
Showing runs: 51342 - 51567. 200 runs per page. Total runs: 24825
Start time
Run config
Run type
2018-11-17 10:15:29 1:28:15 153528947 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg peak Energy 8.8GeV, Orientation Para 0/90 Radiator JD70-105 47um. Event rate 40 kHz live time 98 %
2018-11-17 07:58:10 2:12:14 163606208 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg beam energy 11.6 GeV, Amorphous Radiator, Event rate 40kHz, live time 99 %
2018-11-17 06:08:20 1:11:07 151484290 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg peak 8.8 GeV, orientation PARA 45/135. Radiator JD70-105 47 um. Event rate 42kHz live time 99.8 %
2018-11-17 04:25:54 1:18:05 148573968 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg peak energy 8.8 GeV, Orientation PERP 45/135, Radiator JD70-105 47um. event rate 40kHz, live time 99%.
2018-11-17 03:18:39 1:05:48 151297587 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg PERP 45/135 200nA
2018-11-17 01:55:54 1:17:17 150884253 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg PERP 0/90 200nA
2018-11-17 00:44:55 1:09:40 150120732 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg PERP 0/90 200nA
2018-11-16 23:23:25 1:16:19 149881586 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg PARA 0/90 200nA.
2018-11-16 22:00:32 1:21:03 150461975 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg PARA 0/90 200nA
2018-11-16 20:40:10 1:15:06 155418200 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200nA, 4.5e-4 AMO, full target
2018-11-16 20:04:20 0:31:32 6494783 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg Raw mode, AMO 4.5x10^-4 , 200nA. Target is filling.
2018-11-16 18:59:08 1:00:42 30977966 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Empty rarget run, 200nA, 4.5x10^-4 radiator
2018-11-16 18:02:56 0:48:33 5609077 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC
2018-11-16 12:42:44 5:11:35 25124790 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC TAC run
2018-11-16 12:24:28 0:15:46 1785809 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC
2018-11-16 12:19:35 0:03:28 321811 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC
2018-11-16 12:00:00 0:15:29 1545445 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC
2018-11-16 11:34:16 0:17:24 1562087 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC
2018-11-16 09:34:56 0:02:42 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-16 09:32:00 0:00:22 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-16 09:23:42 0:05:21 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-16 06:08:57 0:58:29 123139644 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 8.8 GeV coherent peak, JD70-105 47 um 45/135 PARA,
2018-11-16 05:43:35 0:18:14 34742938 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 8.8 GeV coherent peak, JD70-105 47 um 45/135 PARA, plan to record 94 M events as needed from last run
2018-11-16 03:46:35 1:55:01 264489813 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 8.8 GeV coherent peak, JD70-105 47 um 45/135 PERP
2018-11-16 02:42:00 0:58:05 118334627 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-16 02:26:39 0:00:34 3124 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-15 22:35:51 1:46:40 182589417 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-15 21:48:36 0:45:23 75404153 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 0/90 PARA 47um 200nA
2018-11-15 21:42:26 0:00:30 2484 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg junk
2018-11-15 19:26:57 2:06:32 226928323 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 0/90 PARA 47um, 200nA
2018-11-15 19:15:41 0:01:32 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-15 19:00:10 0:00:00 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-15 18:53:15 0:00:10 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-15 15:26:22 1:52:03 131705 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal Cosmics with ComCal
2018-11-15 11:42:44 1:04:03 150454630 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 4.5E-4 Al AMO,
2018-11-15 08:01:04 0:30:25 60138019 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-15 06:44:08 1:08:02 150885546 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 4.5E-4 Al AMO,
2018-11-15 04:59:51 1:00:02 135575988 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-15 03:57:22 0:49:42 116254446 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 8.8 GeV coherent peak, JD70-105 47 um 45/135 PARA
2018-11-15 02:54:32 1:00:26 146336046 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 8.8 coherent peak, JD70-105 47 um 45/135 PERP, plan to record another ~150 M as needed to complete the 300 M from run 51518
2018-11-15 01:39:12 1:08:01 154292827 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-15 00:20:43 1:13:55 173102876 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 8.8 GeV coherent peak, JD70-105 47 um diamond 0/90 PERP
2018-11-14 23:08:48 1:06:56 131651971 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 0/90 PERP, 200nA, 47um JD70-105, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 8.8 GeV coherent peak
2018-11-14 20:56:47 2:09:51 272800396 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 0/90 PARA, 200nA
2018-11-14 18:58:52 0:20:23 30250819 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 0/90 PARA, 200nA 47um
2018-11-14 17:44:54 1:08:44 152642808 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 4.5E-4 Al AMO, Plan: Collect 150M events
2018-11-14 15:55:06 1:42:25 240551484 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200nA beam current, 11.6GeV beam energy, 47um diamond 45/135 PARA, Plan: continue to collect 151M events to finish stats from previous run
2018-11-14 14:41:11 1:10:37 149158424 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200nA beam current, 11.6GeV beam energy, 47um diamon 45/135 PARA, Plan: collect 300M events
2018-11-14 12:00:44 2:15:04 300949995 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA, D70-105 47um RL 45/135 PERP orientation, event rate 45kHz, live time 98 %
2018-11-14 11:26:05 0:24:12 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-14 07:50:55 2:16:46 300169217 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, Egamma = 8.8GeV, 47um 0/90 PREP, plan to collect 300 M events, live time 97.9 %
2018-11-14 06:04:49 1:32:53 209649068 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, Egamma = 8.8GeV, 47um 0/90 PARA, plan to collect 210 M events
2018-11-14 05:22:49 0:35:37 89872719 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, Egamma = 8.8GeV, 47um 0/90 PARA, plan to collect 300M events, live time 97.8, event rate 45kHz
2018-11-14 03:58:21 1:07:41 150405422 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 4.5 x 10-4 Al 40 um Radiator, event rate 45kHz, event rate 98.1 plan to record 150 M event
2018-11-14 03:12:48 0:39:21 94299783 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 8.8 GeV coherent peak, JD70-105 47 um 45/135 PARA, plan to record 94 M events as needed from last run
2018-11-14 01:36:36 1:31:56 206234815 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 8.8 GeV coherent peak, JD70-105 47 um 45/135 PARA, plan to record 300 M events
2018-11-14 01:07:04 0:25:18 61206398 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam, 8.8 GeV coherent peak, JD 70-105 47 um 45/135 PERP, plan 60 M more events in this orientation
2018-11-14 01:00:05 0:05:47 10026615 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Junk while waiting on better beam position
2018-11-14 00:39:07 0:10:46 25203592 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 8.8 GeV coherent peak, 47 um 45/135 PERP, plan to collect 60 M to complete orientation from last run
2018-11-13 22:46:48 1:50:20 239099400 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 8.8 Gev coherent peak, 47 um 45/135 PERP, plan to collect 300 M
2018-11-13 20:19:06 2:11:00 300817478 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 8.8 GeV coherent peak, 0/90 PERP, for 300 M events
2018-11-13 17:53:37 2:21:15 301055199 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, Egamma = 8.8GeV, 47um 0/90 PARA, plan to collect 300M events
2018-11-13 17:21:02 0:04:06 42662 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg junk
2018-11-13 16:27:22 0:12:53 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 16:05:16 0:17:46 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 15:19:40 0:36:54 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 15:13:05 0:02:02 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 15:08:41 0:00:20 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 14:45:12 0:17:48 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 14:29:42 0:10:05 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 14:25:33 0:00:28 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 13:55:36 0:00:41 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 13:50:44 0:00:39 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 13:37:30 0:09:19 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 12:46:20 0:34:47 0 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 12:31:26 0:00:44 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 12:19:29 0:02:41 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 12:09:24 0:02:04 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 11:54:47 0:00:34 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 10:20:18 0:01:03 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-13 10:07:31 0:05:39 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 18:34:42 0:03:07 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 18:16:18 0:00:48 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 18:11:59 0:00:00 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 18:06:31 0:00:22 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 17:32:23 0:00:18 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 17:15:24 0:01:05 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 16:55:08 0:01:28 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 16:48:54 0:00:30 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 16:17:40 0:02:41 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 15:59:04 0:00:22 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 14:57:04 0:01:06 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 14:32:55 0:01:02 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 12:03:18 0:01:41 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 11:55:57 0:02:13 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 11:48:41 0:02:13 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 11:43:40 0:01:11 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-12 06:29:16 0:55:37 23849060 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 40nA, 4.5e-4 Al AMO, event rate : 9kHz, live time: 99.7%
2018-11-12 04:17:19 2:08:14 53272257 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 40nA, 4.5e-4 Al AMO, event rate : 9kHz, live time: 99.7%
2018-11-12 02:53:46 1:20:48 61538758 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 45/135 deg, PARA Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.0 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.5%, event rate ~13.5 kHz.
2018-11-12 01:20:02 1:31:57 61210427 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 45/135 PERP, 40nA
2018-11-11 23:49:55 1:27:03 51044197 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 40nA, 47um 0/90 PERP
2018-11-11 23:32:43 0:03:33 51454 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-11 22:44:50 0:46:26 10870981 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg JD70-105 47um PERP 0/90
2018-11-11 22:00:55 0:39:54 17350110 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg JD70-105 47um PARA 0/90
2018-11-11 17:20:17 1:24:50 43002473 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 0/90 deg, PARA Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.0 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.6%, event rate ~13 kHz.
2018-11-11 15:07:43 1:48:32 53083063 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is AMO, Target Full, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~9kHz.
2018-11-11 13:14:12 1:51:03 54066346 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is AMO, Target Full, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.8%, event rate ~9kHz.
2018-11-11 11:23:32 1:48:21 53377122 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is AMO, Target Full, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.8%, event rate ~9kHz.
2018-11-11 09:02:09 1:45:48 60121041 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 45/135 deg, PARA Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.0 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.6%, event rate ~13 kHz.
2018-11-11 07:22:44 1:36:00 60091658 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 45/135 deg, PERP Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.0 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.6%, event rate ~13 kHz.
2018-11-11 05:48:57 1:30:17 60239136 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 0/90 deg, PERP Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.0 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~13 kHz.
2018-11-11 03:50:12 1:57:08 60098383 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 0/90 deg, PARA Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.0 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-11 01:24:47 2:21:28 60178342 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 40nA beam AMO 4.5e-4 radiator
2018-11-10 23:02:53 2:19:20 69558297 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-10 21:07:18 0:01:34 12937 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg test for Sasha
2018-11-10 10:06:59 1:32:55 36157016 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is AMO, Target Full, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.8%, event rate ~8kHz.
2018-11-10 07:55:22 2:07:06 60103738 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 45/135 deg, PARA Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.0 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-10 05:31:33 2:03:59 57058538 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 45/135 deg, PERP Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.0 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-10 03:57:04 1:29:06 60123642 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 0/90 deg, PERP Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.0 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-10 02:18:42 1:35:19 60210965 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is 47um 0/90 PARA, Target Full, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate 12kHz.
2018-11-10 00:07:03 2:04:01 53400514 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is AMO, Target Full, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate 9kHz.
2018-11-09 22:12:09 1:52:47 53334786 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is AMO, Target Full, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate 9kHz.
2018-11-09 21:26:33 0:42:29 20644821 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is AMO, Target Full, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate 9kHz.
2018-11-09 19:38:19 1:26:35 38601675 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-09 19:22:27 0:11:49 7481936 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 45/135 deg, PARA Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.0 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-09 19:06:04 0:08:10 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-09 18:59:46 0:03:03 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-09 18:47:33 0:03:26 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-09 18:33:26 0:10:09 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-09 18:27:42 0:02:34 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-09 17:18:47 1:04:38 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-09 17:08:46 0:04:05 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-09 16:32:22 0:08:11 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-09 15:56:17 0:01:40 0 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg_rocs_tcp
2018-11-09 15:28:51 0:05:29 152856 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-09 13:50:45 1:22:46 52840335 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 45/135 deg, PARA Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.0 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-09 12:14:07 1:31:50 60173495 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-09 10:32:14 1:30:50 60247017 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 0/90 deg, PERP Target Full, coherent peak position: 7 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.6%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-09 10:11:06 0:02:17 57125 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-09 10:05:33 0:02:21 15733 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m10 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-09 09:38:13 0:13:10 5902882 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-09 06:50:15 1:33:58 61332690 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 0/90 deg, PARA Target Full, coherent peak position: 7 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.6%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-09 04:23:27 2:19:21 53447298 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is 4.5x10-4 Al 40um, AMO Target Full, coherent peak position: 7 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.8%, event rate ~8 kHz
2018-11-09 02:28:16 1:52:54 53360599 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is 4.5x10-4 Al 40um, AMO Target Full, coherent peak position: 7 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.8%, event rate ~8 kHz
2018-11-09 00:29:31 1:56:07 53672533 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-08 22:38:53 1:31:04 61664940 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 45/135 deg, PARA Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.0 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-08 21:43:44 0:47:52 33054637 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 45/135 deg, PERP Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.018 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-08 20:42:13 0:42:31 26942134 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 45/135 deg, PERP Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.018 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-08 18:49:53 1:34:48 60155025 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 0/90 deg, PERP Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.000 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-08 17:21:34 1:25:44 60400250 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 0/90 deg, PARA Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.018 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-08 15:18:49 1:56:02 53140340 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is 4.5x10-4 Al 40um, AMO Target Full, coherent peak position: 7 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.8%, event rate ~8 kHz.
2018-11-08 13:04:03 2:13:06 53302372 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is 4.5x10-4 Al 40um, AMO Target Full, coherent peak position: 7 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.8%, event rate ~8 kHz.
2018-11-08 11:05:46 1:56:52 53089236 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is 4.5x10-4 Al 40um, AMO Target Full, coherent peak position: 7 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.8%, event rate ~8 kHz.
2018-11-08 09:12:41 1:44:29 60256892 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-08 07:48:05 1:11:14 50189701 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 45/135 deg, PERP Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.018 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-08 06:34:49 0:22:17 10318260 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 45/135 deg, PERP Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.018 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.6%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-08 05:25:07 0:58:28 28201203 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 0/90 deg, PERP Target Full, coherent peak position: 7 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz
2018-11-08 03:25:43 0:49:24 29113221 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 0/90 deg, PERP Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.018 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-08 02:34:38 0:18:21 3130788 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 0/90 deg, PERP Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.018 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-08 00:40:40 1:42:59 60054637 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg Radiator is JD70-105 47um, 0/90 deg, PARA Target Full, coherent peak position: 7.018 GeV, 40 nA, no alarms, livetime 99.7%, event rate ~12.5 kHz.
2018-11-07 23:36:44 0:08:12 1522058 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg junk
2018-11-07 23:22:55 0:02:38 39475 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-07 23:05:16 0:05:36 72213 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-07 22:56:34 0:01:01 84 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC
2018-11-07 17:57:41 4:15:07 20163222 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC TAC run. V-wire. Beam current 50nA event rate 1.5kHz TAC rate ~210k
2018-11-07 12:34:03 1:49:14 12737215 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC
2018-11-07 11:29:57 0:59:58 4774306 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC Test
2018-11-07 11:28:21 0:00:40 42964 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC
2018-11-07 11:25:07 0:00:48 8324 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC Test
2018-11-07 11:23:12 0:00:25 8124 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC
2018-11-07 10:59:02 0:09:10 649557 PS_TAC_m10 hd_all.tsg-BEAMLINE_TAC
2018-11-07 09:25:47 0:46:46 457899 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-07 09:22:48 0:01:48 15858 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-07 08:55:00 0:19:43 47798851 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-07 06:39:35 1:49:15 252283023 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg JD70-105 47um Diamond 45/135 PERP, 200nA, 46kHz, 98% live time
2018-11-07 06:06:16 0:29:28 69505487 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg JD70-105 47um Diamond 0/90 PERP, 200nA, 46kHz, 98% live time,
2018-11-06 20:51:28 1:54:17 247766921 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg
2018-11-06 18:44:31 2:05:19 303585324 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200nA beam current, 11.6 GeV beam energy, 47um 0/90deg PARA, collect 300M events
2018-11-06 17:27:07 1:13:42 157248164 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current, AMO radiator, collect 150M
2018-11-06 16:32:00 0:51:35 115271700 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam on 45/135 PARA, plan to collect 110M evets to complete two previous production runs
2018-11-06 15:26:07 1:00:37 119666760 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg 200 nA beam current on 45/135 PARA, plan to collect 230M events to finish stats on this configuration
2018-11-06 13:49:29 0:24:51 269829 FCAL_BCAL_PS_m9 hd_all.tsg cosmic
2018-11-06 12:58:27 0:03:09 19425724 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth
2018-11-06 12:47:48 0:08:41 54728189 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth
2018-11-06 12:35:23 0:08:09 10391820 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth
2018-11-06 12:16:51 0:08:09 12481900 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth
2018-11-06 12:07:46 0:06:09 33783014 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth daq test
2018-11-06 12:00:07 0:02:23 7714992 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth
2018-11-06 11:49:58 0:05:27 33561328 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth daq test
2018-11-06 11:37:05 0:09:40 60271123 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth
2018-11-06 11:26:04 0:08:19 51516061 unset hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth
2018-11-06 11:17:18 0:02:03 390343 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth
2018-11-06 11:09:03 0:02:12 8894866 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth
2018-11-06 11:00:28 0:04:05 82183 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth
2018-11-06 10:53:16 0:01:12 14407 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth
2018-11-06 10:32:59 0:15:10 99580122 TRG_CDC_BUSY hd_all.tsg_2FILEs_eth daq test
2018-11-06 10:24:18 0:03:07 83369 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2018-11-06 10:18:39 0:02:34 80320 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal
2018-11-06 10:11:20 0:03:29 82153 CCAL_m10 hd_all.tsg_ccal