
Showing runs: 70726 - 70956. 200 runs per page. Total runs: 24825
Start time
Run config
Run type
2019-12-11 11:24:03 0:00:00 3 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-11 11:10:48 0:00:00 2 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-11 10:45:36 0:02:53 38 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9_GEM hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-11 10:37:34 0:00:01 3 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-11 10:14:08 0:00:00 3 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-11 08:17:13 0:11:48 13108041 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-11 07:56:27 0:05:04 1451912 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12
2019-12-11 07:30:04 0:13:38 4042799 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12
2019-12-11 06:51:30 0:07:41 5192841 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12 DIRC LED data with ADC and TDC hits readout!!!!
2019-12-11 06:45:32 0:01:49 477416 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof12
2019-12-11 06:18:24 0:09:57 2776448 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof
2019-12-11 05:58:36 0:10:18 2888563 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc
None -1
2019-12-11 03:30:44 1:52:35 65667972 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC commissioning; nominal configuration: 150nA, 4.5*10^-4 Al radiator
2019-12-11 02:23:04 1:06:08 24609868 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC commissioning; nominal condition; but mostly LED
2019-12-11 01:52:05 0:00:00 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-11 01:20:52 0:00:00 10163 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-11 01:09:25 0:05:59 12499571 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC commissioning; 150 nA, 4.5*10^-4 Al radiator; hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD, FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9.conf;
2019-12-11 00:10:07 0:49:27 15165399 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-10 23:53:45 0:05:08 39765 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg
2019-12-10 20:03:45 0:00:46 159804 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-10 19:54:46 0:01:20 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_rocs_tcp cDAQ all+DIRC+TRD cosmic
None -1
2019-12-10 19:28:53 0:01:31 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp cDAQ cosmic
2019-12-10 19:22:39 0:00:43 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
None -1
2019-12-10 16:27:21 0:00:00 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2019-12-10 15:43:26 0:01:00 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_rocs_tcp
2019-12-10 15:09:03 0:05:01 8575965 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_3threads
2019-12-10 15:00:42 0:03:48 8558086 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_3threads
2019-12-10 14:41:09 0:14:14 52048970 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg
2019-12-10 14:31:18 0:03:30 143002 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2019-12-10 14:22:03 0:03:31 144642 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg test COSMIC
2019-12-10 14:11:56 0:04:40 69 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg
2019-12-10 13:26:31 0:01:42 14303 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg
2019-12-10 13:22:21 0:02:11 22 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg
2019-12-10 13:12:29 0:08:19 131 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg
2019-12-10 12:16:01 0:47:54 288974 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg
2019-12-09 22:05:17 0:00:42 3934 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg
2019-12-09 21:33:27 0:00:00 3 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg
2019-12-09 21:08:11 0:00:00 3 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg
2019-12-09 21:01:26 0:02:42 38252 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg
2019-12-09 20:55:29 0:02:12 21 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg
2019-12-09 19:58:42 0:07:06 110 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg
2019-12-09 19:52:42 0:02:21 25 fcal_cosmic_ts hd_fcal.tsg
2019-12-09 15:55:19 0:00:01 3 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2019-12-09 10:06:03 0:02:19 553 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg_cosmic2
2019-12-09 09:45:26 0:00:02 3 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg
2019-12-09 09:41:12 0:01:38 535 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg TRG_CALIB
2019-12-09 09:36:59 0:02:20 551 TRG_CALIB_raw_b1 hd_all.tsg PED CALIBRATION
2019-12-09 05:07:40 0:20:00 21870152 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC commissioning; 150 nA, 4*10^-4 Al
2019-12-09 04:51:25 0:00:00 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-09 04:37:49 0:00:00 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-09 03:22:37 0:00:00 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-09 03:07:57 0:00:00 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-09 02:49:07 0:00:00 66283 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-09 01:32:21 0:00:00 2 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 23:30:06 2:00:27 227747412 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC commissioning; 150nA, 4.5*10^-4 Al, ~35kHz, ~98% live time, hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD, FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9.conf
2019-12-08 21:58:53 1:28:41 185224804 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 21:39:55 0:11:07 13662413 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 21:01:01 0:29:43 59150040 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 20:39:08 0:14:14 27184370 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD 4.5E-4 AL 40um, 150nA, DIRC Commissioning
2019-12-08 20:13:08 0:21:20 24167686 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 18:24:28 1:38:37 181516809 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 18:03:48 0:13:43 26888979 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 17:36:13 0:18:14 32121814 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 17:16:09 0:14:25 26169326 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 16:47:40 0:00:00 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 14:17:21 2:00:33 244348713 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 13:25:20 0:46:59 1041276 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD GEM1 GEM 2 21 samples; WC trd mode = 5 ; APV Application Summary APV Trigger Control Mode 4 TrgBurst 6 Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2 Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112 Status 0x03fffe Event Build Ch Enable Mask 0x0ff0 Capture Window 3500 Mode 2 Data Format 0 Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8 Readout is Disabled (0x0)
2019-12-08 13:19:03 0:02:14 45750 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 13:10:43 0:01:13 22098 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD GEM1 GEM2 21 samples APV Application Summary APV Trigger Control Mode 4 TrgBurst 6 Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2 Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112 Status 0x03fffe Event Build Ch Enable Mask 0x0ff0 Capture Window 3500 Mode 2 Data Format 0 Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8 Readout is Disabled (0x0)
2019-12-08 12:48:04 0:14:25 364348 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD GEM1+ GEM2 WC TRD mode=5 500 Hz; APV Application Summary APV Trigger Control Mode 4 TrgBurst 2 Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 9 Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112 Status 0x03fffe Event Build Ch Enable Mask 0x0ff0 Capture Window 1500 Mode 2 Data Format 0 Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8 Readout is Disabled (0x0)
2019-12-08 12:41:17 0:03:14 73191 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD GEM1+GEM2 TRD WC in RAW mode; 500 Hz ; APV Application Summary APV Trigger Control Mode 4 TrgBurst 2 Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 9 Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112 Status 0x03fffe Event Build Ch Enable Mask 0x0ff0 Capture Window 1500 Mode 2 Data Format 0 Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8 Readout is Disabled (0x0)
2019-12-08 12:12:20 0:23:00 2734948 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9_GEM hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD GEM2 9 samples; 3kHz ; APV Application Summary APV Trigger Control Mode 4 TrgBurst 2 Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 9 Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112 Status 0x03fffe Event Build Ch Enable Mask 0x0f00 Capture Window 1500 Mode 2 Data Format 0 Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8 Readout is Disabled (0x0)
2019-12-08 12:02:11 0:00:28 27 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9_GEM hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 09:53:25 2:03:06 192562068 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 07:44:58 2:06:25 204193366 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD Continuing DIRC commissioning runs.
2019-12-08 06:35:19 0:54:12 79883845 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-08 02:30:04 0:50:15 89044072 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD 4.5E-4 AL 40um, 150nA, DIRC Commissioning
2019-12-08 02:04:33 0:19:54 29728522 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC Commissioning 150 nA 4.5*10^-4 RL radiator
2019-12-08 00:48:39 1:10:02 100713109 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC Commissioning 150nA, 4.5*10^-4 RL radiator in Goniometer
2019-12-07 23:05:24 1:37:23 140074148 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD 4.5E-4 Al, 40uA amorphous, DIRC commissioning, 150nA.
2019-12-07 19:02:50 2:07:35 218986946 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-07 18:48:15 0:07:51 2337205 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC LED bias 12.4 V
2019-12-07 18:41:35 0:04:23 1259819 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC LED bias 14.4 V. Previous run was actually 13.4 V.
2019-12-07 18:25:24 0:14:11 5146524 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC LED bias 14.3
2019-12-07 17:58:18 0:00:00 83 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-07 17:29:32 0:00:00 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-07 17:10:13 0:11:25 23037182 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-07 16:43:41 0:00:01 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-07 16:17:47 0:00:00 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-07 15:40:13 0:17:45 30876066 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC Commissioning, as 70844
2019-12-07 13:27:18 1:54:46 220466993 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC Commissioning. 150 nA, 4.5x10^-4 RL Al radiator
2019-12-07 11:51:50 0:02:36 5107307 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-07 11:35:36 0:14:09 20287965 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC commissioning
2019-12-07 10:52:45 0:11:08 10072905 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC commissioning 50 nA
2019-12-07 09:50:32 0:08:27 9125573 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC commissioning: 100 nA current for initial lower intensity point.
2019-12-07 09:36:31 0:00:00 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-07 09:26:32 0:00:00 2083 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-07 09:11:04 0:04:13 7160418 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-07 08:57:26 0:08:07 11295441 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD DIRC commissioning: now including TAGM crates after Richard's scan and trying to add TRD (f125). DIRC LED pulser increased to 5kHz.
2019-12-07 07:05:39 1:43:26 178371017 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1 DIRC commissioning
2019-12-07 05:00:53 2:02:44 184599708 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1 DIRC commissioning
2019-12-07 02:56:04 1:58:17 201571110 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1 DIRC commissioning
2019-12-07 02:32:48 0:00:01 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1
2019-12-07 01:32:18 0:00:21 652003 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1
2019-12-06 23:24:29 2:05:40 203903712 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1 DIRC commissioning CDC-2125, TOF-1150
2019-12-06 23:01:13 0:21:08 34916721 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1 CDC-1975, TOF-1075
2019-12-06 22:26:15 0:32:25 35050137 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1 CDC-2025, TOF-1100
2019-12-06 22:03:41 0:20:10 35292020 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1 CDC-1900, TOF-1125
2019-12-06 21:39:24 0:20:50 36831080 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1 CDC-1950, TOF-1300
2019-12-06 21:14:23 0:22:38 34535916 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1 CDC-2000, TOF-1275
2019-12-06 20:49:28 0:22:10 34372945 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1 CDC-2050V, TOF-1250
2019-12-06 20:25:24 0:19:15 34538582 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1
2019-12-06 20:02:36 0:16:38 26294603 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1
2019-12-06 19:39:03 0:16:03 22540485 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1 CDC2100V,TOF 1200V
2019-12-06 19:13:54 0:20:46 35248354 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_nTAGM1 CDC 2150V,TOF 1175V
2019-12-06 19:06:52 0:00:00 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-06 18:35:09 0:22:41 40153240 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12 CDC 2150V, TOF 1150V
2019-12-06 18:25:01 0:00:00 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_noTAGM12
2019-12-06 17:18:55 0:00:42 152819 DIRC_LED_tof10 hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof
2019-12-06 17:14:38 0:00:48 170924 DIRC_LED_tof10 hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof
2019-12-06 17:01:51 0:03:46 301770 DIRC_LED_tof10 hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof
2019-12-06 16:50:13 0:04:32 66350 DIRC_LED_tof10 hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED run, bias 12.4V, 5kHz rate, HV950, 150 nA Beam, equalizeVer1_DAC100_Pedestal70495
2019-12-06 16:39:06 0:05:23 1316238 DIRC_LED_tof10 hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED run, bias 12.4V, 5kHz rate, HV900, 50 nA Beam, equalizeVer1_DAC100_Pedestal70495
2019-12-06 16:19:41 0:14:33 4300812 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED run, bias 12.4V, 5kHz rate, HV1075, 50 nA Beam, equalizeVer1_DAC100_Pedestal70495
2019-12-06 16:02:44 0:14:24 4101086 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED run, bias 12.4V, 5kHz rate, HV950, 50 nA Beam, equalizeVer1_DAC100_Pedestal70495
2019-12-06 15:44:08 0:13:53 4106158 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED run, bias 12.4V, 5kHz rate, HV1050, 50 nA Beam, equalizeVer1_DAC100_Pedestal70495
2019-12-06 15:24:55 0:14:55 4262218 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED Dark run, bias 0V, 5kHz rate, HV1000, 50 nA Beam, unityGain_DAC100_Pedestal70495
2019-12-06 15:07:00 0:14:21 4233846 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED pulser run, 12.4V bias, HV1000, 5kHz rate, Beam 80 nA, equalizeVer1_DAC50_Pedestal70495
2019-12-06 14:48:41 0:14:15 4209329 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED pulser run, 12.4 bias, HV1000, 5kHz, Beam 80nA, unityGain_DAC25_Pedestal70495
2019-12-06 14:28:49 0:15:16 4492987 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED pulser run, bias = 12.4V, HV1000, 5kHz rate, BEAM 80nA, unityGain_DAC50_Pedestal70495
2019-12-06 14:07:26 0:13:59 4132762 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED pulser run, bias = 12.4V, 5kHz event rate, 80nA BEAM, HV1000, unityGain_DAC100_Pedestal70495
2019-12-06 13:53:10 0:08:52 2577745 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED pulser run, LED bias = 12.4V, event rate 5kHz, 100% live time, HV1000, unityGain_DAC200_Pedestal70495
2019-12-06 13:37:58 0:09:16 2705550 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED pulser run, LED bias = 12.4V, 5kHz event rate, HV1000, unity gain unityGain_DAC200_Pedestal70495, ~4M events
2019-12-06 13:17:50 0:13:43 4050592 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED pulser run, LED bias = 12.4V, 5kHz event rate, 100% live time, HV1000, equalizeVer1_DAC200_Pedestal70495, ~4M events
2019-12-06 13:01:08 0:13:39 4030986 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED pulser run, LED bias = 12.4V, 5kHz event rate, 100% live time, equalizeVer1_DAC50_Pedestal70495, HV1000, ~4M events
2019-12-06 12:53:25 0:02:31 737669 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof
2019-12-06 12:27:37 0:15:23 4130565 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED Dark Run. LED bias = off, pulse rate = 5kHz, HV1000, equalizeVer1_DAC100_Pedestal70495. ~4M events
2019-12-06 11:58:35 0:14:39 4183893 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED Pulser, bias = 12.4 V, pulse rate = 5kHz. HV = 1000. equalizeVer1_DAC100_Pedestal70495. 100% live time. 4M events
2019-12-06 11:04:02 0:24:01 935336 BCAL_cosmic_prod hd_all.tsg Cosmic run to test monitoring. Ignore.
None -1
None -1
None -1
None -1
None -1
2019-12-06 08:29:02 0:01:07 213804 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED ref DISC thr 8
2019-12-06 08:15:58 0:09:03 145244 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED SiPM test
2019-12-06 08:09:48 0:01:11 296724 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof
2019-12-06 06:45:40 0:36:57 72303 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 TRD straight track data but GEM SRS excluded (modified FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9.conf to have "USE_GEM 0"). So only have hits from the Wire TRD in until GEM SRS error resolved. Last straight track run.
2019-12-06 06:30:27 0:01:10 62 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 Still GEM SRS error after power cycling both SRS crate and roctrd1
2019-12-06 06:17:51 0:01:05 36 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-06 06:03:27 0:01:09 55 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 still GEM SRS error
2019-12-06 05:48:06 0:00:00 4 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-06 05:39:58 0:02:11 77 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-06 05:32:40 0:01:11 290324 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof
2019-12-06 05:25:58 0:02:11 515263 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof
2019-12-06 05:13:00 0:06:15 916176 DIRC_LED hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof DIRC LED run with hd_all.tsg_dirc_tof setup file to test LED SiPM monitor. Still don't see TDC signal.
2019-12-06 03:58:36 1:08:12 3850 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-06 02:09:02 1:43:53 214897 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-06 01:57:49 0:00:47 35 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 23:34:05 1:41:41 43315 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 Good signals. GEM1 + GEM2 + GEMTRD/APV; APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 2; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 9; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0x3ff0 Capture Window 1500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 23:20:50 0:09:30 21712 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 Signal !; GEM2+GEMTRD; APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 2; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 9; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0xff00 Capture Window 1500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 23:14:35 0:02:33 5549 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 ; APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 2; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 9; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0xff00 Capture Window 1500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 23:02:22 0:09:17 21002 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 Signals !! GEM2 + GEMTRD/APV; APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 4; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 5; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0xff00 Capture Window 2500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 22:43:00 0:15:17 35735 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 Signals !! GEM2 + GEMTRD; APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 4; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0xff00 Capture Window 2500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 22:36:09 0:02:32 4214 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 4; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0xff00 Capture Window 2500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 22:31:00 0:02:14 4040 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 4; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0xff00 Capture Window 2500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 22:23:37 0:03:49 8693 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 4; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0xff00 Capture Window 2000; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 22:16:55 0:03:09 4051 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 22:06:03 0:07:05 9617 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 21:54:14 0:06:42 14343 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 ; APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 2; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0xff00 Capture Window 950; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 21:45:07 0:04:10 9155 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 no signals-; APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 6; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0x00ff Capture Window 3500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 21:36:36 0:05:26 12748 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 first two gems: uW and GEM1 no signals ; APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 6; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0x00ff Capture Window 3500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 21:18:41 0:11:40 26841 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 Signals !! from GEMTRD !! and GEM2
2019-12-05 21:02:52 0:00:00 3 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 6; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0xff00 Capture Window 3500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 20:40:47 0:13:10 31177 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 6; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0xff00 Capture Window 3500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 20:35:14 0:01:44 75 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 6; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0xfff0 Capture Window 3500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 20:28:56 0:01:41 104 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 6; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03ffff;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0xfff0 Capture Window 3500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 20:22:39 0:01:25 161 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 20:09:24 0:00:01 3 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 20:01:02 0:03:45 232 FCAL_TRACK_CENT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 19:01:56 0:01:14 42 FCAL_TRACK_RIGHT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-05 18:40:35 0:02:28 92 FCAL_TRACK_RIGHT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD
2019-12-05 18:32:23 0:00:29 4 gem_trd+GEM_pulser_m9 hd_gem_trd.tsg
None -1
None -1
None -1
2019-12-05 16:28:07 0:00:00 3 FCAL_BCAL_PS_GEM_m910 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 16:15:19 0:01:14 116 FCAL_BCAL_PS_GEM_m910 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
None -1
2019-12-05 14:53:38 0:17:53 935 FCAL_TRACK_RIGHT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 13:44:52 1:06:44 79454 FCAL_TRACK_RIGHT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 APV Application Summary;; APV Trigger Control; Mode 4 TrgBurst 6; Trigger Seq Period 4 Trigger Delay 2; Test Pulse Delay 127 RO Sync 112; Status 0x03fffe;; Event Build; Ch Enable Mask 0x0fff Capture Window 3500; Mode 2 Data Format 0; Event Info Data 0xaa000bb8;; Readout is Disabled (0x0);;
2019-12-05 12:50:08 0:06:21 98 FCAL_TRACK_RIGHT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 12:31:12 0:10:58 557 FCAL_TRACK_RIGHT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 11:59:14 0:16:45 12732 FCAL_TRACK_RIGHT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 11:52:59 0:02:39 2393 FCAL_TRACK_RIGHT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1 First TRD straight track run in beam right position.
2019-12-05 11:41:46 0:01:47 604 FCAL_TRACK_RIGHT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1
2019-12-05 11:37:24 0:01:57 656 FCAL_TRACK_RIGHT_m9 hd_all.tsg_DIRC_TRD_nTAGM1