May 5, 2008 Calorimetry
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- The meeting will be held at 10:30 am ET
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Reference Documents
- Previous minutes: April 21, 2008 Calorimetry
- Schedule, Tracker and Drawings (gluex pass)
- Schedule
- BCAL Update
- Report on the visit to Alberta (George/Zisis)
- Fiber Specifications (Elton)
- Fiber Testing (evaluation, production)
- FCAL Update
- FADC time resolution measurement (Mihajlo)
- Calibration system update (Christina)
- Collaboration meeting On the schedule we have 1:15 min (what do we want to report? who?)
- FCAL: a) results of light guide surface treatment, b) mechanical cell wall design c) timing measurements using the FADC
- BCAL: a) Construction b) Readout/SiPMs, (Carl can give an update on JLab measurements)
- Calibration:
- Monte Carlo:
- Any other business
Participants: Elton, Beni, ELke, Christina, Matt. Mihajlo, John, Zisis, Andrei, George
- Report on the visit to Alberta Media:UofAMeeting080429.pdf; increased role of Alberta; scheduling on the CNC machine
- Fiber specs: Elton update the specs on the DocDB ([1]) with all comments he received. It can be sent on to procurement to prepare for a bid package. Regina findings in connection to the manufacturer's claim of fiber spectral response and no of photons produced per MeV were discussed. A NIM article is in preparation.
- Fiber Testing: new parallel setup at JLab, absolute light output measurement, to accommodate SiPM in one line and fibers in the other.
- FCAL: see link above to presentation for the collaboration meeting. We need VXS compatibility.
- Calibration and Monitoring (see link above).
- Collaboration Meeting Preparations
- FCAL: 25 min; see above (Mihajlo will present); will go after Calibration and before BCAL.
- BCAL: two sessions totaling 40 min each; Elton will contact Curtis to change agenda and use Electronics time for the calorimetry section. Carl will need 30 min, and Calorimetry Review final report discussion (30 min).
- Calibration: 10 min plus a summary slide of detector requirements. We will start with Calibration.
- Monte Carlo: Zisis will contact David and present standalone BCAL stuff during the Thu afternoon session.
- Other business: Fall collaboration meeting dates should be fixed at next week's meeting.