JEF meeting, February 7, 2025
From GlueXWiki
Meeting time and location:
- 9:30 am EST (JLab time) remote only
- Connection information
Preparation of parts for ECAL -- Sasha
- -New LMS light source is ready [1]. Will be installed and checked during next week. Parts for holding reference PMTs are ready.
-Installation of the FCAL2 detector & integration to GlueX -- Sasha, All
- Implementing ECAL into the GlueX DAQ [2]
- - Six VTPs have been installed, firmware loaded
- - Testing GTP trigger using individual ECAL VXS crates [3]
- Commissioning the entire detector using the LMS (signal waveforms)
- ECAL HV interlock check [6]
- HV module failed during cosmic run [7]
- Tuning HV settings [8]
- Material in front of the ECAL, TOF absorber [9][10]
- Temperature scan in the ECAL divider region [11][12][13]
- Preparing for the run -- Sasha
- Page for shift Takers
- ECAL in the Experimental Safety Assessment Document (ESAD)
- EPAS for Maintenance of the Hall D ECAL (Jlab-PTW-5236)
Restoring PS test setup [19]
- Working on the plan for testing calorimeter prototype
ECAL commissioning -- Sasha, All Calibrations
- Update on calibration with cosmic ray -- Zhikun
Abstract for the SPIE conference
Preparations for readiness review
- FCAL2 software -- Simon
Attendees: Jane, Zhikun, Liping, Igal, Sasha, Axel, Mac, Drew, Bill, Zisis, Olga, Vlad, S.T.
- During long cosmic run found voltages off due to tripping HV interlock
- Over-temperature due to slight shift in position of fans
- Ran with lower ADC threshold, possible due to recalibration of baseline
- Zhikun showed the results of analyzing recent cosmic runs
- Updated HV settings (3rd iteration) to bring peak positions closer to 8 counts above baseline
- Considering setting calibration peak at 10-12 counts
- HV limit = 1.05 kV, could in principle raise to 1.1-1.2 kV
- Updated HV settings (3rd iteration) to bring peak positions closer to 8 counts above baseline
- New firmware for global trigger needed to be installed on replacement GTP
- Storing archive of signal waveforms from LMS to help tracking health of detector over time
- Run with current LMS, then with upgraded LED light source
- We discussed preparations for the readiness review
- Impact of temperature gradient on non-linearity of response, pulse shape, light response, ...
- How long to wait for stability after access and restoration of HV?
- Simon showed some draft slides on software status
- Impact of temperature gradient on non-linearity of response, pulse shape, light response, ...