GlueX Offline Meeting, November 4, 2009
The meeting will be at 2:00 pm in CEBAF Center A110
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Video Conferencing
A) ESNet: 8542553
B) EVO: direct meeting link
Talks can be deposited in the directory /group/halld/www/halldweb/html/talks/2009-11
on the JLab CUE (you have to be a member of the "halld" Unix group). This directory is accessible from the web at .
- Review minutes from last meeting: all
- Announcements
- Meeting time schedule decision
- Hall D Group Membership: Elliott
- GlueX Coding Conventions: David
- Parameterized B-field: David
- Action item review: all
JLab: Craig Bookwalter, Mark Ito (chair), David Lawrence, Sascha Somov, Simon Taylor, Aram Teymurazyan, Elliott Wolin, Beni Zihlmann
UConn: Richard Jones
Review of Last Meeting's Minutes
We glanced over the items from the October 21 meeting. No additional discussion was generated.
Meeting Time: We looked at the scheduler and settled on Tuesday at 2:00 pm as a suitable time for regular bi-weekly meetings. The next offline meeting will therefore be on Tuesday, November 17.
Hall D Group Membership
Elliott led us through the list of members of the "halld" Unix group at JLab. IT Division has suggested that we review the list and drop those users who do not need the associated privileges. Elliott will drop the obvious candidates from the list.
GlueX Coding Conventions
David presented the results of his editorial work on the CLEO conventions that we agreed to use as a starting point for our own conventions. We went over on a few items that David, Richard and Elliott flagged as requiring discussion. We came to some conclusions on most of them:
- drop namespace requirement for variables in a library
- drop prohibition against inline constructor
- "at least one constructor" not "defined default constructor"
- c not k for constants
- lack of virtual destructor causes compiler errors, drop the rule
- "if (!p)" where p is a pointer, is not that bad
- go ahead and declare more than one variable per line
- "use doxygen style comments" not "use //"
- drop the integer less than greater than thing for testing intervals
- scripts for skeletal template should include link to coding standards[?]
- there was significant controversy over tabs vs. spaces for indenting code
- there was controversy over the capitalization of function names
Alex and Mark asked what constitutes thread safe code. The answer is not simple.
We did not decide what to do from here on what to do with these rules.
Parameterized B-field
David presented his work on parametrizing the magnetic field. He does a series of fits to a set of orthogonal polynomials resulting in a two-dimensional functional form for the field in r and z. The using the parametrization saves in start up time and memory usage but access to the field values is slower compared to using a field map. Suggestions were made on how things could be speeded up.
Action Item Review
We went over the list. Some things need crossing off. We decided to drop the trajectory curvature correction in HDGeant from the list and add it back should need for it arise.
New Action Items
- Schedule a presentation on OSG from Richard -> Mark
- Schedule discussion of a "warning-free code" policy -> Craig