Sep 17, 2020 Calorimeter
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Meeting Time: 11:00 a.m. JLab time
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Participant Direct Lines
- JLab Phone in CC L207 is 757-269-7084 (usual room)
- JLab Phone: in CC F326 is 757-269-6460
- Phone in the Regina Video-conference Suite is 306-585-4204
- Athens Phone: in Christina's office is 011-30-210-727-6947
- FCAL HDFCAL log book
- BCAL HDBCAL log book
- Calibrations: 2020 Data Production; RunPeriod-2019-11 Validation; Offline Monitoring Data Validation
Goals for Calorimetry Group
- Determine preliminary photon reconstruction efficiencies as a function of E, phi and theta in data and simulation with a point-to-point precision of at least 5%.
- Measure systematics of pi0/eta mass calibration as a function of detector position to a precision of at least 5 MeV.
- Demonstrate agreement of photon reconstruction efficiency and resolution between data and simulation as a function of E, phi and theta to within 5%.
Action Items
- Short term
- Hadronic split off studies
- Covariance matrices for photons
- BCAL Wiki reorganization -> All
- Long term items
- Complete Calorimeter work packages
Tentative Agenda
- Announcements
- Action Items
- Run Update
- Monitoring
- BCAL (offline)
- FCAL (offline)
- Calibration
- Efficiency
- Reconstruction
- Simulations
- Any other business
Attending: Christina, Igal, Jon, Karthik, Mark, Matt, Rebecca, Sean, Tolga, Varun, Zisis, Colin, Susan
- Announcements
- We decided to move the CALWG meeting from Thursdays to Wednesdays at the same time slot, starting on Oct 14.
- Action Items: nothing to report.
- Run Update
- FCAL: Mark reported that we have nominal operation and keeping up with bases and communications fixes. There are about 200 bases that max out on current when they are on and this often leads to HV failure. They also show higher temp, difference from set points (normally 20-30V that can be as high as 100 V). A plan will be made to tackle these during the Scheduled Accelerator Down (SAD).
- BCAL: Mark reported that BCAL operation is nominal.
- Monitoring
- BCAL LED: Varun said that things are nominal following daily checks during the run.
- BCAL (offline): There are no new batches available to check. Tolga reported that the offline Hydra plot labeller is not working properly and has contacted Thomas.
- FCAL (offline): Susan is finalizing her spreadsheet with worrisome upper quadrant in the FCAL and examining time hits/RMS/hit energy structures. It should be finalized this weekend. Next would be to work with v17. A lenghty discussion ensued. Matt suggested that it would be good to follow the PrimEx detailed work (day-by-day, run-by-run) on bad channels and come up with an updated map of these (current one is from 2017 and is stale). Susan uses the plugin from Chandra, which has a 'complete solution' all the way to the db. Rebecca's preliminary work on efficiencies show that the data-MC discrepancy is worse in 2018 data sets as compared to 2017. Should we eliminate the bad channels just in MC or in both data and MC? Mark pointed out that some channels are dead whereas others go off, or droop or flicker. Matt said that in principle we can measure the flicker with LEDs and build this behaviour into the MC (ie don't deaden the channel but apply a flicker factor). The decision to remove a channel completely depends on the desired precision out of the MC. Priority action item: update constants (piggy-back on PrimEx method) and start with the F2018 data set.
- Calibration
- FCAL: Igal presented an update on the FCAL calibration: it is almost done. New pedestals and new calibrations are done for each day of running. The process is fairly automatic and generates relevant plots; it takes only one full day to process all data. Sometimes is takes 20 iterations but this is unusual. The extracted sigmas as 7.5 for Be and 24 for He. Plots were shown as a function of ring location. There enough stats up to and including ring 22; 23 and 24 are low on stats, so fits are done by summing up all channels in those rings so a 'ring calibration' is done for those in the place of a 'block calibration'. Compton slides were also presented. Energy correction is applied, which shifts the peak centrods to the +ve side. Rings 5-6 look better. Matt pointed out that the non-linear energy correction leads to an increase in the pi0 widths after ring 15; the eta is massive enough to break the correlation to the non-linearity. Next steps: Igal will verify that the He data is ok after the next monitoring launch.
- BCAL: Karthik has been making passes over the summer data set, with all steps including non-linear energy correction. The mass of the pi0 looks fairly flat as a function of run number. Sean advise to hold off further refinements until the CDC calibrations have been fine tuned.
- Efficiency: nothing to report.
- Reconstruction: nothing to report.
- Simulations: nothing to report.
- Any other business: none.