V.
2019-11-25 10:07:40 0:07:14 2122003 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_sock DIRC dark rate run with lights on after final darkening work.
None -1
None -1
2019-11-24 17:47:01 0:38:36 230880 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-11-24 16:53:32 0:42:21 253539 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-11-24 16:43:52 0:04:11 354453 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2019-11-24 16:19:48 0:19:33 43334 bcal_led_m10 hd_bcal.tsg
2019-11-24 12:20:07 3:55:00 8580481 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-11-23 22:52:02 13:19:00 6583243 BCAL_cosmic_raw hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-11-23 22:44:49 0:02:15 39926 trd_gem_pulser_m10 hd_trd_gem.tsg
2019-11-23 22:38:58 0:01:02 4 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-11-23 22:27:48 0:06:03 92 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-11-23 21:32:22 0:08:08 565732 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg